Rizie Gaming - Istilah atau Singkatan Dalam Game Dragon Nest (ENG-IND) #Part 3

in indonesia •  7 years ago 


Hello Steemian, Back again with me rizieirwanda69 who will discuss Dragon Nest Game. For today we will discuss about terms or abbreviations commonly found in Dragon Nest games and other games.

Immediately we see the term or abbreviation in Game Dragon Nest.

1. Nest

Prac = Practice

HC = Hardcore. Hell Nest Version for Raid Nest (SDN HC, GDN HC)

  • Mino: Minotaur Nest, Lvl 24
  • Cerbe: Cerberus Nest, Lvl 32
  • Manti: Manticore Nest, Lvl 40
  • Apo: Apocalypse Nest, Lvl 40
  • ABN: Arch Bishop Nest, Lvl 50
  • GN: Gigantes Nest, Lvl 50
  • PKN: Proffessor K Nest, lvl 60
  • TKN: Typhoon Kim Nest, lvl 60
  • GDN: Green Dragon Nest, Lvl 50
  • DDN: Desert Dragon Nest, lvl 60
  • FOD: Fellowship of Dragon, lvl 60

a. Set Equipment

  • GA: Great Ancestor, Lvl 60
  • TO: Twisted Obsession, Lvl 60
  • HONO: Honorable Tribe, Lvl 60
  • Dange: Dangerous Desire, Lvl 60

(Lvl 70 updating ...)

b. Grinding Dungeon

  • DTMI / FML: Fairystar Magic Laboratory, Calderock village
  • SC: Sigh Canyon, Calderock village
  • GT: Ghost Town of the Lonely Forest, Hermalte Port
  • GDC: Gate to Death City, Hermalte Port
  • FDR: Flooded Downstream Ruins, Hermalte Port
  • FIC: Forsaken Islet Core, Hermalte Port
  • RR: Riverwort Ruins, Riverwort Wharf
  • DFB: Dragon Follower's Base, Riverwort Wharf
  • MCSB: Meteor Crash Site Boundaries, Lotus Marsh
  • MH: Mutant's Habitat, Lotus Marsh
  • GM: Golden Meadow, Anu Gateway Arendel

c. Other Dungeons

  • DG = Dark Gateway, Calderock - Saint's Haven
  • HOP = Hatred of Pezadelo, Dark Gateway
  • CO = Chaos Opening, Entrance Garden of Time and Space. COP = Chaos Opening Padma, COB = Chaos Opening Baera, CO * (sensored) = Chaos Opening Kama
  • WTP = Wonderful Theme Park, Calderock - Saint's Haven 5. Memo = Memoria, Entrance Garden of Time and Space

d. Trading

  • B> ...: Buy / Buy
  • BO: Best Offer (Best Offer). Auctioned. Nawar mahal = bisa barang
  • J> ... / S> ...: Sell
  • T> ...: Swap. Swap items / Barter
  • PF: Perfect. The term information that the goods offered is good
  • PM: Post Me. Message me / send me an inbox
  • TH: Trading House. Auction Place
  • WM: Whisper Me. A special chat that lets you chat privately (whisper)
  • COD: Cash on Delivery. Buy and Sell but face to face. Must meet and cash payment.
  • F2F: Face to Face. The findings
  • FE: Full Equipment. Usually if you sell Char
  • TuTi: Swap Tickets. Offer from a player to exchange LOFFY's TREASURE HUNT tickets. Seasonal terms are not always there.
  • TuLi: Tuker Like. Another player invites to exchange Like.

e. Job / Class

  • WR: Warrior
  • MC: Mercenary
  • SM: Sword Master
  • BB: Barbarian
  • Destro: Destroyer
  • GL / Gladiator = Gladiator
  • LK: Lunar Knight
  • Acro: Acrobat
  • WW: Wind Walker
  • Meaning: Artillery
  • EL: Elemental Lord
  • FU: Force User
  • Cryo: Cryomancer
  • Pyro: Pyromancer
  • SMS: Smasher
  • PL: Paladin
  • PR: Priest
  • Crus: Crusader
  • Inqui / IQ: Inquisitor
  • GM: Gear Master
  • SS: Shooting Star
  • BD: Blade Dancer
  • SD: Spirit Dancer
  • DS: Dark Summoner
  • SE: Soul Eater
  • LF: Light Fury
  • AW: Abyss Walker

