RE: Handover | Pesan Moral Dalam Serah Terima Jabatan Ketua OSIS SMKN 3 Lhokseumawe

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Handover | Pesan Moral Dalam Serah Terima Jabatan Ketua OSIS SMKN 3 Lhokseumawe

in indonesia •  8 years ago 

Nice post Bro

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Subhanallah ... Incredible what is your picture and post @anamufaza... For starters I want to shout "living Palestine .. Living Palestine ... Living Palestine .. Living Palestinee .. Palestine is a blessed country, its land, its water, and its graces are blessed as well as humans in it too are blessed human beings. a land that has long been occupied by Israel and its allies but is still unbeaten to this day, proving that Palestine is the land of the winners, their faith is a faith that will always be guarded by Allah SWT.Help God always help our brothers, their patience and strength so that the Israeli invaders could soon be expelled from Al Aqsa Amiinn Allahumma Aamiinn !!