The uncompleted historical building

in indonesia •  8 years ago 

Hallo stemians..
How are you today?
I hope you always keep spirit in doing your activity.

Today I want to share about a building in the north aceh that is located on geudong. This building has just been inaugurated, and it has a high valuable for aceh people, because it is a place to reminisce about how great the former kingdom of aceh, and how famous the kingdom of aceh in his time. This building is called museum malikussaleh.


At first glance, this museum stands very solid, but the things that make me sad its existence of this building is still not maintained well, and there are some facilities that is not finished yet , so it still looks less convincing, in the areas of museum is still inundated when heavy rains comes, and there are so many Livestock hanging around.



That's make me feared if some visitors less comfortable about that, and the value of the museum itself is reduced in the eyes of the visitors.

I think it is our responsibility to keep it and develop it, the government of Aceh should immediately fix it and continue the effort to solve this problem, so that this museum can be ready one hundred percent to become one of historic place in Aceh.

I hope all of you like my post, and we get positive value from this post.


Hallo sahabat stemians

Hari ini saya ingin berbagi tentang sebuah bangunan yang teletak di geudong kawasan aceh utara, bangunan ini baru saja diresmikan dan punya nilai berharga karena merupakan tempat untuk bernostalgia tentang bagaimana hebatnya kerajaan aceh terdahulu, dan betapa terkenalnya kerajaan aceh pada masanya. Bangunan ini bernama museum malikussaleh.

Tampak sekilas museum ini berdiri sangat kokoh, namun yang sangat disayangkan bahwasanya keberadaannya masih belum sepunahnya terawat, dan ada beberapa sarana yang proses pembuatannya belum selesai, sehingga masih terlihat kurang meyakinkan, di seputaran museum masih tergenang air apabila hujan deras datang, dan masih banyak hewan ternak berkeliaran, hal ini ditakutkan dapat membuat pengunjung kurang nyaman, dan nilai dari museum itu sendiri berkurang di mata para pengunjung.

Saya, rasa ini jadi tanggung jawab kita bersama untuk menjaganya dan mengembangkannya, pemerintah aceh harus segera membenahinya dan terus melanjutkan upaya agar museum ini bisa siap 100 persen untuk menjadi salah satu tempat bersejarah di daerah aceh.

Saya harap kawan-kawan semua menyukai postingan saya, dan kita mendapatkan nilai positif dari postingan ini.

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Nice post @rijalunnajat

Nice post @rijalunnajat just give you up vote

Thank you @sakhone