the spiritual healing (spiritual untuk kesehatan)

in indonesia •  7 years ago 

.Etymologically the word "sprit" comes from the Latin word "spiritus", which means "spirit, soul, soul, self-awareness, unbalanced form, breath of life, life." In subsequent development the word spirit is interpreted more broadly. The philosopher, connotes the "spirit" with (1) the power that animates and energizes the cosmos, (2) awareness related to ability, desire, and intelligence, (3) the immaterial beings, (4) the ideal form of the intellect (intellect, rationality, morality, purity or divinity)

 Secara etimologi kata “sprit” berasal dari kata Latin “spiritus”, yang diantaranya berarti “roh, jiwa, sukma, kesadaran diri, wujud tak berbadan, nafas hidup, nyawa hidup.” Dalam perkembangan selanjutnya kata spirit diartikan secara lebih luas lagi. Para filosuf, mengonotasian “spirit” dengan (1) kekuatan yang menganimasi dan memberi energi pada cosmos, (2) kesadaran yang berkaitan dengan kemampuan, keinginan, dan intelegensi, (3) makhluk immaterial, (4) wujud ideal akal pikiran (intelektualitas, rasionalitas, moralitas, kesucian atau keilahian).¹

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