remembering the garden atmosphere

in indonesia •  7 years ago 

Good evening steemian everything ...
The natural beauty of oil palm plantations
The cold wind that we can feel at that moment, like a breeze from heaven

Selamat malam steemian semuanya...
Keindahan alam kebun kelapa sawit
Sejuknya angin yang bisa kita rasakan saat itu juga, bagaikan hembusan angin dari surga


I have lived in mereubou village for 17 years,
At the beginning of 2018 this garden house is so memories of our family,
His garden has been sold at the end of 2017, because we have moved to the village camp.
Follow and vote me @dadaykoday

Saya pernah bermukim di desa mereubou selama 17 tahun,
Pada awal tahun 2018 rumah kebun ini jadi kenangan kami sekeluarga,
Kebun nya sudah terjual di akhir tahun 2017, karena kami sudah pindah ke desa kubu.
Follow and vote me @dadaykoday

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