Exhibition to introduce Indonesian cultural richness. In Kediri, East Java. Keris lovers held an exhibition at a modern shopping center. With this exhibition is expected to see and understand the younger generation of kris, which has been established by UNESCO as a world cultural heritage.
Thousands of keris of various types and pamor exhibited by the community of lovers of kris Kediri. The kris exhibition that was held in Kediri and Keris lovers titled Keris Jenggala is part of the anniversary of Kediri City to 1138. The various kris that was displayed in the exhibition came from several royal era, such as the time of Majapahit kingdom, Singosari, Panjalu and Mataram. A number of kris complementary accessories are also exhibited in the event.
In the title of this kris exhibition attracted the attention of a number of visitors of the modern shopping center. They take the time to see, and get to know more about the kris. The visitors of the exhibition can also find out the type of kris through writing a description prepared by the committee in each keris.
Have you ever heard of Keris? This keris is one of Indonesian culture, which has been recognized by the international community. Besides as a weapon, kris also has a value of philosophy that has not been widely known in general.