You Have Water Apple Barren? Please Do This! (Bilingual)

in indonesia •  7 years ago 

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WATER Honey Apple is a variety of cashew water which is favored by many people because the taste of sweet fruit like honey.

In the last three years, honey cashew seeds, especially deli honey, selling well in Sumatra, are no exception in Aceh.

Crowded crowd busy buying seeds from nursery or sellers of seeds around, then plant in the yard of each house.

Besides, because of the sweet taste, the interest of this planting community is also aroused because the fruit selling price reaches Rp40.000 per kilo.

Unfortunately, the hopes of growers of honey to immediately taste the sweetness of cashews own crops as well as reap the profits from the crop many pupus because most of the guava seeds do not want to bear fruit barren alias.

In fact, some of the seeds of guava honey help from the government, also fared the same. At least this happened in East Aceh. Some of the people who received the beneficiary seeds about two years ago complained that they did not bear fruit.

They've tried to sow a variety of fertilizers to quickly flowering guava. But, the effort remains in vain. To the extent that some people suspect if the guava seeds help is fake.

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Then, is it true that honey cashew seed is not original?

"No, the seeds are certified and meet the standards set by the government," said Lukman SP, Head of East Timor Food and Extension Service, Tuesday, January 15, 2017.

According to Lukman, how to cultivate and care of guava honey is different from cashew water. In order to quickly bear fruit, the guava honey should be planted in large pots and should not be placed in areas exposed to direct sunlight.

Then, the guava honey is also required to be pruned or partially trimmed off the branches so that the shape of the tree is proportional and accelerate the process of discharge.

"After the flowers come out, there is usually a new problem, the flower falls before it becomes fruit.This is why, because of the lack of water.That's why, except the rainy season, the guava honey must also be watered twice a day, morning and evening," said Lukman.

In order for a larger fruit size, continued Lukman, flowers or fruit embryo that is too much in one branch, should also be reduced in number by way of abortion. Thus, the nutrients for the fruit is sufficient and the branch is no longer prone to fracture because the amount of fruit is too much.

"Instead of many but small size, it is better little but the size of the fruit is large.Finally, it is also the most important, do not forget to give fertilizer according to schedule and dosage according to the advice of farmer's mantri.Bet safer, may use organic fertilizer. just goat or cow dung, "suggested Lukman.

Well, here are some tips on growing honey from Lukman SP. Lukman is a very skilled agricultural scholar in his field. Before becoming Head of Food Security and Extension Service, Lukman also had several times served as Head of Agricultural Extension Center.

Good luck trying to practice suggestions and feedback from Lukman. I wish you luck. My best regards from Aceh, Sumatera, Indonesia @musyawirwaspada


Jambu Madu Anda Mandul? Coba Lakukan Ini!

Sumber Foto

JAMBU Madu adalah varietas jambu air yang disukai banyak orang lantaran rasa buahnya manis seperti madu.

Dalam tiga tahun terakhir, bibit jambu madu, khususnya jambu madu deli, laris manis di Sumatera, tak terkecuali di Aceh.

Masyarakat ramai ramai membeli bibit dari nursery atau pedagang bibit keliling, lalu menanam di pekarangan rumah masing-masing.

Disamping karena rasanya yang manis, minat masyarak menanam jambu ini juga terangsang lantaran harga jual buahnya mencapai Rp40.000 perkilo.

Sayangnya, harapan penanam jambu madu untuk segera merasakan manisnya jambu hasil tanam sendiri sekaligus meraup untung dari hasil panen banyak pupus lantaran bibit jambu tersebut kebanyakan tidak mau berbuah alias mandul.

Bahkan, sebagian bibit jambu madu bantuan dari pemerintah, juga bernasib sama. Setidaknya ini terjadi di Aceh Timur. Beberapa masyarakat yang menerima penerima bibit jambu bantuan sekitar dua tahun lalu, mengeluh lantaran jambu mereka tak kunjung berbuah.

Mereka sudah mencoba menabur bermacam pupuk agar jambu cepat berbunga. Tapi, usaha itu tetap sia-sia. Sampai-sampai sebagian masyarakat curiga kalau bibit jambu bantuan itu palsu.

