On the other hand you may remind us not to mmmmmp fto, but the other side of our good intentions, this is one way we preach by way of indirectly we invite tmn2 yg mmpost ftonya without hijab so that mreka who has not / reluctantly close aurat tapped his heart, see that hijab not as bad as they think, with shari'ah shari, we can not do activity, not sprti emak2 to pengajian, tdk tdk closed (not socialize) our hope that mreka reluctant to close aurat immediately berhijab and istiqomah in hijra and hope hijrahnya better than on us .. So appreciate the way org berdakwah .. masing2 org has its own way, the slama is still a lot of positive impact why not? The slave maslahatnya more than mudhorotnya knpa tdk? Post fto with capt dakwah no harm .. Jdi do not judge / see something from one side .. Moreover commenting with bumbu2 where we look very humble drpda yg not berhijab.
See also the positive side .. Do not be too excessive in mengjudge or mmponis because the intention and practice of a person only Allah knows, Allah is the best assessor of peace greetings from your Muslim sister .. Gamis by @haifaofhijra_lombok
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Best regards @muhammadyusuf