Total Moon Eclipse January 31, 2018, What's a Sign? / Gerhana Bulan Total 31 Januari 2018, Pertanda Apa?

in indonesia •  7 years ago 

Total Moon Eclipse January 31, 2018, What's a Sign?

The phenomenon of super-rare moon is predicted to occur on 31 January 2018 starting at 18:48 - 22:11 pm. The phenomenon of the lunar eclipse is predicted to occur for 3 hours 20 minutes more. The incident can also be seen throughout Indonesia from Sabang to Merauke, not least in North Aceh, and Lhokseumawe.

[source]( G-624x432.jpg

Called rare, because in the lunar eclipse event will occur three rare events. First month will look blood red or total lunar eclipse. Then the second event, the distance of the earth with the moon is very close and the third moon looks full. To see the natural phenomenon would require a device called a telescope.
[source]( Gerhana-Ternate-Indonesia.jpg

A number of campuses in Indonesia, including the Lhokseumawe State Islamic Institute (IAIN), will be preparing to witness this rare phenomenon in the Alue Awe Mosque area of Muara Dua Lhokseumawe sub-district. Of course for people who want to see can come directly to that location. Because it will be held lunar eclipse prayer.

[source]( infografik GBT 31 Januari Jam.jpg

Do natural phenomena have meaning? A number of dayah leaders mentioned that every natural event has a meaning. In the book of tajjul muluk mentioned if there is an eclipse in the month of Jumadil Awaal is a good omen for the community, and leaders.


The eclipse that occurred on January 31, 2018, is still included in the month of Jumad Awaal. "But this is a prediction as our knowledge alone. It could be true, and hopefully true, "said a dayah leader in Aceh Utara. (*)


Gerhana Bulan Total 31 Januari 2018, Pertanda Apa?

Fenomena bulan super langka diprediksi akan terjadi pada 31 Januar 2018 mulai dari pukul 18.48 – 22.11 WIB. Fenomena gerhana bulan tersebut diprediksi akan terjadi selama 3 jam 20 menit lebih. Peristiwa itu juga dapat dilihat seluruh Indonesia mulai dari Sabang sampai Merauke, tak terkecuali di Aceh Utara, dan Lhokseumawe.

[source]( G-624x432.jpg

Disebut langka, karena dalam peristiwa gerhana bulan akan terjadi tiga peristiwa langka. Pertama bulan akan terlihat merah darah atau gerhana bulan total. Lalu peristiwa kedua, jarak bumi dengan bulan tersebut sangat dekat dan ketiga bulan terlihat purnama. Untuk melihat fenomena alam tersebut tentu membutuhkan alat yang disebut teleskop.

[source]( Gerhana-Ternate-Indonesia.jpg

Sejumlah kampus di Indonesia, termasuk Institute Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Lhokseumawe akan mengadakan persiapan untuk menyaksikan fenomena langka ini di kawasan Masjid Alue Awe Kecamatan Muara Dua Lhokseumawe. Tentu bagi masyarakat yang ingin melihat dapat datang langsung ke lokasi tersebut. Karena akan diadakan shalat gerhana bulan.

[source]( infografik GBT 31 Januari Jam.jpg

Apakah fenomena alam memiliki makna? Sejumlah pimpinan dayah menyebutkan setiap peristiwa alam tersebut memiliki makna. Dalam kitab tajjul muluk disebutkan jika terjadi gerhana pada bulan Jumadil Awaal adalah pertanda baik bagi masyarakat, dan pemimpin.


Gerhana yang terjadi pada 31 Januari 2018, masih termasuk dalam bulan Jumadul Awaal. “Tapi ini prediksi sebagai pengetahuan kita saja. Bisa saja benar, dan mudah-mudahan benar,” kata seorang pimpinan dayah di Aceh Utara. (*)


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I see that you attempted to source the photos but try to make sure you actually link to them.

Just make sure you source any text/photos that arent yours.

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Thank you for all this
The photo is not my work, but I've helped the source of the photo. It may not be readable by the steeit application or it could be wrong in typing the source. Can be seen in my post this.

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Agreed. must include the source or reference of the photo taking. This is also what I did to my post entitled "Total Moon Eclipse January 31, 2018, Signs What ?," there is still writing source in the post, but there is no typing or unreadable by the application in steemit. Thank you for reminding.

kalo kata emak gue cuma 1... shalat gerhana jangan lupa...

Sepakat, salah satu caranya ya shalat gerhana


Kalau peringatan, semoga kita menyadarinya

This will be very interesting to find out if it will be visible from the U.K. hoping for a clear unclouded night .

For Indonesia from Sabang to Meurake can see means that all provinces can be seen, Britain is also a possibility

iiiii takut

iii @yahqan mentel dech

Gerhana adalah kekuasaan Allah, maka shalat khusuf itu sangat tepat

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

benar, yang sangat dianjurkan adalah ketika gerhana adalah shalat gerhana.

gerhana, baik bulan atau matahari adalah kondisi yang bahaya, dmana posisi bulan, matahari dan bumi berada dalam 1 garis lurus, yang menyebabkan medan magnet tidak seperti biasanya CMIIW

Semoga dijauhkan dari segala bahaya

Lon pike batei giok lumut, rupanya super moon lagoe hahahhaha

Beutoi super moon keuh kali nyou, kali ukeu baro hate giok