friends will be with you when you fall

in indonesia •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hal yang sulit ketika semua yg baik tiba-tiba akan menjadi buruk, dan lebih sulit ketika harus memutuskan untuk bertahan atau melepaskan.
Sahabat adalah mereka yg mungkin tak bersamamu ketika kamu sukses, namun mereka yang pasti bersamamu ketika kamu terjatuh.

Things are tough when all the good ones suddenly will get worse, and more difficult when it comes to deciding to survive or let go.
Companions are those who may not be with you when you succeed, but those who are sure to be with you when you fall.

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Opportunities come infrequently. When it rains gold, put out the bucket, not the thimble

a friend is a person more important than a boyfriend ,,, be friendly with people who will accept anything about us