Lagu solo dan duet Warnai HUT Ke-72 Persit.

in indonesia •  7 years ago 

Lhokseumawe -- Lagu Nasional Solo dan duet yang dinyanyikan para anggota persit Kartika Chandra Kirana (KCK) di lingkungan jajaran Koorcab Rem 011, hingga mewarnai Dirgahayu Hari Ulang Tahun (HUT) Ke-72 Persit Kartika Chandra Kirana dalam mengikuti pertandingan paduan suara, di Gedung Ahmad Yani Makorem 011/Lilawangsa, Lhokseumawe, Jumat (8/3/2018).

Lomba paduan suara yang diadakan persit Kartika Chandra Kirana Koorcab Rem 011, diikuti dari masing-masing perwakilan anggota persit satuan Makorem 011/Lilawangsa, persit Brigif 25/Siwah, persit Kodim 0103/Aut, persit Denbekang, persit Denpom IM/1 Lhokseumaw, persit Denhub, persit Denpal, persit Denzibang jajaran Korem 011/LW di Lhokseumawe.

Diawali sambutannya, Ketua persit Kartika Chandra Kirana (KCK) Koorcab Rem 011 Ny Agus Firman Yusmono mengatakan, perlombaan paduan suara atau lomba bernyanyi digelar, merupakan dalam rangkaian memperingati hari ulang tahunnya persit Kartika Chandra Kirana yang Ke-72, khususnya termasuk yang diselenggarakan hari ini di Koorcab Korem 011.

Dalam rangka memeriahkan HUT Persit Ke-72, tambah Ketua Persit, selain dilaksanakan perlombaan menyanyi solo dan duet, juga diadakan lomba tari Ranup Lampuan serta senam Tobelo, yang sangat antusias diikuti masing-masing peserta lomba, kata Ny Agus Firman Yusmono.

Peserta pertandingan paduan suara diikuti sebanyak 28 Orang, diantaranya lagu Solo sebanyak 14 orang, dan duet diikuti sebanyak 14 (Empat Belas) orang dari masing-masing satuan, termasuk peserta paduan suara duet.

Dari hasil penilaian juri, kategori Solo dirahi kemengan diantaranya, juara Ke-1 oleh perwakilan persit dari Kodim 0103/Aut, juara Ke-2 dari perwakilan persit Denrudal 001, dan juara Ke-3 dimenangkan dengan nilai baik oleh perwakilan dari persit Denpom IM/1 Lhokseumawe.

Sedangkan kategori Duet, juara Ke-satu dimenangkan perwakilan persit Kodim 0103/Aut, juara Ke-2 perwakilan persit Kompi Markas (Kima) Korem 011/LW, dan juara Ke-3 dari perwakilan persit satuan Denpom IM/1 Lhokseumaw.

English. Song solo and duet Coloring 72th Anniversary Persit in Korem 011 / LW. Lhokseumawe - Solo National Song and duet sung by Kartika Chandra Kirana (KCK) members in the neighborhood of Koorcab Rem 011, to Coloring Birthday of 72nd Anniversary of Persat Kartika Chandra Kirana in following the choir, at Gedung Ahmad Yani Makorem 011 / Lilawangsa, Lhokseumawe, Friday (8/3/2018).

The choir competition was held by Kartika Chandra Kirana Koorcab Rem 011, followed by each representative of member of Makorem 011 / Lilawangsa unit stitching, press Brigif 25 / Siwah, persit Kodim 0103 / Aut, persit Denbekang, persit Denpom IM / 1 Lhokseumaw, Denhub, persit Denpal, persit Denzibang Korem 011 / LW in Lhokseumawe.

The opening ceremony of Kartika Chandra Kirana (KCK) Koorcab Rem 011 Mrs. Agus Firman Yusmono said that the choir or singing contest was held in a series commemorating the anniversary of Kartika Chandra Kirana's 72nd birthday, especially including the one held today in Koorcab Korem 011.

In order to enliven the 72nd Anniversary, added Chairman Persit, in addition to the solo and duet singing competitions, also held dance Ranup Lampuan and Tobelo gymnastics, which is very enthusiastic followed by each competitor, said Mrs. Agus Firman Yusmono.

Participants of the choir contest were 28 people, among them the Solo song as many as 14 people, and the duet followed by 14 (Fourteen) people from each unit, including the choir duet participants.

From the results of the assessment of the jury, the Solo category was honored among others, the 1st champion by the press representatives of Kodim 0103 / Aut, the 2nd winner from the press representatives Denrudal 001, and the 3rd Winner was won well by representatives from the press of Denpom IM / 1 Lhokseumawe.

While the category of Duet, the champion of the one won by representatives persit Kodim 0103 / Aut, 2nd champion representatives of Kompit Headquarters (Kima) Korem 011 / LW, and the 3 rd winner of denit unit representatives Denpom IM / 1 Lhokseumaw
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