hello guys
I want to write or tell something cool, Saya or you will want to free from google problems that eror or internet positive, malicious nah I will point out various problems that arise in google follow me.
Why google problematic? Because they inngi sell like games or apps in playstor many games-games like games god of war cool always can not be downloaded just out eror continue maybe they do not want to give free, They keep making tapes for them to sell every place .
such as the playstor that we want to always be on sale.
well I will provide solutions that we can avoid the problem of information technology now we will begin to solve the problem of this technology
first we open the playstor whose apps are sold
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and the last category in the site www.jalantikus.com is the closing category that is the category of tech news, in terms of the exposure of the language of young people is technology news, in the category of tech news is the most ketegor in crowded public, because many references to news about technology such as the latest software, apps, games and, so you are not impressed no uptedatedimata your friends, so impressed more updata in following the times in the globalization today.
okey so much that can infokyai.com explain about the site www.jalantikus.com which is one site recommend.sekian references infokyai.com about www.jalantikus.com site 'hopefully useful.
## @mundar