So it looks like the FED is getting pretty sweaty in fear, sitting in their little windowless cubicles, trying to figure out what to do.
Inflation is at a 40 year high.
Oil prices are near a 10 year high.
Gold hit $1900 per ounce.
Walmarts are locking up their meat..
Uh Oh…
Bullard, the president of the st. louis Fed is saying that interest rate needs to go up 8 TIMES from the current .25 level to even make a dent in inflation.
Boomers, the generation that has most the wealth and is getting pretty old may want to start looking for Walmart Job options at this point, considering if interest rates rise sharply. The effect on equities, 401k’s, pension funds…may be devastating.
I guess I’m supposed to say this or something (common sense):
NOTHING I say is financial advice. I am not qualified in anything. I just make videos n stuff when I’m slightly tipsy/bored about stuff I like. Do your own research frens.