Lalu, benarkah bibit jambu madu itu tidak asli?

" Tidak, bibit itu bersertifikat dan memenuhi standar yang ditetapkan pemerintah. Hanya saja, mungkin perawatan atau perlakuan tanaman yang belum tepat, sehingga belum berbuah," kata Lukman SP, Kepala Dinas Ketahanan Pangan dan Penyuluhan Aceh Timur, Selasa 15 Januari 2017.

Menurut Lukman, cara tanam dan perawatan jambu madu beda dengan jambu air biasa. Agar cepat berbuah, jambu madu sebaiknya ditanam dalam pot ukuran besar dan tidak boleh diletakkan di area yang terkena cahaya matahari secara langsung.

Kemudian, jambu madu juga wajib di-pruning atau dipangkas sebagian cabangnya supaya bentuk pohonnya proporsional dan mempercepat proses keluarnya bunga.

"Setelah keluar bunga, biasanya timbul lagi masalah baru, yakni bunganya gugur sebelum jadi buah. Ini sebabnya, karena kurang air. Itu sebabnya, kecuali musim hujan, jambu madu juga wajib disiram dua kali sehari, pagi dan sore," sebut Lukman.

Agar ukuran buah lebih besar, sambung Lukman, bunga atau cikal buah yang terlalu banyak di satu cabang, sebaiknya juga dikurangi jumlahnya dengan cara digugurkan. Dengan demikian, nutrisi untuk buah cukup dan cabang tidak lagi rawan patah lantaran jumlah buahnya terlalu banyak.

" Daripada banyak tapi ukurannya kecil - kecil, kan lebih baik sedikit tapi ukuran buahnya besar-besar. Terakhir, ini juga paling penting, jangan lupa memberi pupuk sesuai jadwal dan dosis sesuai saran mantri tani. Biar lebih aman, boleh pakai pupuk organik. Manfaatkan saja kotoran kambing atau sapi," saran Lukman.

Nah, ini dia beberapa tips menanam jambu madu dari Lukman SP. Lukman adalah sarjana pertanian yang sangat ahli di bidangnya. Sebelum jadi Kepala Dinas Ketahanan Pangan dan Penyuluhan, Lukman juga sempat beberapa kali menjabat Kepala Balai Penyuluhan Pertanian Kecamatan.

Selamat mencoba mempraktekkan saran dan masukan dari Lukman. Saya doakan semoga berhasil. Salam takzim dari saya di Aceh, Sumatera, Indonesia @musyawirwaspada.



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i haven't saw that type of apple yet..
can you tell me where i found that honey apple

Oya, Indonesian, water apple is very easy to find. Please try find at supermarket or mall in your country. 😊 Sorry low response @rajansaha

i found it with a different name

Tengoh musim di Aceh jambu nyan. Kop mangat teuh tapeget lincah. Salam steemian aceh csat Indonesia @elfahlevi

Yaps. Betul sekali @elfahlevi. Thanks sudah berkenan singgah. 🙏

Long upvote mantong beuh hehe

Terimakasih @salmansyoung😊

Tapegot lincah ngon u groh sigo nyan mangat ie babah teuh watey tabayangkan @yusf

Ilmu menanam jambu madu yang sangat bermanfaat semoga Ir. Lukman menjadi guru bagi masyarakat pekebun jambu di Aceh Timur. Terimakasih @musyawirwaspada. Salam KSI

Amin...terimakasih Bang@ilyasismail. Salam KSI

Loen han di meuboh le ketua

Neuci peulaku lagey pak lukman peugah iley ketua @bahtiarlangsa. Kadang lheuhnyan langsong di meuboh. Hanjeut putoh asa. Yg penteeng useuha bek keundoe. I gampong long, na alm Bang Asan. Lheuh 40 thoen geupula bak jambey, baro na boh. 🙏

sepoe dara barow nyan bang.... hehehehehehehehehe

Keren bg hidup terus steemit aceh timur.. saya di aceh timur juga @musyawirwaspada

Jambu favorit saya itu bg @musyawirwaspada, bagi ya kalau ke kantor.