Rizael Gaming - Gear Hero Marksman Games Mobile Legends(ENG-IND)#1

in indonesia •  7 years ago 


Hello friends steemian, how are you today? I am @ rizael13 I will give feedback about Gear To who use hero Marksman in Mobile Legends online game.

1.Endless Battle

+ 65 Physical attack

+ 25 Magic Power

+ 250 HP

+ 300 Mana

+ 5% Movement

+ 15% Lifesteal

Unique Passive-Divine Justice: After using the basic attack skill will then give you an additional 70% Physical Attack as True Damage. This effect has a Cooldown of 1.5 seconds. Unique Passive - Chase Fate: When the Divine Justice effect is triggered, it will increase the movement speed of the 15% hero.

2.Boots of Tranquility

+ 20 HP Regen

+ 20 Mana Regen

Uniqueness: + 40 Movement SPD. Unique Passive - Bless: Regen HP's effect increases by 10%.


+ 25% Attack Speed

+ 20 Movement Speed

+ 20% crit Chance

Unique Passive - Typhoon: after all 4 basic attacks. The basic attack then inflict 125 Magic Damage on 3 opponents. Unique Passive - Activate: every time Typhoon is used, Movement Speed

will increase 5% for a while.

4.Hunter Strike

+ 100 Physical Attack

+ 10% Cooldown Reduction

Unique Passive - Hunt: attack enemies 5 times in a row and increase Movement Speed

Hero by 30% for 2 seconds. This effect has a Cooldown of 15 seconds.

5.Haas's Claws

+ 70 Physical Attack

Uniqueness: + 20% Lifesteal Unique Passive - Insanity: when HP drops below 40%, Hero will receive an additional 10% physical lifesteal.

6.Corrosion Scythe

+ 50 Physical Attack

+ 400 HP

+ 15% Attack Speed

Unique Passive - Corrosion: Basic Attack lowers Attack Speed

targets by 10% and has a 50% chance to decrease Movement Speed

target by 35%. Unique Passive - Impulse: Providing Damage with Basic Attack increases Physical Attack 2% maximum 6% for 3 seconds.

If you like this post, please follow @rizael13 wait for the rest.

Peaceful greetings for the world's steemian friends ...?


Hallo teman teman steemian,apa kabar hari ini. Saya @rizael13 saya akan memberi masukan tentang Gear Untuk yang menggunakan hero Marksman di game online Mobile Legends.

1.Endless Battle

+ 65 Physical attack

+ 25 Magic Power

+ 250 HP

+ 300 Mana

+ 5% Movement

+ 15% Lifesteal

Pasif Unik-Divine Justice : Setelah menggunakan skill basic attack selanjutnya akan memberikan tambahan 70% Physical Attack sebagai True Damage. Efek ini memiliki Cooldown 1,5 detik.

Pasif Unik - Chase  Fate : Ketika efek Divine kehakiman dipicu, itu akan meningkatkan kecepatan gerakan hero 15%.

2.Boots of Tranquility

+ 20 HP Regen

+ 20 Mana Regen

Keunikan : + 40 Movement SPD. Pasif unik - Bless : efek Regen HP meningkat sebanyak 10%.


+ 25% Attack Speed

+ 20 Movement Speed

+ 20% crit Chance

Pasif Unik - Typhoon : setelah semua 4 serangan dasar. Serangan dasar selanjutnya menimpakan 125 Magic Damage kepada 3 lawan.

Pasif Unik - Activate : setiap kali Typhoon digunakan,Movement Speed akan meningkat 5%  untuk sementara.

4.Hunter Strike

+ 100 Physical Attack

+ 10% Cooldown Reduction

Pasif unik - Hunt : menyerang musuh 5 kali berturut-turut dan meningkatkan Movement Speed Hero sebanyak 30% selama 2 detik. Efek ini memiliki Cooldown 15 detik.

5.Haas's Claws

+ 70 Physical Attack

Keunikan : +20% Lifesteal

Pasif unik - Insanity : ketika HP turun dibawah 40%,Hero akan menerima tambahan 10% lifesteal fisik.

6.Corrosion Scythe

+ 50 Physical Attack

+ 400 HP

+ 15% Attack Speed

Pasif unik - Corrosion : Basic Attack menurunkan Attack Speed target sebanyak 10% dan memiliki kemungkinan 50% untuk menurunkan Movement Speed target sebanyak 35%.

Pasif unik - Impulse : memberikan Damage dengan Basic Attack meningkatkan Physical Attack sebanyak 2% maksimum 6% selama 3 detik.

Kalau kalian suka dengan posting saya ini, silahkan follow @rizael13 tunggu kelanjutannya.

Salam sejahtera buat kawan steemian dunia...?

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back adun :v

mantap..review gamenya, terus berkarya bek keundoe....do the best

Terima kasih bg..