IND-kakak saya lucu-ENG-My sister is cute (2 language:indonesia-english)

in indonesia •  8 years ago 

Saudaraku sangat suka berpose dimana dia selalu memotret dirinya sendiri, apapun kostum yang dia gunakan selalu dia foto, terkadang aku kesal melihat sikabnya yang tak bisa jauh dari foto, haha itu adikku, dan aku posting ke akun ini semoga aku Teman semua seperti foto saudara laki-laki saya,
Terima kasih

My brother is very fond of posing where he always photographs himself, whatever costume he used he always photo, sometimes I was annoyed to see sikabnya that can not be far from the photo, haha that's my sister, and I post to this account hopefully My friends all like my brother's photos,
thank you

thank you waiting

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