NASIONAL IS ME. Merdeka!!!

in indonesia •  8 years ago 

Halo sahabat steemit,
Apa kabar kalian?
Semoga selalu di berikan kesehatan.

Tidak terasa sudah tiba di bulan agustus ya. Menurut kalian apa sih yang spesial di bulan ini? Kalau saya pribadi tentu sangat spesial ya. Karena pada bulan ini tepatnya tanggal 17 proklamasi kemerdekaan negara indonesia di bacakan oleh sang proklamator. Siapa coba? Coba yuk isi di kolom komen dan apa yang menarik di bulan ini ya guys.

![image]()Nah semarak hari kemerdekaan indonesia sudah mulai terlihat ni. Banyak para penjual bendera di pinggir pinggir jalan. Ini terletak di jalan ahmad yani kota pekan baru Di tempat kalian banyak tidak penjual bendera seperti ini?

Terima kasih sobat
**semoga kalian suka, untuk bentuk kepedulian please upvote,reSteem & follow @danarlutfi **

English sub Hello steemit friend, How are you? Hopefully always given the health.

It did not seem to have arrived in August. What do you think is special this month? If I personally would be very special yes. Because this month precisely on the 17th of Indonesia's independence proclamation read by the proclaimer. Who's trying? Try yuk fill in the comment field and what is interesting in this month yes guys.

! [Image] () Well the splendor of Indonesia's independence day has started to look ni. Many flag vendors on the sidewalk. It is located in ahmad yani street of new weekend city Where do you guys do not flag sellers like this?

Thank you buddy
** hope you guys like, for form of concern please upvote, reSteem & follow @danarlutfi **

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