f. Party

  • PL: Party Leader
  • RL: Raid Leader
  • NP> ... / N> ...: Need Party. Looking for Party
  • LFP: Looking for Party
  • FM: Full Map. Full run. Walk through to completion
  • GB: Group Together / Blind Salary. Helping other players to take one advantage.
  • Raid Party: Party with 5-8 members. Especially for Raid Nest
  • RC: Raid Call. Software that allows you to chat voice
  • DPS: Damage per Second. Term for job with party role dealer damage
  • MT: Main Tanker. Term for job with party role damage tanking
  • ST: Sub Tanker. Glossary for job representing MT task
  • Summon: Calling party members who are in different locations.
  • Daily FTG: Party wants to run Daily quest from Sorceress Tysha @ Riverwort Wharf
  • Daily Loffy: Party wants to take Daily quest from Beggar Loffy @ Saint's Haven
  • Daily Merlin: Party wants to run Daily quest from Blacksmith Merlin @ Saint's Haven

g. Gameplay

  • AoE: Area of ​​Effect. Affected areas: attack, buff, debuff
  • DpS: Damage per Second. Comparison of damage with length of casting time. Divide the type of skill / class into 2. Burst and Rapid
  • Rapid / Overtime DPS: Class / job capable of attacking with a lot of combo but with a small damage each hit
  • Burst DPS: Class / job capable of attacking with one-hit and big damage each hit 5. CD = Cooldown / Cooltime. time lag of skill use
  • Capt / Cpt: Captain
  • FA: Finishing Attack. Attacks that cause KILL on opponents
  • Ulti: Ultimate Skill. Skill "super awesome power .lvl 40
  • momon: Monster / opponent in the dungeon
  • Mob / Mobster: collection of momons
  • Spawn: Get up. The appearance of monsters
  • Ress: Ressurrect. Rise again from death (Default key "R")
  • KOS: Kill on Sight, momon appears instantly
  • SB: Softban. The rules of PVP are absurd, gk guna, make ccd, gk clear. Prohibit some classes from using certain skills to create "balance of battles" (I swear, I hate the most SB)
  • PVP: Player versus Player. Colosseum mode
  • PVE: Player versus Environment. Dungeon, Nest et al.
  •  IMBA: Imbalance. Not balanced. Situations where there is an imbalance between the damage / skill / deffend of a class against another class. Too Great / Strong
  • OP: Over Powered. (Like IMBA) Too strong and gk balance
  • Revamp: Reform. Skill change from a certain job. Can be strengthening (Enhance) or attenuation (Nerf). Skill Balancing by developers
  • Exp: Experience. Experience
  • GVG: Guild Versus Guild
  • FE: Full Equipment. Requirements to locate party members who have JEGERRR Mak Equipment
  • Summon: Unit, creature. Is issued using the skill. (Summon tentacle, summon poison mushroom, summon relic, summon tower)
  • Mid: Middle. Command from the party leader to his subordinates to gather in the middle of the "arena.
  • SA: Super Armor. The ability of momon / character to ignore the effects of push, knockback or knockdown of an attack. But the damage from the attack is still acceptable
  • SA break: Super Armor Break. The ability of momon / character to penetrate Super Armor. Causes the opponent knockback / knockdown despite having SA
  • Buff: Effects of strengthening skills / momon. It could be a damage increase, deff increase, heal, remove debuff etc.
  • Debuff: Conversely Buff. Effects of skill that weaken the character / momon. Can be Deff Decrease, Movement Reverse, Faint (sleep), Freeze, remove buff etc.
  • RB: Re-buff. Rebuffs buff status to characters
  • FTG: Fatigue (fatigue). Maximum limits enter the dungeon
  • ROB: Rock of Blessing. A unique item that can only be obtained 3 people per server. This item can reply WOW buff (a.pow m. Att + 10%, Base Stats +100). Usually sold in chat world
  • CTC: CoolTime Charge. Special Assassin system skill. Let your skill cooldown to 2-3x duration, making the skill can be used 2-3x as well
  • MM: Mechanic Mode. Engineer special skill system. Use attack from your tower as your skill attack
  • Ammo: Ammo. Engineer special skill system. Some skills require ammo to be used. The CD system does not apply in this skill.
  • Aggro: Can also be called THREAT. Mindspace attention to the player. Momon will attack players who they think are great THREAT / AGGRONYA. A high aggro can be obtained by inflicting massive damage, SA breaks the momon, using the Threat (Levels of Armor Break, Taunting Howl) skill, or Provoking skill (Provoke, Punishing Swing, Fake Log)

