Getting information can be quite tasking and costly. One will expect it to be considering how invaluable credible information is to success in all life's endeavour. If you run your business or intends to do so in future, or you work as the leader of a team and you have any intention of doing well and keeping your staff happy as much as possible, you want to be a good politician, good spouse, then you must learn information gathering through eavesdropping. It's a concept I'm brooding on.
To eavesdrop is to get information not primarily intended for you; it is listening without permission. It is knowing when to stop talking; you have got to learn how to read the facial expression, all round gesture of your superior, subordinate, spouse, friends etc. To eavesdrop is to hear with your eyes and see with your ears. If I stop talking because I saw stress all over a team member, I just used my eyes in hearing him say "stop talking!". He didn't say a thing but I heard something from the way he looked at me. That is eavesdropping.
Our modern world is plagued by highly insensitive people. We give what people don't need; your mum, wife or husband wants to see you so she/her calls you more often but you interpret it to mean they need more money, so you send them more cash when in essence they need the warmth your presence provides. You want them to scream "Lincoln come and see me?" My friend eavesdrop!
You are in relationship with a guy or girl who used to value your presence and relishes being with you at all time but she had changed and gives excuses why she doesn't want to see you. You have tried to sort things out but it isn't working. You are there waiting for a conference to be organised and she comes up to the podium and call the relationship off? My friend eavesdrop! Walk away!
Your grades in school nosedived tremendously and you are waiting to be sent out of school before making concerted effort to fix the challenge? Eavesdrop boy!
You lead as a political leader, pastor etc. and your people are groaning while working with you. Even if they don't come up to complain to you, look at their faces, watch the excitement they exude when working and know how to make them happy; hear with your eyes! Sir, Eavesdrop!
People may not be bold enough to tell you how disappointed they are with your style but they unintentionally leave clues if they are not happy. Eavesdrop!
I'm Orish and I just believe you become a better person when you develop your eavesdropping abilities. "You no fit drop if you sabi eavesdropping well".