pak gubernur

in indonesia •  7 years ago 

Aceh governor Irwandi Yusuf, confirmed the Darwati A Gani as the Mother Read Aceh, in Anjong Mon Mata, the Complex Meuligoe Governor, Monday, March 19, 2018.“Beusajan mother aneuk tatakteh, tapugoet bijeh nanggroe noble, beukayem read beukayem tuleh, tapeuthee Aceh sampoe u luwa.” image
Gubernur Aceh Irwandi Yusuf mengukuhkan Darwati A Gani sebagai Bunda Baca Aceh, di Anjong Mon Mata, Komplek Meuligoe Gubernur, Senin, 19 Maret 2018.

“Beusajan bunda aneuk tatakteh, tapugoet bijeh nanggroe mulia, beukayem baca beukayem tuleh, tapeuthee Aceh sampoe u luwa.” image

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