If you visited the Pulo Aceh, would have been deemed invalid if not yet climbed the lighthouse. Because, the lighthouse there are only three in the world, namely in Pulo Aceh, Caribbean Islands and in the Netherlands. According to various sources, only the lighthouse in the Caribbean Islands and Aceh still works, While the lighthouse in the Netherlands has changed the function of the museum.
Jika sudah ke Pulo Aceh, pastinya dianggap tidak sah bila belum menaiki mercusuar. Bagaimana tidak, mercusuar tersebut hanya ada tiga di dunia yaitu di Pulo Aceh, Kepulauan Karibia dan di Belanda. Menurut berbagai sumber, hanya mercusuar di Aceh dan Kepulauan Karibia yang masih berfungsi, sementara mercusuar di Belanda telah berubah fungsi menjadi museum.
Pulo Aceh is a subdistrict in Aceh Besar Regency, Aceh, Indonesia. Pulo Aceh is the area of the administration level III located in westernmost Indonesia. In the year 2015, I and some friends visited Pulo Aceh. To Pulo Aceh can only use sea transport services, through the port of Lampulo who rests in the port of Lampuyang which is the capital of the subdistrict of Pulo Aceh.
Pulo Aceh adalah sebuah kecamatan di Kabupaten Aceh Besar, Provinsi Aceh, Indonesia. Pulo Aceh merupakan Daerah Administrasi Tingkat III yang terletak paling barat di Indonesia. Pada tahun 2015, saya dan beberapa teman berkesempatan mengunjungi Pulo Aceh. Untuk ke Pulo Aceh hanya bisa menggunakan jasa transportasi laut, melalui Pelabuhan Lampulo yang nantinya akan bersandar di Pelabuhan Lampuyang yang merupakan ibu kota kecamatan Pulo Aceh.
The trip to the lighthouse Williems Torren III who was in Pulo Aceh is quite challenging, There is only one road that divides the forest up to the lighthouse. The path covered shrubs, full incline and occasionally was confronted with a steep derivatives, there are many former puddle and stone rock. Standing tall in the North of Pulo Breueh, the tower is now surrounded by a dense forest on a mountain flank that juts out into the Indian Ocean. Other buildings on his leg in the form of houses lined up to form a straight line leading to the forest. Previously the area was the Netherlands military base.
Perjalanan menuju mercusuar Williems Torren III yang berada di Pulo Aceh cukup menantang, hanya ada satu jalan yang membelah hutan hingga ke mercusuar. Jalan yang mulai tertutup semak belukar, penuh tanjakan dan sesekali berhadapan dengan turunan yang curam, terdapat banyak lubang bekas kubangan serta batu cadas. Berdiri tegak di utara Pulo Breueh, menara itu kini dikelilingi hutan lebat pada sayap gunung yang menjorok ke Samudera Hindia. Di kakinya bangunan lain berupa rumah-rumah berjejer membentuk garis lurus mengarah ke hutan. Dahulunya kawasan itu merupakan pangkalan militer Belanda.
We move to reach the top of the lighthouse and begin climbing the hundreds of stairs circular from the ground floor up to the last floor tops. Each end of a row of circular stairs made of iron, punctuated a wooden plank-floored space original. In each room we also witnessed a window with position overlooking the sea
Kami bergerak mencapai puncak mercusuar dan mulai menaiki ratusan anak tangga yang melingkar dari lantai dasar hingga lantai terakhir di puncak. Setiap akhir deretan anak tangga melingkar terbuat dari besi, diselingi sebuah ruang berlantai papan kayu yang masih asli. Pada setiap ruang kami juga menyaksikan sebuah jendela dengan posisi menghadap laut lepas.
At the height of the tallest building of the lighthouse, there is a thick glass-walled room. In it there is a lamp with a size larger than the lights that we often encounter is usually. The lights will be lit up at night, which functions as a marine traffic regulator often traversed by large ships, emit light to the International Sea area of the Indian Ocean and the entrance to the Strait of Malacca.
Pada puncak tertinggi bangunan mercusuar terdapat sebuah ruang berdinding kaca tebal. Di dalamnya terdapat sebuah lampu dengan ukuran yang lumayan besar dari lampu-lampu yang sering kita temui biasanya. Lampu tersebut akan menyala di malam hari yang berfungsi sebagai pengatur lalu lintas laut yang sering dilintasi kapal-kapal besar, memancarkan cahaya hingga ke parairan International Samudera Hindia serta pintu masuk Selat Malaka.
At the top of the lighthouse, there is a circular floor that follows the shape of the round building lighthouses. Lined floor bars as high as 1.5 meters, that is the best location for us to enjoy a wonderful view of the truly awesome natural. From the height, it looked obvious wavy blue sea. In the west, the island of Sabang seeming to float above the waves, at almost the same direction also looks into Ujong Batee the other end of the island of Sumatra. Some small islands look like floats between waves.
Di puncak mercusuar tersebut juga terdapat lantai yang melingkar mengikuti bentuk bundar bangunan mercusuar itu sendiri. Lantai dipagari jeruji besi setinggi 1.5 meter. Nah, itulah lokasi terindah untuk kita nikmati suguhan pemandangan alam yang sungguh mengagumkan. Dari ketinggian itu tampak jelas laut biru bergelombang. Di arah barat, pulau Sabang seakan mengapung di atas gelombang, pada arah yang hampir sama juga terlihat kawasan Ujoeng Batee yang menjadi ujung dari pulau Sumatera. Beberapa pulau yang berukuran kecil terlihat seperti mengapung diantara ombak-ombak.
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luar biasa indah pemandangan , pajan tajak lom aduen @jeulamei
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That's an interesting place. I hope to visit it one day. I've only seen light houses in movies.
I've nominated you for comedy open mic and rules are here. Hope to see something from you.
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Everyone was very fond to places of interest.
Thank you for your suggestion, but I am not adept at comedy
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Kedepan, kita buat family gathering KSI disana. Mantap benar pemandangan dan tantangan perjalanannya.
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Wah, boleh tu ketua.
Jika mememang jadi, nanti saya coba hubungi ketua pemudanya untuk mengkondisikan tempat dan penginapan.
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Yah wa kiban uroe nyoe ?
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Yahwa saket igoe hanjeut jep kupi
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Okuuu, nyan labo ubat igoe laju meunyoe meunan.
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jeut ta donlot film inan?
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Jeut, kop teuga i plueng meunyoe donlot
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