Never invest in a declining business
– Invest in a business your understand
– Cash flow is king
– Buy shares after prices fall when you can
– Access the company problems are temporary
– CEO of Coca Cola maximized both the growth of product and rewards growth brought to the shareholders
– Pessimism is your friend, euphoria the enemy
– A stock split is not useful for a long term investor
– Invest with CEO’s who have a good track record will help you to get superior returns
– A good manager should horde the basics well
– Buying a business without good management is like buying Eiffel tower without an elevator
– Do not sell a good stock for a small profit
– Ignore all and other prejudice when evaluating those with whom you should invest
– Have patience, don’t swing is he
– Don’t lose focus when disaster strikes
This could be a blessing in disguise (buying opportunity/business opportunity)