Rousing Red The Local Political Parties in Aceh (Bilingual)steemCreated with Sketch.

in indonesia •  7 years ago  (edited)

When discussing about color, then the red color is often regarded as brave and the presence of red will make the atmosphere becomes more lively. The title of course we often hear, Red Rousing. In Aceh Province, after the peace agreement between the Aceh Independence Movement (GAM) and the Government of Indonesia, local laws or regulations have been enacted, namely the Aceh Government Act (UUPA) and one of the provisions is that Aceh has the right to form its own political party and is eligible to contest elections legislative (senator) at the district and provincial levels.

Jika membahas tentang warna, maka warna merah sering dianggap sebagai pemberani dan kehadiran warna merah akan membuat suasana menjadi lebih meriah. Sebutannya tentu sering kita dengar, Merah Meriah. Di Provinsi Aceh, pasca perjanjian damai antara Gerakan aceh Merdeka (GAM) dan Pemerintah Indonesia, telah berlaku aturan atau undang-undang lokal yaitu Undang Undang Pemerintah Aceh (UUPA) dan salah satu ketentuannya adalah Aceh berhak membentuk partai politik sendiri dan berhak mengikuti pemilihan umum legislatif (senator) di tingkat kabupaten dan tingkat provinsi.

Foto bersama didepan kantor PA Kabupaten Aceh Timur | Photo in PA office of Aceh Timur District.

Each party certainly has a characteristic color, such as Partai Aceh (PA) which makes the color red as their color. In my district of East Aceh district, PA dominates over half of the seats in the House of Representatives (DPRK) as well as the Bupati and Vice Regents of PA, H. Hasballah HM. Thaib and Syahrul Bin Syamaun. Here is a rousing picture I took when the couple of Regents and Vice Regents of East Aceh signed up to the local election organizer, the Independent Electoral Commission (KIP) some time ago. This regional head election is held every 5 years. This photo is not my own work but there are also some photos of my professional friend, @ sifayulinnas. Only a part of it that I take myself because we often work together and work together.

Setiap partai tentu memiliki warna yang menjadi ciri khas, seperti Partai Aceh (PA) yang menjadikan warna merah sebagai warna mereka. Di daerah saya di Kabupaten Aceh Timur, PA sangat mendominasi dengan meraih lebih dari setengah jumlah kursi di Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Kabupaten (DPRK) begitu juga dengan Bupati dan Wakil Bupati yang diusung oleh PA, yaitu H. Hasballah HM. Thaib dan Syahrul Bin Syamaun. Berikut ini adalah kemeriahan gambar yang saya ambil saat pasangan Bupati dan Wakil Bupati Aceh Timur mendaftar ke lembaga penyelenggara pemilihan kepala daerah, yaitu Komisi Pemilihan Independen (KIP) beberapa waktu lalu. Ajang pemilihan kepala daerah ini digelar setiap 5 tahun sekali. Foto ini bukan karya saya sendiri tapi ada juga beberapa foto karya teman seprofesi saya, @syifayulinnas. Hanya sebagian saja yang saya ambil sendiri karena kami sering bekerja sama dan sama-sama bekerja.

This photo step by step

Follow the peusijuek procession, in order to get blessing.

Vehicles are decorated like tanks for convoy.

The convoy of the masses led the pair of regional heads to the election administration office.

The convoy of the masses led the pair of regional heads to the election administration office.

The convoy of the masses led the pair of regional heads to the election administration office.

The convoy of the masses led the pair of regional heads to the election administration office.

The convoy of the masses led the pair of regional heads to the election administration office.

The convoy of the masses led the pair of regional heads to the election administration office.

The convoy of the masses led the pair of regional heads to the election administration office.

The convoy of the masses led the pair of regional heads to the election administration office.

The convoy of the masses led the pair of regional heads to the election administration office.

Couple of candidates for the regional head upon arrival at the election administration office.

Couple of candidates for the regional head upon arrival at the election administration office.

The masses welcomed the candidates for the regional heads when they arrived at the election office.

Couple of candidates for the regional head upon arrival at the election administration office.

Couple of candidates for the head of region submitted the registration file at the election organizer office.



Follow me : @zamzamiali

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Peu jih yg bereh bg @dodi1000 ??

Luar biasa Bung @zamzamiali
Sukses untuk kita semua.

Terima kasih bg @rezaacoi. Maaf kemarin saya ada halangan mendadak dan tidak sempat hadir.

Omen bulat that adoe drokuh. Nyan silop hoe, so ka baplung silop gata.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Helo @ladyisidora, please don't spam.

Aceh tanoh lon Sayang!

Sampoe lon mate.