an inspiring story between a tree and a child

in info •  7 years ago 

There is a big tree in the forest with thick stems, lots of big branches, and leafy leaf. A lonely child came to the tree to play.

The boy imagined he heard the tree saying kindly to him, "Come on me. Build a little playhouse up here. You can use my little branches if you want, and my leaves are abundant. "So the boy climbed up the tree, broke off some branches, picked up the leaves, and made a high secret house in the tree. Though it hurt the tree, but the tree is happy to sacrifice a little to see the child get so much fun. During the long days, the boy will play inside the tree house. The tree was satisfied. As the boy grew older, he stopped playing in the tree. The tree became sad, its twig ducked and its deadness lost its luster.

Over the years, the teenager is back. The tree was delighted to see it again. The young man felt he heard the tree say, "Let's climb me again. Your old tree house is still here. I miss you."

"Now I'm too old to play tree house," thought the teenager. "I want to go to college but I'm too poor."

"No problem," the tree seemed to say, "Come back in a week. I'm going to bring out fruit. I'll make extra. Please harvest all my fruit and sell to pay for your tuition. "

So the boy came back seven days later. The tree was filled with ripe fruit. The boy took everything until the last fruit, sold it, and enough for a one-year tuition. The tree was very happy.The boy returns for the next three years, picks up every fruit and sells it to meet the cost. The tree was happy. The tree even seems to try harder every year to produce more fruit for his best friend, even though this makes the tree tired and sicker.

When the boy graduated, he stopped coming. The tree was sad again. A few years later, the boy, now a young man, returned. He had a very clear impression that the old tree was crying for joy to see it again. "Wait a few more days. Even though I'm a little weak now, I can still make a lot of fruit for you to sell for your college tuition. "

"I'm not in college," the young man said, "I've got a job. I'm in love and want to get married, but we need a house to live in. "

"No masalsah," the tree seemed to say, "come back tomorrow with a saw. Take my thick branches. It can make floorboards and strong poles. There's even enough wood to make the walls. Use small branches and large leaves for the roof. There are many."

Thus, the next day, the young man took all the branches and leaves to make his house, leaving only the trunk. Though it severely injures the tree, the tree is happy to make great sacrifices for someone he loves.For years, the boy never came back. The tree relies on happy memories to sustain life.

When the boy came again, now a middle-aged man, the tree almost jumped out of the ground with joy. "Welcome! It's so happy to see you again! "Even this time the birds could hear the tree. "What can I do for you? Please let me help. "

"I have a child now," the man replied, "and I want to start my own furniture business to earn enough money to give them a good life."

"Very good," said the old tree, "although you might think I'm just an old stump, there's a lot of beautiful wood in my batteries to make a lot of expensive furniture. Take it. I'll be happy if you take it all. "

So the man came the next day, cut down the tree trunk and got enough first-grade timber to start his furniture business.

Shortly after, the tree died. Years later, the boy, now a parent, visited the place where the healthy tree once stood, where he built a tree house during his childhood, which was always so generous to him. All that remained was the decaying roots. The old man laid his head on the roots for a moment. The roots are much more comfortable than feather pillows. She remembered with tears how the tree had helped her, without asking, whenever she needed help. How the tree sacrifices everything for her, and is happy to do it all the time. He fell asleep.

When he wakes up from the dream, he realizes that the tree is his parents.

Image source by : google image

thank you for reading, hopefully useful 😊
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beautiful story with a beautiful photo.. awesome

thanks, I'm very happy if you like it 😊