Coffee Shop As The Center of Community

in indonesia •  7 years ago 

Back in Sarajevo, drinking coffee after classes, or after tarawih or just heading to the city center was one of the ritual I used to do. Normally, we would enjoy a warm conversation over a cup of coffee. It was also one of the way to get in touch with the other. Or just because I was having my me time

Ketika saya tinggal di Sarajevo dulu, ngopi itu udah jadi suatu kebiasaan yang gak bisa diganggu gugat. Bisa itu selesai kuliah, selesai tarawih - yg memang diniatin banget -, atau terkadang emang cuma pengen ngopi aja di pusat kota. Secangkir kopi sambil membicarakan banyak hal.


Coffee shop with traditional house of Aceh

And it's different here, in the place known as the city with 1001 coffee shops. I was kinda shock at the beginning, how everyone - any time - would gather in a coffee shop. Some even move their office to this place

Sedikit , eh banyak kali ya, ngopi di Aceh itu gak sekedar ngopi aja atau waktu ngobrol sama teman-teman. Awalnya agak kaget ngeliat gimana orang hampir setiap saat memenuhi warung kopi yang ada. Bahkan ada yang mindahin kantornya ke warung kopi. Lahh


One of the coffee shop that I frequently visited was at the beginning quite empty. I would enjoy meeting friends, discuss things - or even meeting, sometimes bring my homework and stay here till night. These days, it is one of the coffee shop where communities would gather,people from different background hold their meeting here, book club make their monthly meeting also here

Salah satu warung kopi yang sering saya kunjungi belakangan ini misalnya. Dari kopinya, tentu bukan salah satu yang terbaik. Tapi suasana yang ditawarkan cukup menarik. Jauh dari bisingnya kendaran yang berlalu-lalang, adem pula karena terbuka. Belakangan warung kopi ini jadi tempat pertemuan klub bahasa, klub buku, orang-orang dengan latar belakang berbeda ada di sana.


One of the biggest community that continually gather here is the language clubs. It can polyglot, English club, Spanish club, Arabic club, even Japanish club. Each of the club has their own master

Salah satu komunitas yang secara rutin ada di sini adalah komunitas bahasa. Dari bahasa Inggris, bahasa spanyol, arab, sampai jepang. Dan setiap bahasa ini dipandu oleh 1-2 orang master

Like today, I met the master of spanish who previously happened to be one of the trained football player in Paraguay. He voluntarily open a new class to whoever wanna join. He’ll come over after he finished his work or after football training

Hari ini misalnya. Saya ketemu dengan sekelompok anak muda yang sedang belajar bahasa spanyol. Seru euy. Apalagi masternya dulunya pernah tinggal di Paraguay. Setelah selesai training di sana, dia dengan sukarela membuat kelas bahasa spanyol. Kurang baik apa coba


The same goes for Japanese. The master speaks fluently Japanese and English. He once stayed in Japan for sometimes, once he returned he just transfers his knowledge to the others

Gitu juga dengan bahasa jepang. Masternya bisa berbasa jepang dengan sangat lancar *ya iyaaa, bahasa inggris nya juga gak kalah bagusnya. Well, dia memang pernah di jepang dulunya.

As I mentioned before, coffee shop is filled with many kind of activity, many people from different background are there for any kind of purpose. The idea of having quality time with your close relative doesn't completely shifted, but the function of a Coffe shop become broader

Kembali ke topik warung kopi yang gak sekedar sebagai warung tempat ngopi. Fungsi warung kopi bisa dikatakan bukan tergeser, justru semakin melebar kemana-mana. Dari sekedar tempat ngopi jadi tempat segala jenis kegiatan, tempat bertemunya orang-orang dari berbagai latar belakang.


Another example of a local coffee shop, a legend one. It's been there for years, and it's customer also range from different kind of age. What make this different from previous one is that it has no WiFi, which actually help people to gather and having quality time without any gadget around. Here, you can find people talk about politics, economy, IT, current issues and many more

Contoh lainnya warung kopi yang udah lama banget ada di kota ini. Legend kalau kata teman-teman. Mungkin karena gak ada WiFi nya juga, setiap pengunjung di sini justru keasikan ngobrol satu sama lain. Jangan kaget kalau kesana dan nemu orang ngobrolin politik, ekonomi, maupun isu-isu terkini.

Well, as far it's has bigger and positive functions, there is nothing wrong about spending time (lots of) in the Coffe shop, isn't it?

Yaa..selama fungsi dari warung kopi itu positif dan semakin baik, tidak ada salahnya menghabiskan waktu di warung kopi kan ?

What do you think?


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Itu kantor Steemit kalian ya ?
Kantor kami kenapa gak di Upload ?

Hahahaha bukaann... Kantor steemit ttp kulam lah 😁😁

Haha, basecamp segala komunitas...

asliii :D

No doubt about it, especially in Aceh. Let's ngopi.. :) Salam dari Bireuen..

Yap! let's have coffee with other from Banda Aceh 😁😁

Postingan ini membuat saya selaku seorang pecinta kopi harus berkomentar, AMAZING AND VERY GOOD
Salam pecinta kopi

Ah dipuji master.. makasihhh :)

Master kopi Aceh 😁

It was an interesting post we have to read! There has been an amazing memories when you were in Sarajevo. A taste of coffee is never lies. Regard

There are. Since I lived there for years. Thanks for stopping by

Thanks 2U..hehe

You got a very nice post here. It seems it's a very nice place to hang out and with the language clubs plus. So I'm an OCD curator and i want to nominate this post to our daily compilation. This could get more attention to your blog and maybe some extra votes. reply if you accept this nomination.

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I am interested. But first, I wonder how it works.. do you mind to explain little bit more ?

Sure! I nominate this post as well as other 20 curators. Then we pick de best of all (8 or 9) and post them in an entry with a photo and a brief description, the mention of your user and with the link to the original post, just like the ones you see in the @ocd account. Then you'll get some extra votes, maybe some new followers. Also you'll be voted by a trail of our sponsors this will get you a payout from 10 to 30 sbd. It is free and you just need to give us your permission here in the comment.

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That's cool.. so in return what will I give to you?

Nothing! Its a free minnow support project.

A ha. Then I have nothing left to ask. I accept it. Thanks in advance for your help

Thanks! I'll let ypu know if you get into the comp.

Thanks a bunch

Reonian pun cocoknya ke cafe yg ga ada wifi
Sekarang warung kopi memiliki banyak manfaat


Tempat yang sangat nyaman bg..
Salam dari abu

Sama2 kak 😂😂

dimana pun kapan pun kopi selalu ada . good @rahmanovic

Exactly ! :)

hmmmmm....selalu kka...hahahahahaa

Menang di suasananya, kopi masih menang di kulam lah 😁😁