** Tamu Baru **
Kemarin, Kamis, 2 November 2017, sekira pukul 12.00 Wib, ketika pulang ke rumah dari rumah sakit, kakak perempuan saya kaget melihat ada tamu baru di belakang rumahnya.
Dengan tubuh mungil dan dipenuhi lendir serta darah yang masih segar, tamu baru itu tersimpuh diatas rerumputan tanah tanpa suara. Dia hanya diam menerima jilatan lidah membersihkan sisa-sisa lendir dan darah yang masih menempel pada tabuhnya.
Anak sapi jantan yang baru dilahirkan dari induknya Kamis 2 November 2017
Tamu baru itu adalah satu ekor anak sapi jantan yang baru beberapa menit dilahirkan oleh induknya di belakang rumah kakak perempuan saya. Kehadiran bayi sapi jantan itu bukan hanya tamu baru dalam kandang yang selama ini di huni oleh sepasang induknya, namun juga menjadi rejeki bagi kakak perempuan saya yang baru pulang dari rumah sakit membawa suaminya berobat, karena patah kaki akibat kecelakaan lalulintas beberapa waktu lalu.
Induk sapi sedang merawat anak yang baru dilahirkan
Kini, dengan kehadiran anak sapi jantan tersebut semangat kakak perempuan saya untuk mengurus hewan ternaknya semakin tinggi. Bila sebelumnya dia hanya memotong 1 goni rumput, kini dia harus memotong lebih agar keluarga sapinya dapat makan cukup.
Melindungi anak dari gangguan luar
Walaupun dia juga harus mengurus suaminya yang terbaring di tempat tidur karena masih dalam perawatan, hadirnya anak sapi jantan ini semakin menambah semangatnya untuk terus mandiri menata rejeki yang diberikan tuhan.
** New Guests **
Yesterday, Thursday, November 2, 2017, at around 12.00 WIB, when I returned home from the hospital, my sister was surprised to see a new guest behind her house.
With a tiny body and filled with mucus and fresh blood, the new guest was huddled over the grass of the earth silently. He just silently received a lick of tongue clean the remnants of mucus and blood that is still attached to his tabuh.
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The new calf born from its mother Thursday 2 November 2017
The new guest was a bull calf just minutes from the mother behind my sister's house. The presence of the baby bull was not just a new guest in a cage that had been inhabited by a pair of mothers, but also a fortune for my sister who had just returned from the hospital to bring her husband for treatment, because of broken legs due to traffic accidents some time ago.
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The mother cow is taking care of the newborn child
Now, with the presence of the calf the spirit of my sister to take care of her livestock is getting taller. If previously he had only cut a jute of grass, now he must cut more so that his cattle family can eat enough.
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Protect the child from outside interference
Although he also had to take care of her husband who was lying in bed because it is still in care, the presence of this calf increasingly increasing his spirits to continue to self-regulate the fortune that God gave.
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good post
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Iya, rejeki tuk idul adha 2 taon kedepan... Hehe
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Meuraseuki that meureumpok agam.
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Hahahaha yang nan jih agam, chit sabe meuraseuki...
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Tamu baru apa rezeki baru pak😁😁
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Dua-duanya, sipat tak duapat luet... Hahaha
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Telah kami upvote yaa..
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Trims ya, @puncakbukit
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Kaceh aneuk nyan leumo
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Ka bg kajet persiapan meugang ukeu... Haha
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