in information •  7 years ago 

_The circulatory system in unicellular animals exsiste an internal fluid called lymph very similar sometimes to the external environment in which the organism lives that maintains the hydrological and osmotic balance of the cell and serves as a medium in which nutrients and gases dissolve Respiratory, in the sponges the lymph is and moves from one place to another thanks to the co-ordinate wall counts, there are no specific conduction and transport pathways between the pseudocelomates, for example nematodes, some cavities called pseudoceles appear in which the lymph that due to the coorporal movements undergoes a kind of circulation, the lymph in this case is comparable to blood and is called hemolymph to differentiate it from the rest of the blood of the body, among the celomados the emolinfa runs through special channels and receives the name of blood and together with these channels forms a circulatory system, this can be opened as in the arthropods in the that the vessels open at their ends in the general cavity or closed as in the vertebrates, where they follow a continuous circuit circulating blood always inside ...

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