h. Player Status & Chat Motion

  • AFK: Away from Keyboard, player is not close to his computer due to certain problems.
  • BRB: Be Right Back, same as AFK. Only usually Brb briefly and "promised" again
  • CCD: God's Candidates.
  • DC: Disconnect / disconnected from the server
  • Lag: Internet conditions are slow
  • Flood: Flood. Flood the chatbox with obscure and repetitive chat
  • GG: good gear, good game.
  • Hode: Men play with female char
  • Maho: Homo. Laki likes Laki
  • LOL: Laugh Out Loud.
  • ROFL = Roll Onto the Floor Laughing.
  • SWT = Sweat Water Teardrop.
  • OMG = Oh My God !!!
  • GLHF = Good Luck Have Fun.
  • IMO = In My Opinion.
  • IMHO = In My Honest Opinion.
  • IRL = In Real Life. in real life
  • BTW = By The Way.
  • CMIIW = Correct Me If I Wrong.
  • KK = Brother, call fellow player to male character
  • CC = Cece / Cici / Mbak. Call fellow player to female characters. Sometimes, female chars are male aka HODE
  • DD = Dedek / Dede. Call fellow player to loli character.
  • IGN = In Game Name. Char name overhead. Not the login time ID name
  • OL = Online. The character is ON in the game. Not offline.

i. Essentials Skills

  • LS: Life Saver. Warrior; Stops HP reduction up to 1 point
  • BH: Battle Howl. Mercenary; Increase Att. power, M. Attack + Critical
  • PH: Panic Howl. Mercenary; Increase Critical + SA
  • DH: Deverstating Howl. Mercenary; Reduce att. power, m. att
  • Offline: Offline Slash. Sword Master; Increase att. power damage & m. att damage. Debuff
  • FA: Finish Attack. Gladiator; Damage + Additional damage per every% of HP opponent's opponent at that time with HP opponent while still full
  • Ele: Elemental Aura. Paladin; Increase Fire + Ice Attack-defense
  • Icio: Conviction Aura. Paladin; Increase Light Attack-defense
  • PV: Provoke - Paladin. Punishing Swing EX - Destroyer; Take over aggro momon
  • SB: Spirit Boost. Acrobat; Increase Action Speed ​​+ CD decrease
  • WT: Walking Target. Hunter; Increase Att. Power & M. Attack damage. Debuff
  • FF: Fast Forward. Force User; CD decrease
  • Tower: Gatling Gun Tower, Cannon Tower, Ice Pump - Engineer.
  • Heal: Aura of Healing - Cleric. Healing Relic - Priest. Holy Shield - Saint. Heal Shower - Physician. Chakra of Miracle - Light Fury
  • GF: Guardian Force - Guardian; Absorb damage + Increase SA

2. Stats

Resist: Defense. Can be Elemental Resist, Crit can. Resist, et al.

  • FD = Final Damage. Stats expensive. Specific stats capable of providing damage multiplication percentage. The percentage damage multiplication increases according to the number of FDs you have. Bonus +% damage can change depending on level
  • STR = Strength. Power. Stats that increase Attack Power, Stun, Paralyze & Paralyze Resist
  • AGI = Agility / Dexterity. Agility. Stats that increase Attack Power, Critical & Critical Resist
  • INT = Intellect. Intelligence. Stats that increase Magic Attack, Magic Defense & Maximum MP
  • VIT = Vitality. Stats that enhance Physical Defense, Stun Resist & Maximum HP
  • Crit = Critical. Stats that improve Critical Chance. Critical Chance allows your attack to DOUBLE DAMAGE (+ 100% output damage increase)
  • Para = Paralyze / Delay. Stats that increase the Paralyze Rate. Paralyze will cause your opponent to attack the seizures. "The greater the value of Paralyze, the longer your opponent will spastic"
  • Stun = Dizziness. Stats that will increase Stun Rate. Stun will give your opponent a chance of dizziness (in his head there is a star "). The greater the stun value, the more likely the opponent you are attacking will be stunned / dizzy
  • HP = Health Point. The number of your character lives. If HP reaches 0, your character will die
  • MP = Mana Point. Number Where are your characters. MP is a consumption for the use of skills

