Tricks to make meeting more effective/ Trik membuat rapat lebih efektif / 2 Languages.

in indonesia •  8 years ago  (edited)

Hello steemit friends wherever located.
The meeting is a meeting that aims to equate perception and make all teachers who come to understand what the decision together. Good meeting will make the teacher more enthusiasm in teaching because he felt full know what to pay attention, watch and be prepared. Effective meetings are not necessarily in luxury places, cafes and so forth, in school can be effective and produce the best decision.Begitu also conducted in SMKN3 Lhokseumawe.School meetings implemented monthly.This meeting not only presents teachers, but also All the elements that are in it, such as TU(administration), the school guard, even the guard of the school was presented. In the meeting, many problems are discussed and resolved.Adapum issues often discussed is the problem of student discipline, student behavior and student motivation in learning. But not only there, the discipline of teachers, also discussed in the trial tersebut.Biasanya session teachers spend 2 to 3 hours, depending on the problems faced.
For a meeting to be effective some tricks are needed.
Here I will try to share with you all how the meeting works effectively.

The tricks are :
1.Teachers prepare materials to be presented at school meetings.


2.The teacher who served as the minutes then typed the meeting notes then the results sent to the principal as input.


3.Teachers should avoid appointing someone who has an idea at a meeting as the sole executive of the idea he or she provides.


4.Excited during meetings, so a good audience and not busy themselves.


5.Trying on time when the meeting was present 5 minutes earlier.


6.Avoid being a 'stylish' teacher in meetings, looking at meetings, but rarely teaching.


7.Professional teachers always adapt to other teachers.


8.The contents of the meeting are divided into routine agendas and are always discussed in each meeting and added to the latest issues that need joint solutions.


9.Include one session in every school meeting to share the grief of the fellow teacher.


10.Avoid frequent meetings just about money.


That's what I can say. Hopefully, the tricks in the above mentioned school meeting can be beneficial for teachers and all parties.
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Hello sahabat steemit dimanapun berada.
Rapat sekokah adalah Suatu rapat yang bertujuan untuk menyamakan persepsi dan membuat semua guru yang hadir paham apa yang menjadi keputusan bersama.Rapat yang baik akan membuat guru semakin semangat dalam mengajar karena ia merasa mengetahui penuh apa yang mesti diperhatikan, diwaspadai dan dipersiapkan. Rapat yang efektif tidak mesti di tempat mewah, cafe dan lain sebagainya, di sekolah pun bisa efektif dan menghasilkan keputusan yang terbaik.Begitu juga yang dilakukan di SMKN3 Lhokseumawe.Setiap sebulan sekali rapat sekolah dilaksanakan.Rapat ini tidak hanya menghadirkan guru saja, tetapi juga semua unsur yang ada di dalamnya,seperti Tu,Satpam sekolah,bahkan penjaga sekolah pun dihadirkan.Di dalam rapat,banyak masalah yang dibahas dan di selesaikan.Adapum masalah yang sering dibahas adalah masalah kedisiplinan siswa, tingkah laku siswa dan motivasi siswa dalam belajar.Tapi tidak hanya sampai disitu,kedisiplinan guru, juga di bahas dalam sidang itu.Biasanya sidang guru menghabiskan waktu 2 sampai 3 jam,tergantung masalah yang dihadapi.
Untuk efektifnya suatu rapat diperlukan beberapa trik.
Di sini saya akan mencoba membagi ilmu kepada anda semua bagaimana rapat itu berjalan efektif.

Triknya adalah :

  1. Guru mempersiapkan bahan untuk dipresentasikan pada rapat sekolah.
  2. guru yang bertugas menjadi notulen kemudian mengetik catatan rapatnya kemudian hasilnya dikirim ke kepala sekolah sebagai masukan.
  3. Guru mesti menghindari menunjuk seseorang yang punya ide saat rapat sebagai satu-satunya pelaksana dari ide yg ia berikan
  4. bersemangat saat rapat, jadi audience yang baik dan tidak sibuk sendiri
  5. Berusaha tepat waktu saat rapat hadir 5 menit sebelumnya.
  6. Hindari jadi guru yang bertipe 'bergaya" di rapat, maunya kelihatan saat rapat, tapi jarang masuk mengajar.
  7. Guru professional selalu beradaptasi dengan guru lainnya.
  8. Isi rapat dibagi menjadi agenda yang sifatnya rutin dan selalu dibahas dlm setiap rapat dan ditambah isu-isu terkini yang perlu pemecahan bersama.
  9. Masukkan satu sesi dalam setiap rapat di sekolah untuk berbagi suka duka pada sesama guru.
    10.Hindari rapat keseringan hanya karena masalah uang.

Demikianlah yang dapat saya sampaikan.Semoga triks dalam rapat sekolah yang disebutkan di atas tadi, bisa bermanfaat bagi guru dan semua pihak.Amin.
Terima kasih sudah mengunjungi dan membaca post saya.
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Good jobs Mr @safran
Thanks so much for the insirative and educative posting. It should be applied by all the school at our country. Because the students will be success start from teacher's dicipline. I do agree with you. Oh ya Mr @safran do you have any advices to me, how to make students come "online" with me. I mean students and teachers sincronize in learning in the classroom or out class. I want to make my students happy while they learning in the class. Nowadays, I see a lot of students has change, they learn something use variative source, it seem like they don't need teachers anymore, everthing informations they needed are in "google" and in other sources like social media (facebook, twitter, instagram and more). So we have to take over back. OK I agree with learning 21 century teori, teacher is not only one learning centre, but students have to know give respect to their teacher is number one whereever and whenever they are.

Wow I love to discuss with you Mr @safran, did you know Mr @safran, in my country Kashmir our teach the student in nature. We don't have enough classroom, so we take my students to enjoy the nature. We learn how balance the nature, how to keep the nature, how to consevate tje nature and the more important need to know for the studentas and the others is who create the nature ? Look, yeah look once again, are there did you find any unbalance of nature ? I think all of are balance, right ? So, lets give thanks to GOD by keeping always the nature, keeping always the energy, because all of that have to be back to our children and grandchildren.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Thank you very much @gaisalimmer.According to me,the student in this era with student in the last era is very different.When I studied a few years ago,student's was very resfect with their teacher.If a teacher giving advice,they were not brave againts.They always patience to teacher.But in this era,many students feel great.They are brave againts their teacher.In this case, teacher must prepair a good strategy so that teaching learning can go well and students can apreciate their teacher.The strategy are :
1.Dont be monoton in teahing.
2.using many referensi of books.
3.Take student to study out classical like as enviromental school.
4.Using polite word ini teaching
5.Giving advise before start studying
6.Always smile
7.Giving reward If they can answer your questionds.

I think if you using the methods above,God willing students will like you,your lesson and you can be favorite teacher for then.I think enough and I hope you fell satisfied with my explanation.Thank you very much.


I try to do what do you want.thanks visiting my post.