Learn from nature | Flower from weeds - Photography

in indonesia •  7 years ago 

Hallo Stemians,

Flowers from weeds, for some people is a pest of plants but for others grass is an inspiration.

This time. I want to share some pictures of flowers from weeds with you. I took this picture by using a smartphone camera, Xiaomi Mi4 + macro lens and have been edited using Snapseed application.



Bunga dari rumput liar, bagi sebagian orang merupakan tanaman pengganggu namun bagi sebagian lainnya rumput merupakan inspirasi.

Kali ini. Saya ingin berbagi beberapa gambar bunga dari rumput liar dengan Anda. Gambar ini saya ambil dikebun dengan menggunakan kamera smartphone, Xiaomi Mi4 + lensa makro dan telah di edit menggunakan aplikasi Snapseed.



As humans, we are required to read, read sentences that are implied in nature. Read the signs and explore the wisdom that is there. [Andiero]

Sebagai manusia, kita diharuskan pandai membaca, membaca kalimat-kalimat yang tersirat di alam. Membaca tanda-tanda dan menggali hikmah yang terdapat disana. [Andiero]


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Amazing photography and nice picture and awesome nature i like your writing

Thank you, my friend

Thanks for reply my friend...Plzz upvotes my comments as your wish friend

Nice photo

Terimakasih kawan


indah bg @harferri
seperti menerawang ke alam mimpi

Asal jangan siang2 bermimpi :D
Terimakasih, sahabat @iamrifk

jadi mimpi di siang bolong dong 😀

Salh teungon phon...
. nyoe bak jalan

dicopi mas bro