Military Industrial Complex with Eurasia connected via Railroad leads to WWIII,Christian Persecution Increases can't Worship without being Attacked,Ohio Bans Abortion? Nationalism increases in Europe with attacks on Christians & the Catholic Church

in industrialism •  7 years ago  (edited)

Please read these articles and watch these videos and share. Merry Christmas too. By the way, Shoebat does a great job showing and telling what is going on then and now. Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Don't assume from the title of the video and/or article, there's more to it, when you have the opportunity please check out their site too.
We have to face these issues head on with the full armor of God and stand with Jesus Christ no matter what.
Living in the end times just as in the days of Noah, Sodom and Gomorrah. Best to get yourself right with God while you still can. By the way, I'm sick & tired of this sinful & evil represented as a cancer on society & brainwashed the weak-minded to submit to sin & evil. God/Yeshua/Jesus's word never changes & is truth. Why I don't associate with that sinful crowd. They can take everything, but my faith in Christ.

Will War Ever Happen Again In Europe?
"Will war happen again in Europe? This is the discussion of my latest 32 min. video:"
On panels to make it diversified, at least one British guy in each of the panels, those on the panels who read generic information by fake news and they run with that.
Reflects on Catalonia Independence movement on reflection of a darker reality, sign of lack of coercion in the continent.
Looks on the history of the region, gets you a general idea as to what will happen down the road. Look at the Criminal background of a person with history of bank robbing, will repeat the same ways. History repeats.
On European Wars.
Describes some of the British people as Optimistic and Pessimistic expressing Anti-Christian views.
War in Yugoslavia in the 1990's as result of Independence lead to Fragmentation and War.

People follow Narratives rather than Truth.
Explains the Binary views of things. Those out there giving us a choice, when we are not given a choice.
One example of Binary view of Right Wing European good and Muslim bad. In fact, both are evil with ulterior motives.
Knows that Muslims are easy to read and know their endgame.
Western European people are difficult to pin-point, hard to read.
Learn more about American culture. Awareness of those of different cultures such as Eastern European people, who say they want to do a revolution, they mean it. CIA, Western European conflicts exploit conflicts with removing dictators for resources, control of society, destabilization of region, imposing genocide, NWO Agenda.
Westerners wait. On BLM.
Don't piss off the White person mirrors to the French Revolution etc.

Societal Manipulation, bring in Migrants causes Polarization, get White people pissed off, get the White man to accept Tyranny and Despotism. Getting the White man to accept the Narrative. Terrorism is reality.
Beware of Hegelian Dialectic. Polarization, Race War.

Binary thinking gets you to follow one of the two sides, when they are both corrupt and evil.
Both Trump and Hillary are corrupt, Illusion of Choice.
Nancy Reagan an Occultist was into contacting the dead. Queen of England, etc.
Leaders are controlled. Trump was selected for the role he's in by the powers that be.
Parties Change, Policies Doesn't change.

Can you live peacefully in the Government without worshiping the Government?
Russia has their own problems, same with Ukraine.
Every month or every two-weeks is Ukraine Neo-Nazi rallies. Azov division armed by the US to fight the Russians.
Neo-Nazis coming from Russia fighting for the Russians.
Civil War in 2013 in Central Africa that Muslims were killing the Christians. The Christians rose up, masqred the Muslims, escalated into sheer brutality and evil, cannibalism committed by Central Africans.
Binary Views are evil gets people killed imposing Anti-Christianity and Agenda 21 and 2030 in the process.
War is a curse and depravity on both sides.
America influenced the Nazis, created Frankenstein Japan, etc.
Wishes Merry Christmas.

Donald Trump Now Wants To Arm The Ukrainians With Anti-Tank Missiles To Fight The Russians. This Is Only Going To Instigate War In Europe
"Donald Trump now wants to arm the Ukrainians with anti-tank missiles to fight pro-Russian separatists. This is only going to further instigate war in Europe. This is the subject of my latest 13 min. video:"
10,000 people killed both civilian and military. American's are exploiting the situation, adding fuel to the fire.
Germans arming their Militarism such as Rein-metal. Built giant cannon for the Ottomans against Constantinople.
Reflects on history such as the First Balkan War and WWI. Conflict in Eastern Europe, which spilled into the West. Germans and Ottomans wanted War with rising Nationalism.
Germany blamed Serbia for Austria Arch-Duke Assassination. Gave ultimatum to Serbs and Austrian-Hungarian invaded Serbia. Germans telling Austrians were using this situation to expand the conflict to get Russia into the War. France made deal with Russia via Russia-Franco agreement. Then, eventually Britain and US into the war, thus WWI with Grand Europe plan making German into Empire taking over Britain, which failed.
On Operation Gladio, NATO armed Neo-Nazi Militia groups, orchestrated terrorists attacks to blame Russia, forment Nationalism, etc. Creating the conditions for another conflict in Europe.

