Sorry for the delay in responding... Have been sick and not up to much of anything.
We have hunger because We account for Our Human energy added into a community/system, using tokens ranging from trade, barter, work exchange, shells, beads, sticks notched and split, coins (metals), bills, to electronic bits. Such accounting will promote psychopaths to the top. They will do literally anything to get the power over Others such exchanging to survive creates. (We create enough food - even without new technologies like vertical farming - to feed all of Us well, but distributing by profit and not need or desire creates enough food waste, as the food spoils before sale and is discarded, to leave Many hungry.)
In trading and bartering, They might work Their way into controlling a vital element - water, or seed, or land, or whatever. Once the accounting units go to tokens, it's all the easier for Them to gain control. They will defraud, steal, and murder to gain the tokens to be able to buy things and People.
In this arrangement, with psychopaths in control, the things like poverty will be seen. They will allow only the Ones who serve Them best to "succeed." Any Others that might seem to be getting somewhere will be bribed, set up for blackmail, threatened, ruined, or killed as best suits the desires of the psychopaths. They have the money to make it happen.
They tax Us, use Us for Their corporations' profits, wages for the energy added are low so that They can maximize profit/power, services are bare minimum so that the corporations called "governments" that They own can maximize profit/power - and often denied for years.
Why are they so powerful? Because Their (psychopathic) ancestors were in the right place at the right time in history to seize monetary control, and They inbred to retain the psychopathic gene, passing the wealth/power down to psychopathic heirs.
We can influence Them by taking Their tool to power away. Presently, They hide and suppress free energy technologies - which I know We have, in black projects - and They hide and suppress it because They know that adding free energy will make accounting for Our energy (money) pointless. And money is Their only tool to widespread power over Others.
So getting free energy out in the open will influence Them. We can experiment with free energy and share successes freely - no "patents," which alert Them to move in and bribe, set up blackmail scenarios, threaten, ruin, or kill.
I'm sorry, but I don't buy into the "evil as necessity" idea. "Evil" is merely unEthical behavior choices, and without money giving Those who would make unEthical choices the power to accomplish Their unEthical goals, We Humans will move away from consumerism, and a more spiritual approach will emerge. When there is no longer motive to murder, steal, or defraud for profit, We will be freed from the poverty, oppression, wage/debt slavery, gross waste (planned obsolescence), intrusion (spying), profiteering, and other unEthical and demeaning things.
As for "the whole Point of our game," I see it as fulfilling Our potential, following Our bliss, making Our dreams come true - something We are kept from in Our wage slavery, poverty, oppression, and all. I also don't see it as a "game." I see it as Us born into a world without Our consent, with little likelihood We will grasp that We are slaves, as We are indoctrinated from birth, propagandized and lied to, and Our medicines, land, food, water, air, and electromagnetic environment are deliberately degraded.
"Evolution" (which I put little stock in relative to Humans) will do its own thing, irrespective of how any Individual gets to spend His/Her life.
Lastly, two questions (one repeated as I received no answer): who decides what is "UNnecessary?" And... What is the definition of "Good time?"