Build Ryoma Arena of Valor: Strong Samurai with Terrible Damage!

in indonesia •  7 years ago 

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Hy Steemian, back again along @yukki. After we discuss about the opening hero ryoma. More of this time we will discuss the build which belongs to super hero.

Ryoma can be a hero with very perfect lane with additional physical attack and defense to sustain. It is these recommendations build Ryoma in lane!

Ryoma finally present become one hero that can be used in the Arena of Valor. As a new hero, the first thing that should be known by gamers is the ideal build for the hero. Well as to what the ideal build for Ryoma?

Source : Screenshot from my game

As a samurai, Ryoma needs to have a high physical attack to increase physical damage resulting. In addition, as the hero lane, he should also get a physical and magic defense to make it sustain in the lane. What are the recommended items and Arcana for Ryoma? Check out directly below.

Recommendation Items

To make the Ryoma as hero lane deadly at once have sufficient resilience, she should get an additional physical attack, physical defense and magic defense. Here is a combination of the items recommended for Ryoma.


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This is the main item of Ryoma when playing as the hero lane. Additional points of physical attack and cooldown reduction will be obtained by Ryuma when using Rankbreaker. In addition there are also passive Break that will increase armor pierce, as well as passive Windwalk which increases the movement speed when leaving the battle.

Gilded Greaves

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For shoes, Ryoma recommended using Gilded Greaves. With this item Ryoma will get resistance and could be faster regardless of the adverse effects of the skill of the opponent as slow or stun.

Frost Cape

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Next Ryoma match paired with Frost Cape to add sustain in the lane. An additional cooldown reduction, physical defense and maximum HP will make Ryoma is able to meladeni opponent in the lane. In addition, the passive effect of Frost Power will make the opponent kelimpungan effects with slow any attacking Ryoma with normal attack after removing the skill.

Spear of Longinus

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Adding to attacking Ryoma, item Spear of Longinus is quite ideal to use. Additional physical attack, cooldown reduction, and also physical defense will be obtained by Ryoma. Besides Ryoma will also get passive Shatter which will reduce the physical defense of the opponent for 5 seconds when Ryoma was attacked.

Fenrir's Tooth

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Perfecting the attacking power of Ryoma, item Fenrir's Tooth is ideal to use Ryoma. Additional physical attack huge will obtained by Ryoma. In addition to passive Fenrir's Tooth will increase damage Ryoma in a beat up opponents who have HP below 50%.

Ancestral Glory

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Lastly there was ite Ancestral Glory which can be used by Ryoma. In addition to extra maximum HP, Ryoma also will have a second life in die in battle because of the effect of passive Ressurect from Ancestral Glory.

 According to you guys, will become the new Idol Ryoma? Oiya, look forward to another hero tips only in @yukki. Don't forget to follow for info-interesting info about Arena of Valor! and other exciting games 

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