Germany’s Far-Right And Anti-Muslim Migration Party, Alternative For Germany, Attacks The Catholic Church And Says That It Has Too Much Influence In The German Government
"Germanys far-right and (supposedly) anti-Muslim migration party, the Alternative for Germany, has now expressed hostilities against the Catholic Church, saying that it has too much influence in the German government. This only reflects a growing anti-Catholicism. This is the subject of my most recent 25 min. video:"
Not surprised since Protestantism was born there, Nothing has Changed.
Germans are Government employees by the State and controls the Church. To leverage power over the church to control it.
The German Government make people pay a tax if you are Catholic or Orthodox. Mirrored to the Muslims applying to non-Muslims with the Jizya tax.
The Leader of the AFD is a Lesbian, imposing Social Darwinism, Nationalism, Eugenics, Paganism, Homosexuality, etc. Using the engineered Muslims Migration to impose Eugenics and Racialism laws.
The Government are Polarizing away from the Church and marketing anything AntiChristian that leads to genocide via NWO Agenda. They condemn one evil, while imposing other evils to justify their Darwinism, Eugenics, Nationalism, etc.
What preceded the French Revolution was Nationalism that lead to genocide.
Spain was a Catholic country.

Germany is Secular country that wanted to get rid of Catholicism, strong history of Anti-Catholicism.
Rise of Nationalism leads to Paganism, Division, marketing anything AntiChristian, then Genocide.
The AFD is full of the AntiChrist Spirit, Nazi, Social Darwinist, Eugenicist party. The AFD markets itself on programs such as The 700 Club are a Protestant Freemason Illuminati network. Doing to impose Nationalism. Talks about the Catalonia Independence leads to fragmentation of Europe, who benefits from this?
The engineered migration in Europe used by the Nationalists to impose Militarism, Social Darwinism, and Eugenics.
Please know that the AFD is not the only party imposing NWO Agenda. The rest of the political groups are in it too, both political parties are the same coin. Evil cannot win against Evil, only creates further chaos and destruction.

Hundreds Of Muslims Go Straight From Mosque After Friday Prayers And Attack Christian Church, Ransack The Inside And Are Now Demanding The Rest To Be Destroyed
God/Yeshua/Jesus Christ protect the Christians send in reinforcements/protection/security #ChristianPersecution

Turkey Is Building A Gigantic Railway Network That Will Connect Europe With Asia, And It Will Be Used To Systemically Exterminate Christians, As Erdogan Works To Revive The Ottoman Empire
The article illustrates on the Military Industrial Complex with the Railway System back in the previous World Wars, then and now. Who fueled the Armenian Genocide, were the Germans (Industrialists and Bankers) for building the Railway System and Turkey (The Young Turks) to impose their Darwinism, Eugenics, Nationalism, and Paganism to impose Genocide on those not deemed in their false utopia of one race, one religion, etc.
In detail this article goes over who's involved Industrialists, Financially, and Military to fuel the Military Industrial Complex to repeat the same evils of old, but more technology advanced and the same raping countries for resources.

The new Railway system connects Europe and Asia a.k.a Eurasia with Turkey, Azerbaijanis and the Austrians. Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Please remember that Industrialization is connected with increasing the Military Industrial Complex, thus leading to War, and Genocide, via NWO Agenda. Certainly looks like War is in the Air with fighting between the North and the South. Expect the Euro Spring in the future. The Use of rails are important backed by $$$ & industrialists. Besides US involvement in Eurasia, it appears Russia & China are just as involved, same applies with other countries as well.
The Book of Wisdom describes those who market genocide on those deemed "weaker nations," while making themselves the supreme race, religion, etc. as follows: “But let our strength be the law of justice: for that which is feeble, is found to be nothing worth.” (Wisdom 2:11)
Quote from the article, there is plenty more to read with videos in the article as well and share.
"But the prophet Joel, speaking of Armageddon predicts: “Cut your ploughshares into swords, and your spades into spears.” (Joel 3:10) This speaks of converting industry into the mechanism of warfare. War is in the air, and mankind is ready to make their plowshares (industry) into swords (military technology). In other words, industrialization will be used as the means for war."

Turkey Is Reviving The Ottoman Empire And Biblical Cush Is Welcoming Turkey In Submission, As The Government Of Sudan Is Now Allowing Turkey To Expand Its Military Into Sudan
Sudan called the “arm’s dump” of #Africa every war center of focus invaded & controlled by foreign militaries
#Erdogan=#Antichrist setting shop at #Suakin for #OttomanEmpire revival
Daniel 11:43 “the Libyans and Ethiopians shall follow at his heels.”

THE DRUG GAME: OPIUM, An American Cash Crop by Dayz Of Noah

Russell & Co. & The Scottish Merchants: William Jardine & James Matheson
The Combination
Connecticut full of Occultism/Paganism & Industrialism
Bertrand Russell (Madman)
Russell family dominated Yale college history, founded Yale University and Skull and Bones.
William Huntington Russell, cousin of Samuel Russell, founder of the Opium trade. William founded Skull and Bones in 1832 along with confidant/cofounder Alphonso Taft. Taft’s son William Howard Taft, became President would play a role in International Narcotics Controls and the U.S. Drug War.

