Decentralizing Truth = Immutable Proof: Belankazar's Child Destroying Agency in Venezuela

in informationwar •  5 years ago 

Second Entry: Keeping Sentry

This month of September commenced with an unexpected turn of events when I published an article onto the Steem block chain back on the 24th April started receiving a lot of attention in Venezuela.

The original date of print is the day before Alice Day, the predatory underage "girl love" holiday of online folklore. It was a day that I thought was embodied by the many examples of exploitation that Belankazar so proudly displayed, so deviously trafficked for profit.

Alice day is a pedophilic celebration by child rapists and/or the fetishistic mental illness sufferers, sufferers and predators which seem to be increasing in number every day. Belankazar wants to turn every day into Alice day.

So on this baneful day and following week of "girl love" unholydays, I and some of my other colleagues did what we could to public remonstrate it and all those who supported this vileness.

We published different articles to spoil the intended Cause célèbre of the pedophile's false celebration. I chose a topic that was encountered when investigating #GroomTube #PedoTube #YoutubeWakeup and the miserly state of online child safety on Youtube. It was on the Venezuelan Child Modelling agency that were a presence across many social media platforms called Academia Belankazar.

I remember my first impressions when I came across this putrid Youtube channel: one of desolating disbelief that yet again, the most populous of platforms online was the perfect place to operate successfully and cater to criminals more than the curious or the ambitious. Here was a Child Modelling Agency with hundreds of videos uploaded to their public Youtube channel where mere children, some likely so young as 5 or 6 are cavorted for a captive audience up and down, up and down a catwalk.

The unabashed presentation of children as saucy, salacious sluts... Receiving so much attention on Susan Wojcicki's increasingly sued wellspring of all degeneracy. It was another instance of me losing more faith in humanity, gaining more contempt for Social Media's stranglehold on the world's children whilst catering for an ever increasing population of once were men being goaded into pedophilic, fetishistic, downward spiralling, rapidly losing all chances at redemption sexual predilections.

Try before you buy? Being a deviant and connoisseur of child sexual exploitation was never so easy!

When I published the article originally, there was enough leftover research compiled to understand that this child modelling agency was a front. Belankazar showed a well-polished exterior to the naive eye that had not encountered the dreadful predation of child modelling agencies before. Child Modelling as scouting for children content creators is sadly nothing new.

The purpose of these "agencies" who present a smiling face that silently spoke to the hopes and dreams of all children: these eager children usually scouted (aka hunted) on social media platforms.

Children who want to be so beautiful, live a dream of endless attention and glamour,who could have parents with dubious intents, who need money, who are so readily pillaged of naivety and immaturity.

Children (mainly female "mini-models") that become immortalised in a digital format of photo or video. Children who mean nothing when commodified online except as a catering to the appetite of the consumers that could be pedophiles, or could be a creation of being exposed to this type of cute digital modelling of little girls. Such exploitative video content represents the slippery slope that is accessible with a harrowing ease.

My article published on the 24th April 2019 via had an impact which required a period of gestation to reach fruition. I realised this in September as I scrolled through dozens upon dozens of tweets retweeting my article with comments in Spanish by mainly women who had a glamour and appearance as if they were once Venezuelan Child Models.

They were thanking me, profusely. They wanted me to contact the director of the head agency in Venezuela which investigates severe crimes. Others pointed out that the more popular e-celebrities has pillaged the theme of my article for their own virality and further promotion.

I did not care about this so much, and in some cases I actually supported other content creators fighting this similar scourge by using any info I uncovered and published first in the world as much as possible. In reality, it wasn't that much, this information i published wasn't much. But it was enough to let that seed sprout and grow into something for the future's betterment.

And now?

The immutability of the blockchain served as a testament for the importance of having to let things run their course. The presence of Belankazar on Youtube meant a lot of urgent attention was needed.

My operational ethos of #ExposingExploitation was to proceed with an investigation, one whose end goal was of education. This ethos behind exposing even a portion of troublesome subject matter as Belankazar works in ways I can't always push, promote, repost, shill or spam.

Despite perceived and proven risks (Youtube is the most popular platform worldwide for the demographic that are the 'mini-models' (young girls aged 6-14), I had to move on and hunker down into the endless blizzards I face.

What is immutability proof of evidence? What is best practice for when

This is a free-form exploration to imprint an immutable place and time in my mind. I have so much to do. There is so much more we can do and learning how to circumvent the systems of control, psychological enslavement to systems of legacy media will become paramount.

Have you explored your own investigative processes to ensure integrity of a chain of evidence? Can the chain stay intact, without tampering, editing, shadow-banning, spamming or narrative-driven arbitrary censoring? Can you audit anything you publish as a decentralized truth, this labour of love and altruism that rewards you with the new exclusive? Is your intrepid adventuring spirit emboldened with your faith that this is indeed new, exclusive, true or expressed without impunity?

What measures are taken today to plant enough seeds as a fail-safe for a future that needs more shelter from more strong trees than ever?

What about Memory Holes? A beastly problem yet to be grapped with and subdued.
Sometimes the truth is so demonic that it doesn't even hit the mainstream at all. Why?

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