a. Others

  • MOD = Modified DN client data. Allows you to change appearances (skin, BGM, UI) of characters, towns, and NPCs. (It's actually illegal to use MODs)
  • Farming = Nyari gold via hunting / dungeon / nanem taneman at farm
  • GM = Game Master. Game manager from the publisher. In Indonesia, Gemscool
  • Teacher = Master-Apprentice System from DN
  • RC = Royal Chest / Gold Chest. The treasure chest full of decorations, it drops
  • Hunt / hunting = Runs a specific dungeon / location repeatedly "in order to get a certain item / gold
  • NPC = Non-Player Character. Characters that are not played by the user. Merchants, Blacksmiths, Heraldry Scholars, momon, boss dungeon et al.
  • MT = Maintenance. New server, network, and implementation update and maintenance process
  • Grinding = SPAM RUN dungeon. To get a lot exp in no time
  • DG = Dungeon

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Halo Steemian, Kembali lagi dengan saya rizieirwanda69 yang akan membahas Game Dragon Nest. Untuk hari ini kita akan membahas tentang Istilah atau singkatan yang biasa di temukan dalam game Dragon Nest dan game-game lainnya.

Langsung saja kita lihat istilah atau singkatan dalam Game Dragon Nest.

1. Nest

Prac = Practice 

HC = Hardcore. Versi Hell Nest untuk Raid Nest (SDN HC, GDN HC)   

  • Mino : Minotaur Nest, Lvl 24 
  • Cerbe : Cerberus Nest, Lvl 32
  • Manti : Manticore Nest, Lvl 40
  • Apo : Apocalypse Nest, Lvl 40
  • ABN : Arch Bishop Nest, Lvl 50
  • GN : Gigantes Nest, Lvl 50
  • PKN : Proffessor K Nest, lvl 60
  • TKN : Typhoon Kim Nest, lvl 60
  • GDN : Green Dragon Nest, Lvl 50
  • DDN : Desert Dragon Nest, lvl 60
  • FOD : Fellowship of Dragon, lvl 60

a. Set Equipment

  • GA : Great Ancestor, Lvl 60
  • TO : Twisted Obsession, Lvl 60
  • HONO : Honourable Tribe, Lvl 60
  • Dange : Dangerous Desire, Lvl 60

(Lvl 70 updating... )

b. Grinding Dungeon

  • DTMI / FML : Fairystar Magic Laboratory, Calderock village
  • SC : Sigh Canyon, Calderock village
  • GT : Ghost Town of the Lonely Forest, Hermalte Port
  • GDC : Gate to Death City, Hermalte Port
  • FDR : Flooded Downstream Ruins, Hermalte Port
  • FIC : Forsaken Islet Core, Hermalte Port
  • RR : Riverwort Ruins, Riverwort Wharf
  • DFB : Dragon Follower's Base, Riverwort Wharf
  • MCSB : Meteor Crash Site Boundaries, Lotus Marsh
  • MH : Mutant's Habitat, Lotus Marsh
  • GM : Golden Meadow, Anu Arendel Gateway

c. Other Dungeons

  • DG = Dark Gateway, Calderock - Saint's Haven
  • HOP = Hatred of Pezadelo, Dark Gateway
  • CO = Chaos Opening, Entrance Garden of Time and Space. COP = Chaos Opening Padma, COB = Chaos Opening Baera, CO* (sensored) = Chaos Opening Kama
  • WTP = Wonderful Theme Park, Calderock - Saint's Haven 5.   Memo = Memoria, Entrance Garden of Time and Space

d. Trading

  • B>... : Buy / Beli
  • BO : Best Offer (Penawaran terbaik). Dilelang. Nawar mahal = dapat barang
  • J>... / S>... : Jual
  • T>... : Tukar. Tukar barang / Barter
  • PF : Perfect. Istilah keterangan bahwa barang yang ditawarkan itu bagus
  • PM : Post Me. Pesan saya / kirimi saya inbox
  • TH : Trading House. Tempat Lelang
  • WM : Whisper Me. Chat khusus yang memungkinkanmu mengobrol secara privat (whisper)
  • COD : Cash on Delivery. Jual Beli tetapi tatap muka. Harus ketemuan dan pembayaran tunai.
  • F2F : Face to Face. Ketemuan
  • FE : Full Equipment. Biasanya jika berjualan Char
  • TuTi : Tukar Tiket. Tawaran dari seorang player buat tukaran tiket LOFFY's TREASURE HUNT. Istilah musiman yang tidak selalu ada.
  • TuLi : Tuker Like. Player lain mengajak untuk tukaran Like.