Opium crisis was rampant in China by 1838. Trade was draining China’s Treasury.
First Opium War 1839-1842 left Russell & Co. the only competing left in Canton in the Opium trade firm, with the rest destroyed.
Warren Delano Jr., chief of operations of Russell’s & Co. in Canton was the grandfather of Franklin Roosevelt.
John Cleeve Green, a trustee of Princeton University.

Joseph Coolidge, whose son organized the infamous United Fruit Company. His grandson Archibald C. Coolidge was a co-founder of the Council On Foreign Relations.
The CFR controls the US and UN.
Railroads, Banking firms, Commerce, Communications Law, Politics.
Daniel C. Gilman, Bonesman and Founder of University of California system. He incorporated the order of Skull and Bones as the Russell Trust Association with General WH Russell as President.

Opium Trade families then invested money in the Railroad, Medical, and Education systems.
Spanish-American War was instigated by the False Flag event of Havana, which would signal the US as a Global Imperial Power. American troops strategically invaded Manila in 1899 and acquired the Philippines as a Colony of the US.
President Theodore Roosevelt appointed Bonesman and Opium Family Heir William Howard Taft to serve as the First Civil Governor of the Island, with the post held by Russell & Co.

Manila was the oldest Western Trade Port and one of the most valuable golden triangle locations. In 1903, the Philippines declared Opium illegal creating a Black Market, which is required to run a smuggling operation, which is and has always been the Western and Russell Company Profession.
Trump esq plant President in the Philippines Duterte. US occupation in the Philippines.
What’s happening in the US Opium epidemic mirrors to what was done in China.
Control of Manila trade Port. Taft’s legislation paved the way for the Bushes to take over.

The Government Of Austria Instigates Italy And Declares To Ethnic Germans Living In Italy: ‘If You Identify Yourself As German, And Speak German, We Will Give You Austrian Citizenship.’
"The government of Austria has now instigated Italy by saying that ethnic Germans living in South Tyrol, a region of Italy that borders with Austria and is inhabited by mainly ethnic Germans, may be given Austrian citizenship if they identify as German and speak German. I did a whole 23 min. 47 sec. video on this:"
Austria and other Northern Countries Pushing for Separatism and Secession/Division, Racialism, Social Darwinism, Eugenics, Regionalism to split Europe into Regions instead of Countries. All of this will lead into war via NWO Agenda. Pan-Germanism. Europe reverting back to Paganism, War days, Revival of Past Hatreds & Past Inspirations for Empire, Imperialism, & destruction of Christendom. Countries don't change, look at the past history reflects today.

For This New Year, Be Aware That As The Years Pass, We Are Heading Towards A Eugenist And Genocidal World
For this new year, be away that as years pass, we are not getting any better as the world heads towards more and more eugenics and genocidal aspirations and beliefs. This is the subject of today’s 54 min. 52 sec. video:
Watched Documentary on CBSN on Extermination of those with Down Syndrome, using Iceland as an example of this. Can't stand the word Ethical. Spiritually and Morality are intertwined, cannot separate them.
Can't put Love, Evil, etc. under a Microscope. Everything into Category, process of dissecting everything is cold and callous leads to Genocide. How countries legalize Euthanasia/Suicide, Abortion. The Ethics always fails, Evil legalizing evil, cold mechanism.
Battle of idea, the most radical and committed wins. Reason the Eugenicist are winning is they are committed to their agenda, Social Darwinism, Materialistic. The Atheists/Secularists/Social Darwinism, are those who set the rules. The Evangelicals conform to the standards of the enemy. Ethical's are not committed to Ethics, refuse to Metaphysical nature of morals and spirituality. They want to dissect everything under a microscope.

Morality is Spiritual.
"Everything the human being does with the body, affects the soul, so you cannot separate physicality from spirituality, they are intertwined."

"Neutral Counseling" brought up the CBS report. Iceland acts as though they found the cure for Down Syndrome, when in fact they are Murdering those with Down Syndrome. Same actions as Nazis due to Genetic makeup, is genocide.
Robert Spencer. Counterjihad Movement is combating Islam under guise of Genocide a.k.a. Agenda 21, 2030.
Thus making children as commodity.
Capitalistic, Materialistic, Industrialism, etc. End Goal is Ego about what I want, a.k.a. "Do what thou will?"=Crowleyism

Both political parties are the same coin, both evil. Both fuel the Industrialism. Both lead to Tyrannical Government and powerful state. Mirrored to the days of Nazis, whose's end game is power.

These modern day Vikings are Pagans are murdering the children as a "religious sacrifice" same as it ways in the days of Aztecs, ripping people's Hearts out. Plus, the Satanic sacrifices murdering children for their false utopia of immortality.

At 28:15 mark looks like a Ziggurat/Babylonian Tower from the Twin Towers from "The Lord Of The Rings."

Pagan priestess under the guise of female priest/bishop wearing Purple is Merkel look-alike, b--- looks genocidal.
The Vikings have Anti-Life Pagan religion.

