Liburan yang menyenangkan / Great holiday

in indonesia •  6 years ago 

Hai sahabat steemit, semoga kita masih di beri kesehatan dan semangat dalam hidup. Minggu lalu saya pergi bersama keluarga berlibur ke takengon.

Hi friend steemit, hopefully we are still given the health and spirit in life. Last week I went with family on vacation to takengon.




Senang rasanya melihat anak-anak bahagia karena pergi liburan, walaupun perjalanan jauh dan melelahkan tetapi begitu sampai tujuan rasa lelahpun hilang.

It was nice to see the kids happy to go on vacation, despite the long and exhausting journey but so until the goal of fatigue was gone.




Tempat wisata ini namanya bur telage yang terletak di daerah takengon aceh. Senang rasanya berada di sini selain pemamdangannya indah, udaranyapun masih sangat segar.

This tourist place is called bur telage located in takengon aceh area. It's good to be here besides the beautiful view, the udaranyapun is still very fresh.





Ini saja postingan saya semoga sahabat steemit menyukainya, vote dan ikuti saya ya,wassalam.

This is just my posting hopefully steemit friends like it, vote and follow me yes, wassalam.


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