Introduction to Regimen Duty part 2

in indonesia •  7 years ago  (edited)

Night Introduction to Basic Student Training Tasks Regiment

Malam Pengantar Tugas Pelatihan Siswa Dasar Resimen


Alumni Guiding Board and Senior and Resident Leaders Unit 103 Malikussaleh Universitas Gives Referral to Regiment Candidate


Dewan Pembina Alumni dan Para Senior dan Pimpinan Resiment Satuan 103 University Malikussaleh Memberikan Arahan Kepada Calon Resimen


Siswa Resimen Mahasiswa Persiapan..untuk mendengarkan arahan kegiatan Malam Pengantar Tugas...

Student Student Regiment Preparing for listening to the Introduction Night Task activity ...

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Hai, apa kabar @helmibireuen? Kami sudah upvote ya..

Terima kasih telah berkunjung @syehlah

Mantap brader postingannya.

Yuuups terima kasih atas atensinya @moersal