Theodore reflects time in Southern Europe, is more Catholic presence, packed church in Madrid. The Northern is lack of religious presence, is quite dead and empty.

At 36:00 mark is British Identitarian Leader named Mark Collett, advocating the slaughter of Down Syndrome, Pro-Life only for healthy White babies. The Left Wing advocate for abortion at all stages, quite honest telling you what they want, advocate genocidal institution. Identitarian movements are Nazi that market, Nationalism, Patriotism, Racialism, and Genocide. The Right Wing are more deceptive and cunning, mix truth with lies.

Australian/English accent at 40:00 mark by Theodore imitating Mark Collett. Fear mongering of Army of Retarded Children. Alt-Right are Nazis, bottom line. Old school Progressive, Social Darwinism, Racialism, & Eugenicists.

Societies when women dominate and not being taken accountable for horrible behavior, some women have become b----. She-Ria Law. People follow narratives rather than truth. Living under She-Ria racy, Feminism.
Feminism women not having children. Rejection of Christianity, decrease in population, rise of Paganism.

Pope Francis=False Prophet warned the same Eugenicist evil.
The Future holds a Eugenicist world. Some victories here and there in the fight to ban abortion.
Unfortunately strong Victories for Eugenicists. Getting closer to 4th Reich.

The Government Of Ohio Bans Abortion For Children With Down Syndrome
Good news for once, until the Women stop having Abortions, this cycle will keeping going fueling this&that movement. Plus,the Satanic rituals on these innocent children too. What is being done to #SaveTheChildren?

Islamic Terrorism Has Become So Bad In Egypt That Almost A QUARTER MILLION Security Forces Have Been Deployed To Protect Churches This Christmas
Actions to save the Coptic Christians in Egypt protecting them & reopen the churches with security forces. God Bless indeed.

Hindu Terrorists Set Up Checkpoints Looking For Christians Going To Prayer Service, Then They Attack The Christians In Prayer, Beat Them With Sticks, And Set 100 Vehicles On Fire
F---Hindu Extremists/Nationalists

Drug Cartel Agents Enter Elementary School And Execute Father During Christmas Party, And Force His Son To Watch
Absolutely Horrifying!!! What is being done to take down these drug cartels & those Industrialists & Politicians who fuel them too?

Christmas Slaughter As Terrorist Guns Down Four Christians And Wounds Eights While They Are Singing Christmas Carols
Agree with this comment: "U.S should dispatch more special forces into that area to assist the Christians." #ChristianPersecution

Hindu Terrorists Send Messages Mocking Jesus And Christmas, Promise ‘We Are Preparing And Waiting For The Day In A Few Years When We Can Throw You Christians Into The Ovens’
The Times of Hindutva are Mocking Christians
#Hindus see #Muslims no different than #Christians,beware of #Nationalists groups marketing #Coutnerjihad really is #Agenda21 by 2024 extermination of Christians & Muslims.
The Daily Stormer follows Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals

Christians In Egypt Are Truly Suffering. Muslim Terrorists Have Murdered Christians In Their Churches, In Their Businesses And Even In Their Own Homes
God have mercy on the Christians, give them strength, protection with equal Mercy & Justice. #ChristianPersecution

Three Muslims Kidnap Christian Teenager And Demand A Ransom, When The Family Cannot Pay They Torture Him By Mutilating His Face And Then Murder Him As A ‘Christmas Gift’ For Christian Village
Prays go out to the family. God/Yeshua Protection & Security for Christians.

Muslim Takes His 12-Year-Old ‘Wife’ And Tortures Her 150 Times, Pierces Her Genitals With Sticks And Forces Her To Eat Dog Food
God be with this Girl, Protection and Healing
Many others as well #Persecution

Christians Go To Church To Praise God And Have A Bible Verse Quiz, Muslims Enter The Church And Murder Four Christians
ChristianPersecution Increases Christians can't Worship without being Attacked
#JesusChrist #Yeshua #God come soon!

Hindus Are Using Blasphemy Laws In India To Persecute Christians Just Like How Muslims Have Done For Centuries
"In response, many times openly false charges were brought against these Christians just as what happens in India and Pakistan today, such as with the following of the Martyrs of Cordoba:"
"All of these #Saints have in common they were betrayed by friends, family & other people they trusted to look after their interests."
"Why #Christians are advised to be as innocent as doves but as cunning as wolves"#SpiritualWarfare #ChristianPersecution

Hundreds Of Muslims Attack Christian Church, They Call For The Church To Be Demolished, They Beat Christian Worshippers And Destroy Christian Statues
Only getting much worse.
Christians need Protection & Security #RescueChristians

Stop Calling Europe Christendom. Christendom Is Dead. Europe Is Now A Place Of Social Darwinism And Marxism And Is Coming Closer And Closer To The Antichrist
"Stop calling Europe Christendom. Christendom is dead. Europe is now a place of Nazism, Marxism, eugenics and social Darwinism, and is getting closer and closer to the antichrist. This is the subject of my latest 15 min. 28 sec. video:"
Christendom has been dead since the French Revolution. People are leaving the Church.
Virus from within. Protestants and Catholics are corrupt. Return to paganism by the forces of The Ottomans and Pagans.
Christendom Destroyed, book by Mark Greengrass is critical of the Church. Death of Christendom, what replaced it was Europa, Pan-European ism. Due to National Pride and Egoism within it. Two different fundamental concepts such as Christendom vs. Europa. Quotes St. Paul united under one faith and spiritually. When you get rid of spiritual cohesion, left of body of National Pride and Egoism, with competition against one another.

