How to date an INFJ?

in infj •  9 months ago 

INFJ (Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging) is a personality type in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. People of this type are often idealistic, deep, and good at understanding the feelings and motivations of others. Here are some tips on how to date someone with the INFJ personality:

  1. Deep conversations: INFJs enjoy deep conversations and like to explore topics such as the meaning of life and the complexities of human nature. They don't like shallow small talk or superficial socializing.

  2. Understand and respect their independence: INFJs need their own space and time to think and process their emotions. They need to feel understood and respected, not constrained.

  3. Honesty and authenticity: INFJs can quickly detect insincerity and hypocrisy. They appreciate honest and authentic people, and if you try to pretend or lie, they may feel disappointed and distant.

  4. Support their idealism: INFJs often have many ideals and goals, and they need someone to support them and encourage them to pursue their dreams.

  5. Pay attention to their feelings: INFJs are usually very sensitive and can keenly sense the emotions and feelings of others. They care about your feelings, so you need to care about theirs too.

  6. Be patient: INFJs may need some time to build trust and intimacy. They may need some time to open up, so you need to be patient.

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