Missing when I first started surfing on Steemit (billingual)

in indonesia •  4 years ago 

Today, when the heavens bathe the earth, a sad morning for a group of humans. However, a romantic atmosphere for others. What is the meaning of rain this morning? There may be a story behind all this.

Suddenly I thought back, when I first started surfing on Steemit. For some reason, the story seems even more vague. There is something strange. These days, I see lots of content owners who play both worlds, steemit and hive blog.

He said there was a problem. It is possible that it comes from the growth of account holders. It's natural. But problems do happen. Though, I still miss a National gathering of content writers and creators.

A sad morning for me. Somehow. When those memories emerge. My mood is the same as the rain today.


Hari ini, saat langit memandikan bumi, pagi yang sendu bagi sekelompok manusia. Tetapi, suasana romantis bagi yang lain. Apakah makna hujan di pagi ini? Mungkin ada cerita di balik semua ini.

Tiba-tiba aku teringat kembali, kapan pertama kali mulai berselancar di steemit. Entah kenapa, kisah itu sepertinya semakin kabur. Ada yang aneh. Beberapa hari ini, aku melihat banyak pemilik konten yang memainkan dua dunia, steemit dan hive blog.

Katanya ada sebuah persoalan. Mungkin saja itu terjadi dari pertumbuhan para pemilik akun. Wajar. Tapi masalah bisa terjadi. Padahal, aku masih merindukan suatu pertemuan Nasional dari para penulis dan kreator konten.

Pagi yang sendu bagi diriku. Entah kenapa. Saat kenangan-kenangan itu muncul. Suasana hati ku sama dengan hujan saat ini.

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