This is a continuation of my prior blog Disembarkment of the 9/11 Passengers.
Update March 25, 2020: WTC 7 Not Destroyed by Fire, Concludes Final University of Alaska Fairbanks Report:
“Our [four-year] study found that the fires in WTC 7 could not have caused the observed collapse,” said Professor Leroy Hulsey, the study’s principal investigator. “The only way it could have fallen in the observed manner is by the near-simultaneous failure of every column.”
AE911Truth and its allies among the 9/11 victims’ families will now use the findings in the report as part of a formal “request for correction” that the group plans to submit to NIST in the coming days. “The indisputable errors documented in our request for correction will give NIST no way out of correcting its deeply flawed report and reversing its conclusion that fires were the cause of the collapse,” said Gage.
This blog is also available as a single page at my Github Gist which averts the 65 kilobyte and 7 days edit window limitations of the Steem blockchain which forced me to divide the blog into 3 parts here.
Debunking Mark Roberts’ Disinformation Tactics
I will poke gaping holes in the logic and facts of the deceptive arguments made by the arrogant, disinformation agent Mark Roberts — the so called “Obi-wan Kenobi of debunkers”.
Roberts disingenuously implies that because WTC7 had some office fires for 7 hours prior to collapse that this could have caused the extremely high levels of heat officially measured in the debris 5 days after collapse. That isn’t a plausible explanation.
When attempting to justify the photo of orange-hot (which is much hotter than and not “red-hot”) steel being pulled from the rubble days after the collapse, Roberts is attempting to refute the clearly seen molten steel (which I explained can’t be aluminum and in another debate Roberts admits there’s molten metal!). He disingenuously implies that none of the structural engineers nor firemen on the scene saw molten steel, but we have them on record stating that they did. He quotes structural engineer Dave Peraza who was involved in the cleanup operations (coincidentally a different David Peraza died on 9/11). But above I cited the structural engineer who built 9/11 and the firm contracted to actually remove the steel. Also I have read some accounts of the extremely paranoid security employed for the trucking of the steel out of the facility.
And Roberts is cleverly lying when he erroneously implies that for example aluminum — the only other metal that could have been at the site in appreciable levels which melts at low enough temperate to refute the claims that molten steel implies — can appear to be orange when flowing as molten. It can’t. Study my prior sentence to detect how clever (high IQ?) his lies are. You see by implying other metals could have melted there (for example copper and nickel which melt at a much higher temperature may flow molten in orange color because of the high heat required), he tricks the naive reader into forgetting that the entire point of stating there’s molten steel (iron) there, is because molten steel couldn’t be possible due to the heat of office fires (and NIST admits the jet fuel had burned off in first few minutes yet the molten material pouring out is nearly an hour after impact and just before collapse). Roberts obfuscated what the original point is.
Roberts claims that the iron microspheres found in the dust of WTC collapse are normally produced by fires and that the iron oxide found in these chips was from the paint on the steel. Dr. Niels Harrit refuted this very resoundly, citing at least three technical reasons these chips couldn’t be ordinary paint.
Roberts disingenuously claims that any structural engineer can explain the official story of the collapse that ensued after the initiation of collapse where NIST’s model terminates. That claim and the so called “peer-reviewed” papers Roberts refers to have been resoundingly refuted.
On his website, Roberts reiterates the testimony of Penny Elgas which I already refuted. Roberts is apparently not aware of the evidence CIT compiled on the staged light poles, including the taxicab driver admitting on video that he lied and that it was staged. I had explained in one of my prior 9/11 blogs why Master Sergeant Noel Sepulveda can’t be trusted. Army Captain (now Major) Lincoln Liebner implied in his testimony that (“the fireball from my angle wasn’t as dramatic as I have subsequently seen on the file tape”) he wasn’t able to see the actual alleged point of impact because he was running towards the south face (presumably near to the corner with the west face) of the building. Lienber didn’t see any evidence of a plane crash, “Remarkably, there was no debris from the airplane.” Also he stated, ”The plane had essentially gone in on the floor above us…” And he did see evidence of an explosion, “There was a door that was completely blown off and I walked in.” Additionally, Elgas’ and Liebner’s statements imply a north-of-Citgo approach which conflicts with the official story. Liebner visually indicated a NoC approach.
