Generation of steemit

in indonesia •  7 years ago 

dear steemian

*Steemit is no longer a taboo in Indonesian society especially Aceh, from government to lower society. Steemit gives a new vehicle for the younger generation and becomes a very good inspiration for the community.* # *why is steemit so popular and fast growing around the world?*
*here the content is good and depends on the user steemit. the future of steemit is on us, useful content, full of scientific, many motivations or we make waste with useless writing.*

what is the benefit of steemit forward and using it in a useful way?

a new starting steemit and I think it's very good. we write the material here and become a refference center that will be in search otang, just like google, youtube and wikipedia.

>*this is the message conveyed by the senior steemit Indonesia in the meetup held in Chapter Aceh Utara, Community Steemit Indonesia.*
# *conculation*

2018 a new beginning, let's fix it and the system in a better post, useful, science and do not make steemit the center of waste.

steemit there in the US, where we will use contains this and avoid plagiarism image and plagiarism posts.

From me

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Thank's you

U are welcome


Turimong gaseh aduen

Luar biasa bg @baroen96, saya rasa steemit akan melahirkan para penulis yang dikenal oleh dunia, karna bagi saya steemit bukan hanya menghasilkan tapi juga mengajarkan, terus berkarya dan sukses selalu untuk kita semua.

Terima kasih atas spotnya, dan salam juga

Saya sagat senang melihat sudah ada komonitas seteemit indonesia di aceh utara igin saya bergabung

Mantap, semoga sukses selalu,