Establish Supervision at the More Transparent "STAIN Meulaboh"

in indonesia •  7 years ago 

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Internal Supervisory Unit (SPI) STAIN Meulaboh Aceh was formed on January 17, 2018, with the inauguration of the Head is Muhsinuddin S. Ag, MM, on Chairman of STAIN Meulaboh Dr. Syamsuar M. Ag at the local campus.

So as per January 2018 it STAIN Meulaboh has no profile as a team become Internal Supervisory Unit (SPI) campus as a partner in a university. In accordance with regulation of the Minister of Religious Affairs No. 55 of 2016 on Statute of STAIN Meulaboh in Part Four Article 14 that the Internal Supervisory Unit (SPI) is a HIGH SCHOOL organ which performs a non-academic supervisory function for and on behalf of the Chairman. The scope of non-academic field supervision includes: (1) finance, (2) asset fields, and (3) personnel areas.

The Campus Internal Supervisory Unit has the vision to become a professional and independent Internal Supervisory Unit, adding value and improving the performance of the non-academic STAIN Meulaboh, and guarding the creation of "Good Faculty Governance" to achieve goals based on devotion, self-reliance and intellectuality. In performing the SPI STAIN Meulaboh campus duties as oversight, the Internal Audit Unit has the duty and responsibility:

  1. Establish internal non-academic supervisory policy;
  2. Implement internal supervision on non-academic education management;
  3. Taking conclusions on the results of internal control;
  4. Reporting the results of internal control to the Leader and;
  5. Submitting suggestions or considerations regarding the improvement of non-academic activities to the Chairman on the basis of the results of internal control.

The Internal Supervisory Unit of the campus has the authority to, among others, SPI have access to all financial and performance documents, activity recording, asset management, human resources management, law and management, physical property of all major units, and other business units to obtain data information relating to the implementation of audit tasks.

Conducting Monitoring and evaluation of follow-up recommendations of audit findings and examinations to the leadership on a regular basis. And Authorized to request confirmation to the Leader regarding the implementation of the follow-up recommendations of audit findings. And have the authority to conduct development and training of auditors to improve their professional expertise, whether implemented by internal SPI or outsiders. To achieve the STAIN Meulaboh campus more transparent and credible in Indonesia, I hope.

2018-01-09 19.53.12.jpg

Banda Aceh, January 28, 2018, ...

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