On a different page of his website, Roberts mocks David Ray Griffin by citing a radio debate in which (at the 2:30 mark) George Monbiot makes the unsubstantiated claim that the WTC twin towers weren’t demolished by taking out the center columns first thus removing all resistance at the bottom. Roberts also lampoons the related claim by engineers Edward Knesl and Donald Messerlian. Yet we have evidence of preparations (c.f. also) and testimony from the key witness William Rodriguez and others (such as those who survived the collapse from inside a small compartment near the bottom that wasn’t completely destroyed) about explosions not only throughout the building many minutes before collapse but also specifically individuals who were burned in the basement by explosions before the planes impacted. Also my aforementioned resounding refutation explains why it’s impossible to have total collapse of the interior core structural beams without such controlled demolition. In short, the interior vertical beams in the center of the building were weakened first, then it pulled the horizontal beams (trusses actually) and exterior facia steel inward into a collapse. The unique construction of the twin towers facilitated the illusion of top-down collapse which duped Monbiot into making an idiot of himself by proclaiming that which he doesn’t know jackshit about. The center first implosion is clearly visible by the collapse of the radio tower a split-secondsbefore the exterior collapse. Ditto the WTC7’s center is clearly seen on video collapsing before the exterior.
Roberts also cited for example Ryan Mackey’s refutation of Physicist Heikki Kurttila’s “resistance factors” and Newtons Bit’s refutation of Mechanical Engineer Gordon Ross’ conservation-of-momentum based in the distinction between elastic and inelastic collisions. The 2105MJ kinetic energy should probably be much lower because the upper 16 floors didn’t initially fail symmetrically as evident by the radio tower falling a split-second in advance. The 30 floors of the South tower even tilted over meaning much of the mass only moved a much lesser than the 3.7m distance down before receiving resistance from the officially intact lower structure. Newtons Bit’s refutation lacks sufficient finite element modeling of complex effects wherein entropy will play a role. The 9/11 Experiments: The Arbitrator of Competing Hypotheses video explains and demonstrates that the pancake theory is incorrect.
Additionally if the argument is to justify complete collapse due to only the plane impact, this conservation-of-momentum argument can be an irrelevant red-herring obfuscation tactic as I had explained (and I may be the first to point this out) that it’s physically and entropically impossible to adequately transfer the kinetic energy to the 47 vertical interior structural beams such that they could be entirely collapsed symmetrically into neatly sized cut ~30 ft sections (as opposed to partially standing and/or toppled, bent over into an asymmetric footprint). IOW, either the conservation-of-momentum would result in an arrested (i.e. not complete) pancake collapse or otherwise the extreme forces would punch through the lower floors chaotically without complete collapse of the core center vertical columns of structural steel.
Clean Tactical Nukes, Not Kooky Directed Energy Weapons
I’ve been intuitively suspicious of Dr. Judy Wood’s theory of Star Wars technology because it reeks of the psyops tactics I wrote about in this blog such as the the kooky no planes and missile disinformation. Also the science of her thesis is dubious. Christopher Bollyn via James Perloff provides some anecdotal confirmation of my suspicions:
This summer, during his book tour, I had the pleasure of meeting Chris Bollyn, one of 9/11’s best researchers. In this interview, starting at about the 42-minute mark, Chris states a Mossad agent approached him in Germany and tried to sell him on the “beam weapons” thesis, long before Judy Wood got on board with it. Dr. Woods’ DEWs, which she initially called “Star Wars Beam Weapons,” took Israelis off the hook for 9/11, since they wouldn’t have had a space-based weapon.
Please read my comment post What Hit the WTC? for a hypothesis that customized 767 military planes were used.
