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The World Wide Web (WWW) is a given term for all parts of the internet that a user can access via a web browser (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Opera, Mozilla, etc.). WWW consists of billions of websites, and every website also has enough web pages. The web pages are spread all over the world using a server computer that is also connected to the internet.
One of the advantages of WWW is the presence of hyperlinks. Suppose we type in a web address like www.nesabamedia.com, it will automatically change the text has a blue font color, and underlined and can be directly clicked. If a hyperlink is typed in a web page, then anyone can access the address listed on the hyperlink.
In order for a website to have a lot of visitors, generally the website designers put a lot of hyperlink traces on the websites they have to help web visitors find other related pages or sites.
History of the WWW from Time to Time

Tim Berners Lee, the inventor of the WWW
Until it can be used in the world of internet exploration today, it turns out WWW has also been through a long history. Here is a brief history of the WWW from the important events that lie behind it.
1989: Tim Berners Lee of CERN (Particle Physics Laboratory) located in Geneva proposes a protocol on the Internet that serves as an information distribution system, and enables a system for sharing information, even displaying them in graphics and spreading around the world. Previously, web browsers were created on a text basis.
1990: Tim Berners Lee has written three basic technologies that are the basis of the web to date, namely HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), URL (Uniform Resource Identifier), and HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol).
1991: Tim Berners Lee discovers WWW. At first, he had the need to compile an archive of his own researches, then he developed Equire and from which the birth of the WWW was born. In Equire, Berners Lee has managed to build a linked network between his archives which then facilitate information retrieval.
1993: Marc Andersen and his team from NCSA succeeded in creating graphical web browsers for X-Windows systems, and named them Mosaic. Then Mosaic became popular for both old and new users on the internet. NCSA developed another version of Mosaic for Windows, Macintosh, UNIX, and NeXT computers.
1994: Andersen broke away from NCSA, then with Jim Clark created Netscape which later replaced Mosaic's fame as a web browser. Also this year, CERN and MIT set up a consortium called the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) with the goal of building web technology standards.
1995: At the end of the year, there have been about 300,000 websites from which in the previous year only numbered 50 websites. In this year also WWW has succeeded in replacing FTP as the most high traffic network in internet.
2009: Tim Berners Lee builds the World Wide Web Foundation, which aims to share open web to the public.
WWW function

Search engine (Google), one example of WWW service
WWW function is broadly as a provider of data and information required by internet users. WWW directly connects internet users to various web services so that users can access data, documents, and various information. In general, there are four WWW services, which are web mail services, search engines, web hosting, and portals. The four will be explained on the points below.
Web Mail Service. From start to send personal letter, letter to apply for job, until for business interest, now almost everyone need web mail service service to be able to send electronic mail for free. The choice is now more and more, you can create a personal account on several websites available, such as www.yahoo.com, www.gmail.com, and so on.
Search Engine. With the increasing number of websites that are now estimated to have reached hundreds of millions of sites, then when finding out about one thing, people will be greatly helped by the existence of search engines, aka search engines. Just type in keywords to what you want to catch the picture and included obyektivitas in all activities.* item