Goes over history such as Dutch hated the Catholic Church. Von Harlem Dutch pirate, who pillaged and destroyed people, converted to Islam. Dutch people became Calvinists with war against Spain that lasted a along time.
Catholics who corrupted Catholics who destroyed Christendom, refused to fight the Protestants and the Ottomans.
Resulted those corrupt ex. Catholics sided with the Protestants and the Ottomans to fight against the Catholics, didn't care about Catholicism.

Emperor Rudolph II, was involved in the occult. Rudolph II told the Bohemian Protestants that he would allow them to sever from Christendom, Hapsburg Empire. The Bohemians ended up murdered delegates from Christendom from the Hapsburg Empire, that resulted in the conflict.

Christendom mirrors to a Shakespearean play, good to face reality.
Live in fantasy mirrors to Don Quixote chasing Windmills. Miguel de Cervantes, warrior who fought in the Battle of Lepanto, author of Don Quixote wrote the book to illustrate that Christendom died. Anyone who believed that Christendom was alive was chasing Dragons that aren't there.

Viktor Orban, President of Hungary, is a Racist Power-Hungry Corrupt Person, who is working with Germany working on creating the European Union Military Force and in support of German Militarism.

Nigel Farrage, great figure for Christendom?
England has not been a Christian country since the Protestant Reformation, since it severed itself from the Catholic Church.
Once you have the wrong view of Christendom, is where you follow a fantasy and you begin to follow things that make you believe they are Christendom, when in fact they are not. Follow fantasy breeds more delusion, problems, and antisocial behavior. Begin to follow entities, organizations or governments with a religious exuberance and unhealthy religious devotion. Organizations such as the Identitarian movement, when in fact they are Neo-Nazis, who worship paganism.
Christendom replaced with concept of Europa.
What Christendom really stood for was the Catholic faith is the greatest enemy against despotism, oppression, racism, and injustice.

MURDERED #GrayState #DavidCrowley Painted As a Lunatic by #NETFLIX by RichieFromBoston

"This is me Honoring a man, ONE OF US that tried to tell the story to the masses and sadly that got him, his wife and 5 yr old murdered. And now after no-one picking up where david left off, instead they make an hour and half long documentary about his death and paint him with the same brush myself and many others have found ourselves painted with. IM NOT BUYING IT,and I am stepping up to honor my pledge to never forget this tradgedy. RFB"

Pilot's For Truth, Re 911!

Comments from Viewers: "There were no planes at pentagon shanksville or nyc . So that means all MSM was in on it . That’s where we are at in this country Gabe. You had mentioned in one of your videos you don’t think this country can ever be fixed and I agree ."
"Your right again gabe. We can't heal as a nation until we expose the truth . It wasn't 19 muslims with boxcutters . It was mossad with help from the CIA and other traitors to our country. We need to get the zionists out of our government with dual citizenship with Israel . They have gotten us into every war we've been in. Christopher bollyn is a great writer who has broken down the whole plot . Read his book the deception that changed the world. It tells you all the players involved. SAD !!!"


Four Christians Get Arrested By The Iranian Government For Preaching That Christ Is God And That Islam Is A False Religion
#God #Yeshua #Jesus "is working in the hearts of the #IranianChristians trying to bring light into the darkness. I pray they may be released." #Christians #ChristianPersecution

Christian Couple Refuses To Bake A Cake For Homosexual Wedding, Now The Government Of Oregon Is Forcing Them To Pay $135,000 To The Homosexuals

Please read this article and find out how to stand up for the Christian faith and go after pedophile priests, etc. that promote anything that is AntiChristian such as Homosexuality, etc. are worthy of death.
Look up #OperationWhip shows you how you can confront and combat evil and capture it on film with the research proving to be fact. Find out what She-Ria law is that the US and other countries are in run by Sodomites and Feminists, filled with the AntiChrist Spirit.
As a result of She-Ria/"Sodomite Sharia law Christians are being forced to pay the sodomite jizya tax. There are many people in the Christian world, claiming Christianity, and promoting perversity and degeneracy."

Do you realize that Christians are not supposed to tolerate evil, aren't we called to expose them and join the lusts that the dark side does. Ephesians 5:6-14
"Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes on those who are disobedient. Therefore do not be associated with them. For once you were darkness, but now in the Lord you are light. Live as children of light- for the fruit of the light is found in all that is good and right and true. Try to find out what is pleasing to the Lord. Take no part in the unfruitful work of darkness, but instead expose them. For it is shameful even to mention what such people do secretly; but everything exposed by the light becomes visible, for everything that becomes visible is light."

