
in indonesia •  7 years ago 

hi friend esteem ... today i found a snail
Snails are land snails that belong to the mollusca phylum or animals that have no spine. His trademark is that he always carries his shell everywhere as a mechanism of self-defense as well as his residence.
Snails have the latin name Achatina fullica which belongs to the Achatinidae tribe. Snails appear as a disgusting animal because it has a mucus that covers the surface of its skin and a soft body.
But in fact some of these animals can be used as pets and even used as food. Indonesian society also use it as a natural remedy to overcome various diseases
thanks to friends who love it

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Hana meuho meurak pih

Kenapa ya

The Pig Seupot ya @syahrulrazi

Pue sit?