e. Job / Class

  • WR : Warrior
  • MC : Mercenary
  • SM : Sword Master
  • BB : Barbarian
  • Destro : Destroyer
  • GL / Gladi = Gladiator
  • LK : Lunar Knight
  • Acro : Acrobat
  • WW : Wind Walker
  • Arti : Artillery
  • EL : Elemental Lord
  • FU : Force User
  • Cryo : Cryomancer
  • Pyro : Pyromancer
  • SMS : Smasher
  • PL : Paladin
  • PR : Priest
  • Crus : Crusader
  • Inqui / IQ : Inquisitor
  • GM : Gear Master
  • SS : Shooting Star
  • BD : Blade Dancer
  • SD : Spirit Dancer
  • DS : Dark Summoner
  • SE : Soul Eater
  • LF : Light Fury
  • AW : Abyss Walker

f. Party

  • PL : Party Leader
  • RL : Raid Leader
  • NP >... / N>... : Need Party. Mencari Party
  • LFP : Looking for Party
  • FM : Full Map. Full run. Jalanin sampai selesai semua
  • GB : Grup Bareng / Gaji Buta. Menolong player lain untuk mengambil satu keuntungan.
  • Raid Party : Party yang beranggotakan 5-8 orang. Khusus untuk Raid Nest
  • RC : Raid Call. Software yang memungkinkanmu untuk chat voice
  • DPS : Damage per Second. Istilah untuk job dengan party role damage dealer
  • MT : Main Tanker. Istilah untuk job dengan party role damage tanking
  • ST : Sub Tanker. Istilah untuk job yang mewakili tugas MT
  • Summon : Memanggil anggota party yang berada di lokasi berbeda.
  • Daily FTG : Party mau ngelarin quest Daily dari Sorceress Tysha @ Riverwort Wharf
  • Daily Loffy : Party mau ngelarin quest Daily dari Beggar Loffy @ Saint's Haven
  • Daily Merlin : Party mau ngelarin quest Daily dari Blacksmith Merlin @ Saint's Haven