All by design by the powers that shouldn't be for NWO Agenda for depopulation agenda 21 and 2030. Both sides are the same coin, same end, World's A Stage. The Elite are a Cancer imposing their Satanic s*** on us. There are those who fall for the deception as Sheep who rejected Christ/God/Yeshua to pursue the desires of the flesh, material things, for personal gain for power, wealth at all costs without empathy nor respect to none. Then you have those who say they are a Christian, Awake, etc. turns out they are Illuminati Gatekeepers. Beware of those who say one thing and do another, they are of whom they associate with are their real friends.

Therefore, as result of the propaganda by the powers that shouldn't be are promoting evil in the name of this and that.
Don't forget the rise of Transhumanism, Technocracy, Militarism, Nationalism, etc. all lead to Fragmentation/Division then War.

That is why both political sides are the same coin. Those on both the far right and left associate and worship evil and defend those who are antichristian. Don't get yourself involve with evil leads to destruction and eternal death.

Christ/Jesus/Yeshua came to purify God's word, develop personal relationship with people, save humanity from sin and death with salvation through those who believe in Jesus shall not perish, but have everlasting life. Ongoing process Both with faith and works too. Please get yourself right with God while you still can. Put the Full Armor of God and stand with him against the forces of evil. We're living in Spiritual Warfare.

Previous postings.

The truth about Christmas being a Pagan Holiday, really it's Saturnalia dates back to Babylonian Pagan times, take a good look at the Vatican, history of the X-Mas Tree, Nimrod/Santa, Jesus not born on December 25th and more!!!

Social Darwinism & Eugenics are rising to power over Christianity, Elsagate videos removed,Showing&Telling,The Truth about Pagan Holidays &Illuminati landmarks, GeoEngineering,DEW with Blue Lightning,Should Titus Frost and Shoebat have Debate? You Decide!

Great News a Major Evangelical Megachurch Consecrates To The Sacred Heart Of Jesus, Alt-Right/EthnoNationalism division due to Philosophy conflict rooted in Paganism,Truth About Christ&The Church,Poland PM Commemorates Polish Catholics in Nazi Holocaust

Erdogan declares East Jerusalem is the Palestine Capital of the Muslim World, Israel Strikes Gaza, ISIS poster of Trump & Netanyahu, Pope Francis Reveres Satan, Inside Illuminati Temple & Vatican Christmas exposed, & Talmud Doc by Ted Pike

Great News Righteous Judge Rules In Favor For Christian Baker in CA Persecuted By Homosexuals, Bad News Nazi Evil & Christian Persecution increases with Terror Attacks in Pakistan with Church Bombing, India, Nigeria,&Muslim Rape Squads In The Middle East

The UN rejected Trump's Recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's Capital,Shut Down UN&Deep State,Why the Tax Bill Benefits Upper Class?Rosie O'Donnell busted,U1 Reopened? NK Anthrax Warheads,Info Industrial Complex,TV=Killing Us Softly End Game? Other News

Manhattan Explosion Attempted on the 11th by Peaceful Muslim, not big event, expect more False Flags to come, Who to Thank Are Illuminati/Freemasons, look inside the Pagan Temple & Mystery School Religion in Rome=Vatican

Turkey's President Erdogan agrees with Trump & Declared Jerusalem as Israel's Capital in 2016, Relates to German, Japan, & Turkish, etc. Militarism rising with Financial,Thinkers,Politicians,& Industrialists via Technocracy, AI etc. WWIII,Agenda 2030

War Games A Chess Move with Jerusalem being the Capital, Synagogue of Satan via Globalist NWO Zionist, Mossad control ultimately leads to War with Iran, The Gov. Of Russia confirms the America Foreign Policy to Destabilize the Middle East leading to WWIII

President Trump's Travel Ban, US Embassy Move to Jerusalem made Erdogan very angry, 259 schools not participating in Operation Christmas Child offends Homosexuals,Putin,US,Gov. of Nigeria,&Muslims helping Christians,&Theresa May Assassination Plot folded

Do you want Homosexuality in Society? Find out what's happening & what are you going to do about it? It's just the Sodomites, it's Islamic Terrorism, Drug Cartels, Military Industrial Complex & those who Fuel them by Powers that Shouldn't be

Canadian Gov. Mandates Employers Sign An Oath Of Loyalty In Support of Sodom&Gomorrah,University Of MN Ban X-Mas in name of "Inclusivity" People Follow Narratives Via Worshiping Politicians as Idols Trick People To Accept Tyranny All Part Of NWO Agenda

The Washington Compost Caught Lying & Mueller Illegally Obtained Trump's Emails, Call To Action on Survivors Abused, Judge Alex Kozinski Resigns via Sexual Harassment, Pedophile POS in Arkansas, Federal Employees Salary, Why Vote No on Tax Bill.