In the Nuclear 9/11 section of his blog, Perloff attempts a well reasoned conjecture for the explosive force which enabled the twin tower collapes to accelerate and pulverize instead of pancake as previously mentioned in the 9/11 Experiments video. I quote below some of his points:
WTC dust samples contained inexplicably high concentrations of elements produced by nuclear fission, such as strontium and barium
Tahil’s conclusions are being corroborated, not only by the high cancer rates among 9/11 survivors, but through the fact that, by 2008, thyroid cancer was occurring at above-average frequency in first responders more than any other type of cancer […] And by 2013, the number of first responders with thyroid cancer had nearly quadrupled from 26 to 97.
Then there was the virtually complete
vaporization[pulverization] of the Towers’ inner contents […] included the humans inside (whole bodies that were found belonged to people who jumped before the Towers exploded):
A common objection to the nuclear hypothesis is: “Where are the post-9/11 Geiger counter readings showing lots of radiation in New York City?” The answer: not all nuclear bombs discharge large amounts of radiation. Most use a combination of nuclear fission and fusion […] During the Cold War, the United States began developing tactical nuclear weapons, also known as “battlefield nukes.” Obviously, in a battlefield situation, a low-radiation weapon is desired; otherwise it could harm one’s own army […] What types of nuclear warheads would Israel stockpile? Although this is a state secret, it should be obvious that Israel would emphasize “battlefield” nukes. In war with its neighbors, it wouldn’t want radiation blowback to Tel Aviv.
The Towers’ “collapses” were clearly explosions. Here is a shot of the South Tower showing a huge single upward burst of energy:
The North Tower explodes:
Tactical nuke exploding:
Here the same bomb creates an expanding ground-level cloud, similar to what New Yorkers fled from on 9/11:
I reiterate again that 9/11 is a test of how gullible, poorly educated, and lazy the decadent populace is. Disinformation agents such as Roberts are doing their job to test how much intentional bullshit the average person will shovel into his/her drooling orifices.
Bullshit such as the following:

This Sicilian-esque mafia shit started a long time ago and even before that. Along the way they assassinated JFK.
James Perloff wrote:
While alternative media correctly regards 9/11 as a false flag intended to generate the domestic police state and never-ending Middle East wars, Dionisi notes the event had an additional dimension usually overlooked: the Twin Towers’ destruction constituted a ritual sacrifice, a burnt offering on a mass scale.
Luciferianism in photos alleged to be of a 1972 Rothschild-hosted ball and more signs of their control:

The last image above is a card from Steven Jackson Games’ Illuminati game. An amusing video seemed to have predicted the Lower Manhattan attack 31Oct2017, the Barcelona attacks 3+2=5
days before the 21Aug2017 solar eclipse (also the day Big Ben chimed for last time until 2021 due to renovation) and attempted to make a guess of the next false-flag based on these cards and other factors. The video also documents numerous additional examples of predictive programming in the media such as the one imaged below. But the cards at least are perhaps of dubious predictive value given there are 412 cards available in addons for the game, although the original game had only 110 cards. And many of the cards which don’t depict predictions can be eliminated from consideration.

COUP compact disc cover from June 2001
Perloff wrote:
No film reeks of 9/11 symbolism more than Back to the Future, from Marty’s DeLorean leaving a glowing “911,” to Biff watching a simulated Twin Towers collapse in Back to the Future 2. Director Robert Zemeckis later made a movie about the Twin Towers called The Walk, released in October 2015, the same year and month Marty traveled ahead to in the future. I won’t embed it here, but this 12-minute clip nicely summarizes Back to the Future’s 9/11 predictions.

BACK TO THE FUTURE predicts 9/11 (click to play)
9/11 was predicted in the pilot episode of The Lone Gunmen, which aired March 4, 2001:

9/11 Predicted on The Lone Gunman (click to play)
I noticed this one some years back and I don’t think anyone else has ever mentioned it. Lauren Hill’s “Everything Is Everything” music video which was released in 1998, has a NYC skyline absent the twin towers and her lyrics are a Christian retort to the evil, “I wrote these words for everyone who struggles in their youth. Who won't accept deception, instead of what is truth. It seems we lose the game. Before we even start to play. Who made these rules? (Who made these rules?). We're so confused (We're so confused). Easily led astray […] Adjacent to the king, fear no human being […] Let me tell ya that. And the ones on top, won't make it stop. So convinced that they might fall. Let's love ourselves and we can't fail. To make a better situation. Tomorrow, our seeds will grow […] After winter, must come spring. Change, it comes eventually.”