g. Gameplay

  • AoE : Area of Effect. Wilayah yang terkena efek : serangan, buff, debuff
  • DpS : Damage per Second. Perbandingan damage dengan lamanya casting time. Membagi jenis skill/class menjadi 2. Burst dan Rapid
  • Rapid/Overtime DPS : Class / job yang mampu menyerang dengan combo yang banyak tetapi dengan damage yg kecil tiap hit nya
  • Burst DPS : Class / job yang mampu menyerang dengan one-hit dan damage yang besar tiap hitnya 5.   CD = Cooldown/Cooltime. jeda waktu penggunaan skill
  • Capt / Cpt : Captain
  • FA : Finishing Attack. Serangan yang menyebabkan KILL pada lawan
  • Ulti : Ultimate Skill. Skill" maha dahsyat super power. lvl 40
  • momon : Monster / lawan di dungeon
  • Mob / Mobster : kumpulan momon
  • Spawn : Bangkit. Munculnya monster
  • Ress : Ressurrect. Bangkit kembali dari kematian (Default key "R")
  • KOS : Kill on Sight, momon muncul langsung habisin
  • SB : Softban. Aturan PVP yg absurd, gk guna, bikin ccd, gk jelas. Melarang beberapa class untuk menggunakan skill tertentu agar tercipta "keseimbangan pertarungan" (sumpah, paling benci gw sama SB)
  • PVP : Player versus Player. Colosseum mode
  •  PVE : Player versus Environment. Dungeon, Nest dkk.
  •  IMBA : Imbalance. Tidak seimbang. Situasi dimana terjadi ketidak seimbangan antara damage/skill/deffend suatu class terhadap class lain. Terlalu Hebat / kuat
  • OP : Over Powered. (Seperti imba) Terlalu kuat dan gk balance
  • Revamp : Perombakan. Perombakan skill dari job tertentu. Bisa penguatan (Enhance) atau pelemahan (Nerf). Skill Balancing oleh developer
  • Exp : Experience. Pengalaman
  • GVG : Guild Versus Guild
  • FE : Full Equipment. Persyaratan untuk mencari anggota party yang memiliki Equipment yang Mak JEGERRR
  • Summon : Unit, makhluk. Yang dikeluarkan menggunakan skill. (Summon tentacle, summon poison mushroom, summon relic, summon tower)
  • Mid : Tengah. Perintah dari ketua party kepada anak buahnya untuk berkumpul di tengah" arena.
  • SA : Super Armor. Kemampuan momon / karakter untuk mengabaikan efek push, knockback maupun knockdown dari suatu serangan. Tapi damage dari serangan tersebut masih bisa diterima
  • SA break : Super Armor Break. Kemampuan momon / karakter untuk menembus Super Armor. Menyebabkan lawan knockback / knockdown walaupun memiliki SA
  • Buff : Efek dari skill yang menguatkan karakter / momon. Bisa berupa damage increase, deff increase, heal, remove debuff dll.
  • Debuff : Kebalikan Buff. Efek dari skill yang melemahkan karakter / momon. Bisa berupa Deff Decrease, Movement Reverse, Faint (tidur), Freeze, remove buff dll.
  • RB : Re-buff. Mem-buff ulang status buff pada karakter
  • FTG : Fatigue (kelelahan). Batasan maksimum memasuki dungeon
  • ROB : Rock of Blessing. Item unique yg hanya bisa didapatkan 3 orang tiap server. Item ini bisa kasi buff yg WOW (a.pow m. att +10%, Base Stats +100) . Biasanya dijual di chat world
  • CTC : CoolTime Charge. Skill system khusus Assassin. Membiarkan skillmu cooldown hingga 2-3x durasinya, membuat skill itu bisa digunakan 2-3x pula
  • MM : Mechanic Mode. Skill system khusus Engineer. Menggunakan serangan dari towermu sebagai serangan skillmu
  • Ammo : Ammo. Skill system khusus Engineer. Beberapa skill membutuhkan ammo untuk digunakan. Sistem CD tidak berlaku di skill ini.
  • Aggro : Bisa disebut juga dengan THREAT. Perhatian momon kepada player. Momon akan menyerang player yang yang mereka anggap THREAT/AGGRONYA besar. Aggro yang tinggi bisa diperoleh dengan memberikan damage yang besar, meng-SA break momon, menggunakan skill peningkat Threat (Armor Break, Taunting Howl), atau skill Provoking (Provoke, Punishing Swing, Fake Log)

h. Player Status & Chat Motion

  • AFK : Away from Keyboard, player sedang tidak dekat dengan komputernya karena masalah tertentu.
  • BRB : Be Right Back, sama seperti AFK. Hanya biasanya Brb sebentar dan "dijanjikan" kembali
  • CCD : Calon-calon Dewa.
  • DC : Disconnect / terputus dari server
  • Lag : Kondisi internet sedang lambat
  • Flood : Banjir. Membanjiri chatbox dengan chat yang tidak jelas dan berulang-ulang
  • GG : good gear, good game.
  • Hode : Orang laki main menggunakan char perempuan
  • Maho : Homo. Laki suka Laki
  • LOL : Laugh Out Loud.
  • ROFL = Roll Onto the Floor Laughing.
  • SWT = Sweat Water Teardrop.
  • OMG = Oh My God !!!
  • GLHF = Good Luck Have Fun.
  • IMO = In My Opinion. 
  • IMHO = In My Honest Opinion.
  • IRL = In Real Life. di kehidupan nyata
  • BTW = By The Way.
  • CMIIW = Correct Me If I Wrong. 
  • KK = Kakak, panggilan sesama player kepada karakter laki
  • CC = Cece / Cici / Mbak. Panggilan sesama player kepada karakter perempuan. Terkadang, char perempuan dimainin laki alias HODE
  • DD = Dedek / Dede. Panggilan sesama player kepada karakter loli.
  • IGN = In Game Name. Nama char yang diatas kepala. Bukan nama ID waktu login
  • OL = Online. Karakternya sedang ON di game. Tidak offline.