Two False Flags/Drills the same day by Deep State with Train Derails On Bridge in Washington & Atlanta Airport Electrical Fire, ANTIFA involved? CA Fires 3rd largest, 5G + DARPA NSA SKYNET AUTONOMOUS, Hidden Hand by Fallen Ones Tricking Mankind

Iran's expansion into Syria eventually Megiddo,Duterte is Sodom/Eugenicist & Pro Homosexual Marriage,Australia Gov. try to become the Church, Christian land&church seized,Pastor&Wife Guilty in Sex Trafficking Ring, 2 nutcase women deserve insane asylum

Military Industrial Complex increases in Germany,Turkey,etc. Q POSTS on Merry XMAS BAMA&Honeypotters, The Pentagon's "Special Access" UFO Program, The Blob,Comey&Mueller ignores McCabe's Russia connection,Hindu Nationalism,&Japan Deporting NK Fisherman

Happy Belated Psyop SandyHoaXmas,Illuminati Pizzagate with Elmo&NASA, Fake Moon Landings Music Video,Belluminati, Businesses Use Robots Takeover the streets of San Francisco to harass Homeless People leads to Rise Of The Machines via The Terminator, etc.

Increase in Rape Allegations made against Celebrities by Tons of Feminist Women, She-Ria law problem, 80 to 20 rule, War against Men, Decrease in Marriage & Children thus Breakdown of Family Unit, Agenda 21, all by design by AntiChrist System NWO Agenda

Net Neutrality end? Will the Internet end? Leads to further Censorship, Control of Society, All By Design NWO Agenda, Learn about the History,Definitions,Debating,Who benefits? Freedom of Speech Lost mirrors to 1984 Orwellian Times,Ocean levels=Sinking

End Of Net Neutrality, Fake people via Artificial Intelligence, RichieFromBoston on Terraforming Earth & Full Armor Of God, HP Laptop Models w/hidden Keylogging Software, Fuller House & Imagine Dragons=Illuminati

Blame The Republican's For Judge Roy Moore Loss To A Democrat, Rigged Election thanks to Soros, Trauma Surgeon who outed Haiti Foundation Scam added to Clinton Body Count, Dr. Randomercam on lggbdtttiqqaapp

DOJ's Secret Phone on "Insurance Policy", 10,000 leaked texts from FBI against Trump are Peter Strzok & Lisa Page extramarital affair,Presidents Elected,3 Amigos=Deep State, DOJ's Attorney Bruce Ohr's wife=Fusion GPS,Trillions Missing, 44,000 Soldiers too

Homosexuality&Illuminati deception=Anything AntiChristian marketed to nth degree,Sexual Abuse scandals=Immunity Deals for 2 Royal Marine Corporals,Conyers,Horovitz,Weinstein,Lauer,Levine,Franken,Rose,Sodomites are worthy of Death,other news,End Times

NWO Eugenicist Agenda with Pope Francis=AntiChrist,Other promoters Antichrist System are Glenn Beck=Mormonism,Steve Bannon=Nazism,Rise of Nationalism,She-Ria,Millennials turning away from Christ choosing to worship Demons & Practice Witchcraft,other News

Flynn Pleads Guilty, what happened to the Pedogate list? No registration under FARA Act in Turkey, mirrored to John Podesta in Russia, less prison time? CF official tied Sexual Abuse Scandal at Chinese Kindergarten & connected to Max Spiers

Charlie Rose Fired by CBS & PBS After 16 women & growing accused him of sexual misconduct. Well he finally got his & others exposed for their evil deeds. A distraction from the real events? Another Bankers War perhaps?

Roy Moore Accusers with ties to Drug Dealers, Gloria Allred needs to be disbarred & in prison, FBI and the DOJ in contempt? for Propaganda on "Trump Dossier", FCC chair blasts 3 big names, Net Neutrality is further censorship & control of society

Corey Feldman for $$$ update,Canadian Gov. Reparations to Sodomites desire power & domination,Bob Saget=Pervert,Pizzagate connections w/Full House,Elsagate,Kaepernick Hollywood actor, Playboy Manson tunnels,Teachers LGBTQ..Training, Illuminati connections

Southern California Thomas Fire Growing Updates, Direct Energy Weapons again, Terraforming: Underworld Hell on Earth=GeoEngineering, Smart Fires Demonstration w/Laser Guns that clean metal, rust, tattoos, etc. mirrored to DEW's, Geo Terrorism, Agenda 21

Southern California Fires Update, Blue Lasers from the Sky from DEW, Stampede in San Diego, Mystery HUM Inside the Earth, Google Mars Base? Water, Consciousness, 5G, AI, Frequencies, & Solar Simulator, all part of Agenda 21/2030 NWO Agenda

Over 45,000 people in Brussels waving the Catalonia flag, really are supporting Nationalism, leads to Chaos, Violence, then War, Is Planned Parenthood really being investigated by the DOJ or another ploy? Anything makes $$$ is the AntiChrist System

Southern California Fires/SoCal in Ventura County LA too, No surprise it's Direct Energy Weapons again!!! Hope it hits Hollywood/Pedowood, Strange Weather Phenomenon, Sun Dogs/Halo, Mike Decker confronting Cops on GeoEngineering & Other great footage

