in indonesia •  7 years ago 

After bringing the Children following the Hebrew Test of Qura'an Sulaimaniah Turkie. Arrival Lunch Time. Mie aceh ...., hm .. hm very tasty and tasty. It tastes very delicious and spicy, savory ... ooo. there are no two. For friends who come to Aceh do not forget to taWhatsApp Image 2018-03-17 at 21.07.01 (1).jpegste Mie Aceh, you will be hooked

WhatsApp Image 2018-03-17 at 21.07.01.jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2018-03-17 at 21.07.02 (1).jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2018-03-17 at 21.07.02.jpeg

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Good post and mie aceh

Hmm sedap..., kepengen ngerasain