A Happy Couple #2 at Mulawarman Museum, Tenggarong, Kutai Kartanegara, East Kalimantan (Borneo), Indonesia

in indonesia •  7 years ago 


Mulawarman Museum is located at Jl. Diponegoro Tenggarong, Kutai Kartanegara, East Kalimantan, Indonesia, about 3 hours drive from Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan International Airport Balikpapan
Museum Mulawarman lokasinya di Jl. Diponegoro Tenggarong, Kutai Kartanegara, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia, sekitar 3 jam perjalanan darat dari Bandar Udara Internasional Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan Balikpapan
Inside the Mulawarman Museum are stored historical objects used by Kutai Sultanate such as Throne, Bed, Sultanate Dress, Spear, Keris, Gun, Necklace and Yupa Inscription and Chinese Ceramic Collection
Di dalam Museum Mulawarman tersimpan benda-benda sejarah yang pernah digunakan oleh Kesultanan Kutai seperti Singgasana, Tempat Peraduan, Pakaian Kesultanan, Tombak, Keris, Pistol, Kalung dan Prasasti Yupa serta Koleksi Keramik Cina. 2.JPG.

Mulawarman Museum has objects that related with the Dayak Tribe, the natives of Borneo, beside of the sharp weapons called Mandau there is also Ulap Doyo, which is a kind of traditional loom made by Dayak Tribe
Museum Mulawarman juga mempunyai benda-benda yang berhubungan dengan Suku Dayak, penduduk asli Kalimantan, selain senjata tajam berupa Mandau ada juga Ulap Doyo, yaitu sejenis alat tenun tradisional khas buatan Suku Dayak.6.JPG.7.JPG.8.JPG.9.JPG.10.JPG

Mulawarman Museum is open everyday (close on Fridays) from 09:00 to 16:00, to enter the museum area, visitors are required to buy entrance ticket with the price
Childrean/Students: Rp 1.500/person
Adult: Rp 3.500/person
Foreigners: Rp 5.000/person
Museum Mulawarman dibuka setiap harinya (kecuali hari Jum’at tutup) mulai 09:00 – 16:00 wita, Untuk memasuki area museum, pengunjung diharuskan membeli tiket masuk dengan harga
Anak-anak/pelajar : Rp 1.500/orang
Dewasa : Rp 3.500/orang
Warga Negara Asing : Rp 5.000/orang

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Thank you

Awesome pics and info!