in indonesia •  7 years ago 



Religion is a belief shared by a person. the notion of a religion is a doctrine or system that governs the worship of God and the relationship between people. in the teachings of a religion, every adherent is taught to live in harmony with one another.

In the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia there are six recognized and protected religions. the six officially recognized religions in Indonesia are Islamic, Catholic, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu and Congregational. These six believers are recognized and protected by law to be free to implement the teachings of their beliefs.

Indonesia is a state based on Pancasila, where in the first principle Pancasila is to recognize the existence of a god. Because of this, the state protects every belief that recognizes the existence of God Almighty. the state dare to guarantee the security of every religion to run the worship according to their respective beliefs.


Seen from the understanding of religion above, then a religious teachings play an important role. the proper and appropriate teaching of religious teachings, then one will be able to live in harmony and mutual respect with people who embrace other religions. Thus, the function of religion to create harmony and peace will be realized, so that will make Indonesia a strong country.

in addition, a religion also serves to provide moral teaching to humans. A religious teaching must instill in its people to do good with fellow beings and if they do not do so, it will be punished in the afterlife of the God they trust. with the moral teachings of each of these religions, then one will always try to do good things during his life.


Understanding religion briefly is a human belief in the Creator. thus, a religious person will always do good, because they know that all behaviors will be accounted before the Lord. Because of that, then someone is encouraged to embrace religion to behave commendable fellow human beings

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Keren banget kan.. Terima kasih udah retewet