i. Essentials Skills

  • LS : Life Saver. Warrior; Menghentikan pengurangan HP hingga 1 point
  • BH : Battle Howl. Mercenary; Increase Att. power, M. Attack + Critical
  • PH : Panic Howl. Mercenary; Increase Critical + SA
  • DH : Deverstating Howl. Mercenary; Reduce att. power, m. att
  • Luring : Luring Slash. Sword Master; Increase att. power damage & m. att damage. Debuff
  • FA : Finish Attack. Gladiator; Damage + additional damage per setiap % dari selisih HP lawan saat itu dengan HP lawan saat masih full
  • Ele : Elemental Aura. Paladin; Increase Fire + Ice Attack-defense
  • Icio : Conviction Aura. Paladin; Increase Light Attack-defense
  • PV : Provoke - Paladin. Punishing Swing EX - Destroyer; Mengambil alih aggro momon
  • SB : Spirit Boost. Acrobat; Increase Action Speed + CD decrease
  • WT : Walking Target. Hunter; Increase Att. Power & M. Attack damage. Debuff
  • FF : Fast Forward. Force User; CD decrease
  • Tower : Gatling Gun Tower, Cannon Tower, Ice Pump - Engineer.
  • Heal : Aura of Healing - Cleric. Healing Relic - Priest. Holy Shield - Saint. Heal Shower - Physician. Chakra of Miracle - Light Fury
  • GF : Guardian Force - Guardian; Absorb damage + Increase SA

2. Stats

Resist : Pertahanan. Bisa Elemental Resist, bisa Crit. Resist, dkk.

  • FD = Final Damage. Stats mahal. Stats khusus yang mampu memberikan persentase damage multiplication. Persentase damage multiplication meningkat sesuai banyaknya FD yang kamu miliki. Bonus +% damage bisa berubah tergantung level
  • STR = Strength. Kekuatan. Stats yang meningkatkan Attack Power, Stun, Paralyze & Paralyze Resist
  • AGI = Agility / Dexterity. Kelincahan. Stats yang meningkatkan Attack Power, Critical & Critical Resist
  • INT = Intellect. Kecerdasan. Stats yang meningkatkan Magic Attack, Magic Defense & Maximum MP
  • VIT = Vitality. Stats yang meningkatkan Physical Defense, Stun Resist & Maximum HP
  • Crit = Critical. Stats yang meningkatkan Critical Chance. Critical Chance memberikan kemungkinan seranganmu untuk DOUBLE DAMAGE  (+100% output damage increase)
  • Para = Paralyze / Delay. Stats yang meningkatkan Paralyze Rate. Paralyze akan menyebabkan lawan yang kalian serang akan kejang". Semakin besar nilai Paralyze, semakin lama lawan kalian akan kejang"
  • Stun = Pusing. Stats yang akan meningkatkan Stun Rate. Stun akan memberikan kesempatan lawan yang kalian serang akan pusing (di kepalanya ada bintang"). Semakin besar nilai stun, semakin besar pula kemungkinan lawan yang kalian serang akan stunned / pusing
  • HP = Health Point. Jumlah nyawa character kalian. Jika HP mencapai 0, character kalian akan mati
  • MP = Mana Point. Jumlah Mana character kalian. MP merupakan konsumsi bagi penggunaan skills

a. Others

  • MOD = Modifikasi data client DN. Memungkinkanmu untuk mengubah penampilan (skin, BGM, UI) dari karakter, town, maupun NPC. (It's actually illegal to use MODs)
  • Farming = Nyari gold via hunting/dungeon/nanem taneman di farm
  • GM = Game Master. Pengelola game dari pihak publisher. Di Indonesia, Gemscool
  • Guru  = Sistem Master-Apprentice dari DN
  • RC = Royal Chest / Gold Chest. Peti harta yang penuh dekorasi, dropnya bejibun
  • Hunt / hunting = Menjalankan dungeon / lokasi tertentu secara berulang" dengan tujuan mendapatkan item tertentu / gold
  • NPC = Non-Player Character. Karakter yang tidak dimainkan oleh user. Merchants, Blacksmiths, Heraldry Scholars, momon, bos dungeon dkk.
  • MT = Maintenance. Proses perbaikan dan perawatan server, jaringan, dan implementasi update baru
  • Grinding = SPAM RUN dungeon. Untuk mendapatkan exp banyak dalam waktu singkat
  • DG = Dungeon   

Itulah Istilah atau Singkatan baru dari Game Dragon Nest, jika ada yang mendapat Istlah atau singkatan terbaru jangan ragu-ragu untuk memberitahu.

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