Is Your DESIRE Really The Cause of Your Suffering? / Infinite Man - Social Freedom

in infiniteman •  6 years ago 


All of this stuff that we do, taking tests, and learning how to make money, and learning how to connect with women, learning how to connect with people, learning all of that stuff really is just because we just want to feel better.

That's it.

That's just the one thing that everybody in the world wants to feel. Better.

And that's never gonna stop. You're never gonna want to stop feeling better because we're energy in motion, man, we're vibration, we're oscillating at fantastic speeds and you're not standing still. Nothing is standing still in this universe.

You're far more wave than you are particle.

So you're never gonna stop being in motion even when you're done with your body and you drop your body and you just continue on with this fantastic life in a non-physical form.

You're still moving at fantastic speeds, and since everything in the universe is going from someplace to someplace else. You're always gonna be in motion, you're always gonna be thinking the next thought, you're always gonna be moving forward and wanting more.

And so this is where many spiritual traditions kind of interfere and they say "No, no, my child, DESIRE is the source of suffering!"

No it's not... but I respect your right to be delusional...
And I mean that non-judgmentally and very spiritually of course.

Desire is not the source of suffering and I've had this conversation with many enlightened beings.

"Jesse, it seems like what you really talk about is desire. You talk about desire a lot."

Yes, you are indeed perceptive. Yes I do.

"But don't you think that's a very unspiritual message?"

No I think it's actually the most spiritual message because I think we're here as a result of a soul's desire to experience physical life, and I think there's a lot more souls that want a body then there are bodies.

So I think to get a body is an incredible gift and I think the moment you're given a body, the moment you get a body, you actually cross the finish line and you've won and now you're playing the bonus level of the greatest game ever played!

But you're not only the player, you're a coder of your reality. So I think the desire is the soul's way of saying "hello world" and I think that when those desires are born inside of you and you feel it as a "Mmm I would like to have that" or her, or this, or that, I think that's your soul's expansion.

So how can that be unspiritual?

"Well Jesse it says in this book, right in this particular book of my religious choice - which is the right one - I've applied no critical thought to this, I've just practiced it over and over and over and over and over and in this page right here it says desire is the source of suffering!"

Well, I haven't read that book, but what I have done is lived some life, and what I found out is that desire is not the source of suffering.

Wanting things that you know are coming feels amazing!

Wanting things that you think you'll NEVER have is hell on earth!

But wanting isn't the problem. Desire isn't the problem. You can't be without desire.

It's learning how to have your desires blink into your physical experience at willthat's where the fun is! 

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