(click to play)
Note I didn’t cite Prince’s prediction in 1998 because the information was already public knowledge when Prince stated it.
Psychologically the official stories of the 9/11 hoax are a feel-good, self-aggrandizing (pat ourselves on the back) “we Americans are the good guys” Islamophobic Hollywood mirage comfort zone which Americans are conditioned to trust because they grew up being entertained, befriended, comforted, and communing with the golden age of television.
On the “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” TV show, former POTUS junior Bush admitted there are secrets he’ll never tell. Bush and his brother Jeb were clearly complicit on 9/11:
George W. Bush, who [didn’t] ask
edhis staff chief Andrew Card fornoclarification on the whispered message that “America is under attack” (9:05), but instead remained seated, listening to children read in a classroom, until around 9:16; and whose large White House entourage remained in the Florida school until 9:34.
The junior Bush’s amiable, light-hearted personality is the epitome of the tragedy-of-the-commons concept I’ve oft-explained and am trying to ameliorate with decentralization and the inverse commons aka cornucopia-of-the-commons.
The alleged whistle blower said, “Let’s put it this way, I was training to become a psychopath, and I failed.” Cabals are the game theoretic outcome of the power vacuum of collective governance and fungible resources— i.e. not caused by the existence of evil versus good (people). The egg doesn’t lay the hen. Globalization and the process of increasing cooperation is necessary destiny.
Perloff’s blog elicited a chuckle:
In America, we basically think Christians have two choices: Catholic or Protestant. I’ve never been a Catholic, but many traditional Catholics whom I know acknowledge the severe issues their church is experiencing, especially since Vatican II in the early 1960s—most notoriously, perhaps, pedophilia, gay scandals, and even reported satanism. A friend of mine has a 90-year-old mother who describes herself as having long been “ex-Catholic.” On the day of her confirmation, she said, the priest had “hand trouble.” You can use your imagination as to what that meant.
A very informative discussion — between a David Duke-styled interviewer who wants to blame everything on Jews and an intelligent, articulate 26 year old Libertarian Jew — when distilled exemplifies that organization of resources ultimately leads to their consolidation by the Beast for evil and not because any particular in group aimed to be evil. Even local governments are corrupted. Even collectivized insurance has a game theory which provably caused enslavement. Money is an information system which values those who manage resources well up to a point, then it fails because aggregation of control becomes deleterious and evil. Jesus’ message is that love is the unwavering (immortal) truth, not money, our bodies, and worldly possessions. Love is the antithesis of the lust for control and in support of the inexorable increase in entropy (i.e. go forth an multiply) of God’s creation — congruent with the irreversible thermodynamics which enables time to exist in distinct past versus future. And for us to exist as distinct from the nothingness and everything-at-once of the multiverse. God carved us out of the multiverse and gifted us shared perception of time so that we have the free-will to decide whether to love as so defined (for there’s no choice and in fact money can’t even exist if there’s no shared perception of time). Love can’t exist as distinct from evil without the free-will choice of whether participate in evil.

I do not wish it to be this way, but note that the damned fact is that the Bible is correct that Eve (women) are inherently subversive and only a rib (i.e. are implicitly enslaved). Biologically a woman (subconsciously at least) desires to be conquered as a (noisy, imprecise, chaotic!) circumstantial evidence that her eggs are seeded with the strongest genetics. A female is in bliss while she feels conquered by her prince — an illusion that is usually not sustainable. The female’s number of reproduction cycles is very limited. Given the power to vote and be powerful in all matters of civic society, women will naturally subvert the collective for their R strategy (aka feral) reproductive priorities. Frankly many weak men defect from meritocracy also. Evil men will lust for power, but nearly all women will subvert the collective good because it’s the nature of the female. The nature of the woman must be handled with male stewardship and love. The greatest evil w.r.t. females is as the Bible said about Oman spilling his semen on the ground to prevent reproduction because it denies her life, given reproduction is her primary life function (i.e. the damned fact is that females can’t focus on engineering nor science nor saving no matter how talented their intellect is and instead will nearly always turn their attention towards subverting the workplace for example promoting egalitarianism or some emotional drama instead of meritocracy).
