How to Make Economical Brownies / Cara Mambuat Brownies Ekonomis

in indonesia •  7 years ago 

Hi steemit friends, hopefully today is better than yesterday. Steemians, today I would like share an economical but delicious (in my opinion) cake recipe that is Economical Brownies.


Steemians usually I often got recipe brownies but the ingredients are quite expensive. Yesterday there are those who share economical brownies recipes that only use 2 eggs. I modified a bit from the initial recipe, the result is not less the same that use expensive materials. This cake is soft, sweet and have chocolate taste.

Anyone want to try to make brownies economical, below this recipe and how to make it. Hopefully useful and can continue to share even though only a simple recipe from me. Good luck 😊😘 ...

Economical Brownies
By: @putristeem

Ingredients :

  • 100 gr refined sugar.
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 tsp emusilfier (sp)
  • 6 tablespoons of wheat flour
  • 2 tbsp milk powder
  • 3 tablespoons cocoa powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 tbsp cornstarch
  • 50 ml of oil
  • 160 ml milk chocolate (50 ml condensed milk + 110 ml water)
  • Sufficient Chocolate Pasta
  • 3 drops of vinegar

Butter Cream


  • Mix all dry ingredients in one container, set aside.


  • Heat the cage and cover it with a cloth.


  • Mixer of sugar, egg and sp to white streak.


  • Then enter the dry ingredients.


  • Last enter the wet material and stir with the spatula.


  • Insert into baking sheet with baking paper / or thin butter and a little flour. Steam with medium heat for 12 minutes, puncture test.


  • Wait for a new cold give toping, finished brownies economical @putristeem version ..
    Happy ,, happy and always happy ... 😘

Indonesian🇮🇩 Language

Hai sahabat steemit, semoga hari ini lebih baik dari kemarin. Steemians, hari ini saya mau berbagi resep kue yang ekonomis tetapi enak ( menurut saya ) hehehe yaitu Brownies Ekonomis.


Steemians biasanya saya sering dapat resep brownies tapi bahan- bahan nya lumayan mahal. Kemarin ada yang share resep brownies ekonomis yang hanya menggunakan 2 telur. Saya modifikasi sedikit dari resep awal, hasilnya gak kalah sama yang pakai bahan mahal.Kue nya lembut, manis dan terasa coklat nya.
Ada yang mau mencoba buat brownies ekonomis, dibawah ini resep dan cara membuat nya. Semoga bermanfaat dan terus bisa saling berbagi meskipun hanya resep sederhana dari saya. Selamat mencoba 😊😘...

Brownies Ekonomis
Oleh :@putristeem

Bahan-bahan :

  • 100 gr gula pasir halus.
  • 2 butir telur
  • 1/2 sdt emusilfier ( sp )
  • 6 sdm tepung terigu
  • 2 sdm susu bubuk
  • 3 sdm coklat bubuk
  • 1/2 sdt Bp
  • 1 sdm tepung jagung ( maizena)
  • 50 ml minyak
  • 160 ml susu coklat ( 50 ml skm + 110 ml air)
  • Secukupnya Pasta Coklat
  • 3 tetes cuka

Toping :
Butter Cream

Langkah :

  • Campur semua bahan kering dalam satu wadah, sisihkan.


  • Panaskan dandang dan tutup atas nya dengan kain.


  • Mixer gula, telur dan sp sampai putih berjejak.


  • Kemudian masukkan bahan kering.


  • Terakhir masukka bahan basah dan aduk dengan spatula.


  • Masukkan kedalam loyang yang dialasi kertas roti / atau oles tipis mentega dan sedikit terigu.Kukus dengan api sedang selama 12 menit, test tusuk.


  • Tunggu dingin baru beri toping, selesai brownies ekonomis versi @putristeem..
    Happy,, happy dan selalu happy... 😘

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Very good

Thanks @fouaz

smashing, follow up

Ok thanks @defreca

Kue yang manis,

Makasih sudah kunjung @kunrishartanto

Chocolate is always welcome. Thank you for sharing.
You are part of my "Food by Redfish" curation post.