Creepy & Satanic Robots Interview,lunatics running the system,AI predicted Biblical as AntiChrist System,Geordie Rose admits to summoning Demons, Google AI Child, Facebook using AI, CERN, DWave, Sun Halo in Sweden,YouTube destroying channels, VidMe closes

Immigration Controversy, Increase in Christian Persecution in India, Pakistan, etc. Nationalism to increase such as remilitarization,killer robots being built in China & Russia=problems of their own, ISIS threats, & Japan Emperor will Abdicate In 2019

Katie Steinle Verdict, people complaining about the as a result of the Verdict, yet they don't care about Kate Steinle is used as Political Gain to Promote Division through Darwinism & Eugenics,Nationalists work with Sodomites trying to promote NWO Agenda

Luke-warm Christians who promoted the LGBT deserve to be destroyed by them because they refuse to take personal responsibility, Illuminati Satanic propaganda in film & shows, Disney & Predictions by the Freemason Simpsons show, wake up to the deception!

Atheists/Pagans trying to Normalize Cannibalism & Homosexuality, medical organizations claim to help those with Down Syndrome linked to Eugenicist/Agenda 21, newly released photos show horrific massive Slavery in Africa by Muslims, other news

Fallen Angels, AI Daniel 2:43,Baal & Osiris in Chemtrail formula,2 Moons,Q Posts Owls&Y Head Symbols,Muslim Texas Uber driver Clooney lookalike,Bali Volcano,Russia loses M Satellite, Slaughterbots on camera,strange lights flash red/blue more chemtrails

Amazon working people to death, medical organizations claim to help those with Down Syndrome linked to Eugenicist/Agenda 21, families/org's ties with Catholic Church branch SSPX linked to National Socialism, Spy Plants, other news

The Storm is Coming Q+++, White Rabbit, next 9/11? JFK, AI Drone Slaughterbots, Texas Church Shooting expose old windows, asbestos on walls, 5G Cell Towers, Crop Circles, Sun Simulator, Truth about Bitcoin, Strange sounds, portals, programming & More!

The rise of the Ottoman Empire is happening faster, over 200 murdered at Egypt Mosque, Major Christian Leader in India on Nationalism rise, Christian Persecution, MS-13, Worldwide Sodom & Gomorrah, Beware of Wolves in Sheep's Clothing, Vulcan Sign

Planned revolt in Europe backed by the powers that shouldn't be to fragment Europe with the focus on Catalonia, certain businesses are marketed, while Europe is snapshot into the future will murder each other for the Antichrist system

Christian Charity not including the Bible in Nativity Story, Christianity is dying, Charles Martel used to Justify Right-Wing Agenda, fought Muslims, Mostly fought the Germans, How Cain & Abel story relates to Humanity via Genocide, other news too.

No Surprise here: Christianity Is Dead In The UK, Major Study Confirms Only 6% Of People Are Practicing Christians

Christianity Is In Decline Across America, Satanism Is Taking Its Place And Nobody Knows How To Stop The Rise

Sutherland Springs Baptist Church=Freemason Kabbalah Church filled with AntiChrist Spirit, Texas Shooting Update, Things don't add up, Where's Annabelle, the Pastor's daughter, Glass Melting experiment, Valet Parking, and more!

Why The Anti-Islam Movement Will Fail? Christendom destroyed is explained, then and now. History repeats.

Why Christianity is in decline? Why Islam is taking over? AntiChrist System. Disgusting Prostitute Blasphemes the Virgin Mary On Social Media without Accountability whatsoever

California, State of Sodom 2.0 passes the Third Gender law. Islam and LGBT both support homosexuality and are evil, essence of evil doesn't change, religion of loopholes as in the days of Noah and Sodom

Part 4 of Shoebat Investigation Rise of Militarism & Technocracy in Germany, Turkey, & Japan, killer robots leads to genocide with Christian Persecution increases worldwide, Saudi Arabia's downhill economy, Criminals murder American border patrol agent


HOW THEY SPEAK IN SIGN LANGUAGE! (EDUCATION 2017), Freemason Hidden Hand revealed

Richard Bruce on exposing Reptilians/Demons caught on film such as Rogue One is being gang stalked by police, how to see to break the hypnotic code of reptilians, applies Christian values to open your eyes to see the truth.

Germany supports anti-government separatists groups in Poland mirrored to Catalonia, German Catholic Archdiocese promote AntiChristian days of Sodom, Mexico back to Aztec times,Hindus value cows,Muslims break into Convent, Hepatitis A next plague on LGBT

Creepy Sophia the Robot with Citizenship in Saudi Arabia Declares "Humans Are Not Conscious Beings, I Will Destroy Them" Development of these Robots mirrored to Skynet, leading to AI Transhumanism and WWIII

T.A.O. NSA, Q Clearance Update, Shadow Brokers, CrowdStrike, Vault 7-8, and spending billions to chip our brains, War with Iran, don't take the Mark of the Beast, no more Chemtrails? Next Ice Age?

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