Decentralization Technology Can Empower Truth
As more Westerners awaken to the realities of our decadent Western society, the looming collapse of the corrupted Western civilization form of cooperation takes form into a global village of knowledge and human cooperation built on decentralization technology.
Gary North wrote:
“All three are clearly controlled demos. Everyone that views it knows it.”
I cannot imagine a more inaccurate statement. Hardly anyone who views them knows “it.” Almost every adult American has seen the videos of the collapse of the North & South towers. On September 11, 2001, the videos were shown over and over on the networks, all day long.
Only a handful of experts have ever publicly argued that the cause of the buildings’ collapse was a system of controlled demolition. Anyone who dares to mention the pancake collapse of the third tower is rejected derisively as a conspiracy theorist.
If the critic then goes on to point out that there were no plane debris at the alleged crash site in Shanksville, Pennsylvania — the parts were scattered for miles, indicating that the plane exploded in mid-air — he is dismissed as a nut case. Why? Because such a scenario raises an obvious question: Did the military shoot it down? This in turn questions the “Let’s roll” scenario of heroes on board Flight 93 who stormed the cabin.
Millions of believers in the government’s “Let’s roll” version of the crash look at the small empty hole and do not see what is missing: debris. They see an empty hole and conclude that a plane crashed there. In their case, not seeing is believing.
This leads me to a conclusion: Seeing is not always believing. Not seeing is very often believing.
This is why conspiracies have gotten away with a great deal in history.
I have faced this all of my adult life. I started out in 1958 with a high school term paper on whether Roosevelt knew an attack on Pearl Harbor was coming. I concluded that he knew an attack somewhere in the Pacific was coming. I have not changed my mind. In 1972, when I was awarded my Ph.D. in American history, as far as I knew, I was the only historian age 30 or younger with a Ph.D. in history who believed this. Even today, I am one of maybe a dozen men with a Ph.D in American history who believe this and say so in public […] The phrase, “conspiracy theorist,” is literally a career-killer in academia […] Alex Jones was one of the first to broadcast videos with comments on the collapsing Building 7. He is openly a conspiracy theorist. The fact that he promoted the event as a conspiracy pretty well dooms others who also promote the official account’s implausibility.
My point is simple: every Establishment rules in terms of lies, spin, and cover-ups. Most of the citizenry is vaguely aware of the lies and the spin on this or that minor matter, but voters side with the regime on the big lies. To do otherwise is to call into question their own wisdom. It is to admit that you were successfully taken in on some major matter — you and millions of others. This undermines the religion of democracy. It means that republican patriotism is based on widespread gullibility. “Fool me once, shame on the government. Fool me 20 times, shame on me.” So, once the masses have adopted the Official Party Line, to abandon it means abandoning your old self and your old world of political legitimacy. It means that you are now on your own — an outlaw, a pariah.
Gary North wrote:
Most people do not have time to re-think every government position. Even with the big positions, people do not have time to re-think them in detail. They sense the personal cost of such investigations. If they ever figured out that they have been lied to deliberately, they might lose faith in the government. This is like abandoning the religion of your youth. The costs are high. The older you are, the more emotional capital is invested in this “market.” To abandon faith in the official line means admitting that you had previously fallen for a grand deception. You were played the sucker. You were, in Lee Harvey Oswald’s now-famous term, a “patsy.”
There is an old line: “You cannot change just one thing.” When you abandon faith in the broad outline of the government’s official explanation, you then feel as though you must offer a better one. This opens up a huge can of worms. This may take you down rabbit trails. Then this may take you down rabbit holes. You may be like Alice. You may enter Wonderland. You may never re-emerge.
