Boarding and Natural Beauty (Dayah dan Keindahan Alam)

in indonesia •  7 years ago  (edited)

Alam begitu bersahabat dengan manusia dan lingkungannya begitu lembaga pendidikan Islam berada diantara hamparan dan oase kehidupan. Keberadaan Dayah (Pesantren) MUDI MASJID Raya Samalanga mampu menjawab persoalaan umat bukan hanya di daerahnya bahkan Aceh dunia sekalipun terlebih IAI Al-Aziziyah Samalanga mampu mewarnai dan berkontribusi untuk umat.

Sungguhindah dan menakjubkan pemandangannya.

Nature is so friendly with humans and the environment so the Islamic educational institutions between the overlay and the oasis of life. The existence of the Zawiya (religious schools) MUDI Mosque Samalanga was able to answer the subject the people not only in the regions of Aceh even though world first IAI Al-Aziziyah Samalanga capable of coloring and contribute to the people.

Sungguhindah and stunning scenery.

(Photo: the location of the MUDI and rice fields@Helmi Abu Bakar)

(Foto: Lokasi Dayah MUDI dan Persawahan, fotografer: حلمي ابوبكر)




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