The new face of the mosque proud of the people of Aceh

in indonesia •  8 years ago 


Assalamualaikum wr wb
Haii steemit friends wherever I am if I write a mosque which is proud of the aceh community that is Baiturrahman Mosque located in Banda Aceh city.

Since the beginning of Bandaito Baiturrahman highway mosque is an icon for the entire community of Aceh. Its existence contains many ties, two of which are religiosity and tourism.


Where, the first can be read and embodied since the founding of the Baiturrahman highway mosque with all the heroic sides that colored the period of Aceh tempoe doeloe. And secondly, tourism can be translated songs utilized in contemporary terms.

Both bonds and values ​​attached to the Baiturrahman High Mosque, presumably must be utilized and read intact for all purposes. Research, preserve the cultural wealth, to boost the side of Islamic pariwitasa.


This can be realized by optimizing the renovation of the Baiturrahman highway mosque. Changes in the building of the mosque include the establishment of 12 units of electric umbrellas, marble floors, ablution, underground parking, lamp decorations, and the presence of thirty more palm trees.

The booming mosque has become increasingly fascinating and adds to the attraction that will bring tourists from all directions. So naturally, this great change spawned a remark that the Baiturrahman mosque was identified with the Nabawi mosque.

Thank you for reading my writing, sorry if there is wrong word. Do not lup to comment, give input and criticism because the voice of my friend steemik very need. Do not forget to also vote on the paper there.

Wassalamualaikum wr. wb

follwo @rifkiboco

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Very beautiful big mosque banda aceh and now become one of the grandest mosques in aceh and even almost known by all countries.
The beauty in the giant umbrella is very nice and the water spray along with the excellent lights in the design,