My loss of faith in the federal government’s version of American history began in the fall of 1958. I wrote a high school term paper on the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. I reached a conclusion: President Roosevelt not only knew that an attack was imminent in the first week of December 1941, he had for a year authorized policies that he believed would provoke such an attack. Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson spoke for Roosevelt when he made this entry in his diary on November 25, 1941: “The question was how we should maneuver them [the Japanese] into the position of firing the first shot… .”
I did not know in 1958 that he had been Secretary of War under Taft, Secretary of State under Hoover, and was later known as “the chairman of the American Establishment.” I was young and naïve in 1958. I am no longer young. I trust that I am not naïve … not about the U.S. government, anyway.
Then let us ask the question that Lenin also asked, stealing it from Cherneshevsky: “What is to be done?”
Answer is as I wrote for example here, here and here: “decentralization technology.”
Note replacing
displays my blogs and blog comments in a more readable format with for example bold text more visible.
P.S. The now widely banned hyper opportunist sensationalist Alex Jones hints that a military coup is fomenting. Alex Jones also reminds us that the major radio networks reported on 9/11 that WTC7 was destroyed with bombs. He also mentions that military official he had interviewed after 9/11 died soon after those interviews.
Disclaimer: some of the sources I linked to (especially for example where I linked to a specific mark in a video where I intend only the intended portion to be referenced) contain some (for example) debunked disinformation which I’m not espousing.

Late Edits
Some of the information that was added to the complete version of my blog after the 7 day edit period expired was added in a comment and the rest is appended below:
Key Witnesses Snuffed
Rumor is that key eye witnesses on the scene such as:
trucker Dave Ball who saw what they weren’t suppose to, have hence mysteriously disappeared (c.f. also 1, 2, and 3).
Christopher Landis — who was “notably nervous” when he provided the high resolution copies of the Jason Ingersoll photo collection which enabled CIT to prove that the downed light poles were staged, leading to the conclusion that the plane flew over the Pentagon — “committed suicide” about a week after CIT had obtained the CITGO witnesses testimony on film.
Perhaps British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook was assassinated (heart attack) for clarifying the real meaning of “Al Qaeda”?
Wendy Burlingame, daughter of alleged flight 77 captain Charles F. Burlingame III died in suspicious circumstances in a fire isolated only to her specific apartment in the Galaxy Towers.
Prasanna Kalahasthi, 25, a USC graduate student married to Pendyala Vamsikrishna, a Flight 11 passenger, “committed suicide” (c.f. also) approximately one month after 9/11 in her Los Angeles apartment even though friends say she was “in good spirits and determined to finish dental school […] However, a few questions haunted her.” Prasanna was devout Hindu who believed in reincarnation, making suicide an even more unlikely choice since a return to earth is inevitable and suicide is a sin equal to murder denying access to heaven and carries intense social stigma according to Hindu beliefs. And yet we are told to believe that she was inquiring about poison and that both her sister and brother also committed suicide.
The ”paranoia pioneer” Bill Cooper (aka William Cooper) made many correct predictions, including predicting his murder by police 24 days after 9/11. He predicted 9/11 on June 28, 2001, which was my birthday. Cooper advocated armed resistance to the creeping tyranny and awareness of the existence of the Zionist, Illuminati Luciferian cabal. Cooper had clarified that he’s not a drunk and threat of alien invasion is/was a psyops hoax (although there’s another video of him claiming to have personally witnessed UFOs yet he notes he could have been intentionally deceived somehow but he maintains that the UFOs are creations of the government). Cooper’s interview with Alex Jones is very interesting in hindsight. Interesting the falling out between two and Alex Jones’ lying ad hominem.
Americans have finally started opening their eyes. But, unfortunately it's already too late.
I wish you Americans had woken up earlier.
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I woke up in the 1980s which is why I started to traveling outside the USA in 1991 and have not been back to the U.S.A. since 2006. The U.S.A. is headed into a period of increasing tumult and eventually fracturing into regions or separate states. Smart Americans should diversify at least some of their assets and interests outside of the U.S.A.. China is focused on development more than spending a huge percent of GDP on the military. Smart people will align to a future of diversified global development. I hope the world will avert a world war or other globalized catastrophe.
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