Darma "community service" by the university is often connoted as an activity of providing assistance and services cumacuma to
the weak, economically incapable, and in a condition of backwardness. Such connotations are the result of a mistake in interpreting the term "devotion" as a "selfless activity." Even though,
the relief and service activities are only one form
from community service activities by universities, and not always
should be done cumacuma. In addition, all organizational components
universities can carry out darma devotion to this society, because
the implementation of the darma is not only the duty and obligation of the institution
functional services such as Community Service Institutions that have been specifically established by universities. Lecturers (either by students or groups),
Laboratories, Departments, and Research Centers, can also implement them in accordance with the form of relevant service activities.
Keywords: Devotion to society, tri dharma college
The results of monitoring during this time indicate that in general the implementation of darma
) Drs. Akhmad Riduwan, Ak., Is a lecturer at Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia (STIESIA) Surabaya
dedication to the community by universities has not done much in function
development, application and utilization of education and research products
(Sutrisno, 1996). Similarly, the target audience is more focused on
the community of users of certain classes who generally need help on a regular basis
free. This may be the result of a mistake in giving understanding
"Community service" only as "unconditional activities", so that
audiences who are targeted by the perpetrators of dedication to the community
by themselves are those (community groups) who expect help
for free anyway. As a result, devotion activities to the community that has been done.item