Good night the Steemian Indonesia wherever you are, May you always in the protection of God Almighty.
Selamat malam para Steemian Indonesia dimanapun anda berada, semoga kalian selalu dalam lindungan Tuhan Yang Maha Esa.
This time I will show some pictures that I take using Xioami redmi note 4 + Aukey macro lens.
Kali ini saya akan memperlihatkan beberapa gambar yang saya ambil menggunakan kamera Xiaomi redmi note 4 + lensa makro Aukey
I found this insect above the Ashoka flower plant that was in the front yard of my house
Saya menemukan serangga ini di atas tanaman bunga Asoka yang berada dihalaman depan rumah saya
Katydid are insects belonging to the family Tettigoniidae known for their ability to disguise themselves to deceive predators who want to eat them.
Katydid adalah serangga yang tergolong dalam keluarga Tettigoniidae yang terkenal akan kemampuanya berkamuflase guna mengelabui para pemangsa yang ingin menyantapnya.
For those of you who want to know much about this insect, please click on the Source text below
Bagi anda yang ingin mengetahui lebih banyak tentang serangga ini, Silakan klik pada tulisan Source yang berada di bawah ini.
I hope you like it
saya harap Anda menyukainya..
Follow @aiqabrago to see the next post in your feed & Reblogged this post if you want your followers to see this post.
Ikuti @aiqabrago untuk melihat postingan berikutnya di feed Anda & Resteem postingan ini jika Anda menginginkan pengikut Anda melihat postingan ini.
if you like macro photography, please visit the link below :
jika anda menyukai photography makro, Silakan kunjungi link di bawah ini :
Macro Photography : Kumbang Koksi
Macro Photography : Wereng Pohon
Some crazy details going on there with these insects. I can't believe you found one that size just outside your house. That would scare the crap outta me, lol!
That montage is really cool and mesmerizing all at once. I love ladybugs so that has to be my fav.
Really interesting post. Thank you. :)
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hahaha, apparently you can joke too..Lol
Thank you very much my friend 😊
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Nice shoot!!
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Thanks @hadimemories
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kerennya foto, caranya memotret sperti harus belajar sama bg @aiqabrago
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Bg @aiqabrago
Neu saweu long sigege :)
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Great shoot, foto yang berkelas bang @aiqabrago, ajari teknik photo makro nya lah bang...
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Hehehe, entar klu ketemu tak ajari yoo bg @dodybireun 😉
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memang saya salute sma @aiqabrago ... spesialis macro-photography ... foto-fotonya makin mantap
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Terima kasih bg @steem77
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Sama-sama .. saya bangga bisa bersua dengan curator indonesia @aiqabrago
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Nice picture..
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Gambar yang bagus... Bagaimana cara mengambil photo sebagus itu menggunakan redmi note 4... Saya terkadang memakai Xiaomi..
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Gampang kok bg, cuma menambahkan lensa makro 😊 di Xiaomi redmi notenya..hehehe
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No doubt brother. You are so pro. Satu kata "splendid". Thanks!
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You are also amazing, Thanks again Brother @abduhawab 😎
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Bagus sekali pak gambar yang anda bagikan, semoga anda semakin sukses, upvote, resteem and follow me @mucha
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Terima kasih banyak @mucha 😊
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Nice photo @aiqabrago
Benar2 sangat indah 😁
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Terima kasih banyak kak @silvia
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Wow amazing macro :D
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Thanks @crissimoes
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Indahnya super sekali bg @aiqabrago. Semoga sukses selalu. Salam Komunitas Steemit Indonesia (KSI).
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Terima kasih @zamzamiali :D
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Sama-sama bg @aiqabrago
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Duku waktu kecil sering lihat seranngga ini, tapi sekarang jarang liat serangga ini, kemanakah mereka?
Jadi ingat masa kecil, keen
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Dulu bg @kunrishartanto :D
Sebenarnya mereka ada disekitar kita, cuma kita saja yang tidak memperdulikannya :)
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Luar biasa gambarnya.
Semangat selalu @aiqabrago...
Sukses selalu untuk anda...
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Terima kasih banyak @boyelleq
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Terima kasih @klen.civil 😉
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Thanks for sharing bang
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waduh koq serem yah mas. .
ternyata wajahnya garang sekali. . .hahahah
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Curator Indonesia @aiqbrago .. memang mantap .. fotonya makin kinclong .. Jd pengen coba deh
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photo yang luar biasa sekali...saya ingin belajar bagaimana cara memphoto yang benar dan fokus seperti gambar ini....
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Keren, atau karena kameranya wkwkwk
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Hai @aiqabrago ini sangat keren 👌🏻
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Those pics are really kool bro! Keep it up!
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WOOW !! If I saw that insect in my garden it would really scare me .. hahahaha great! very good photos, congratulations
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Mantap @aiqabrago follow @husna28
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Awesome that nyan Bang Bro...hehehe
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Good post bg @aiqabrago..
gambar yang sangat indah. .👍👍
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So beautifully taken, specially the third one. just loved it.
i am also trying to do some macro but none of those are so good like yours, but yeah i am trying to.may be i could get some tips from you though.
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Postingan yang bagus bang @aiqabrago
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