3 Syrian Oil Exploration Contracts Went to Russian Companies

in informationwar •  5 years ago 

The Damascus International Fair this year is a major hub to attract businesses and for those interested to solidify their presence in the country for post crisis rebuilding.

Syria has repeatedly stated its interest in dealing with countries that were not involved in supporting terror and to sideline those who took an enmity stance, this is recently evident in the latest contracts in the past year and especially those participating in the latest Damascus Fair.

3 oil exploration contracts were signed yesterday on the sidelines of the fair with 2 Russian companies. Details in this report: Three Oil Exploration Contracts Signed with Russian Companies During Damascus International Fair.

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Another Good News.

Posted using Partiko Android

Happy some good news is finally coming your way, @arabisouri. You and the Syrian people deserve the right to enjoy a healthy and peaceful existence. Perhaps we can begin sharing out some videos in the West showing the world how normal Syrians live - when they're not being bombed and terrorized by "the only civilized nation in the middle east." Syria is a non-interventionalist nation, with a majority pro-government (Nationalist) population, ancient culture, architecture and art.

Will be in touch with you again soon. Have some interesting news for you. Be safe.

sorry, but wahabism, or voluntarily whahambism is a life style. or life way... like the kurds, or what ever crap they need at least a small place to live it...

it just the voluntary.... non slavery, non invasive...

so who in the canada gov is fucking children with the anglo south? I am sure it's genetic...

or maybe the canadians only prefer to rape native girls... who knows, what fills is really going on in the corrupt western world...

at the end bashar seems less corrupt than most westerners... maybe, or maybe not...

who cares after all... CPP 1st and ONLY.

ccp = no beslan, at what ever it costs.

Do you think that takbirist, wahabits and co should have their space to have their way of life?

I do. I believe like the kurds.

however, I believe the takbirist and wahabit must accept that taking slave from outside (even the area they control) result in their loss of right to space and consequentially their extermination.

because after all, with out the slavery, it's just a way of life, nothing more different than lgbtq and way less toxic than the pedochildrapist western ruling class life style...

what's you take on this?

anyway, with population growth explosion, even if europe is taken over by the muslim breeding war program, war will come back to the entire islamic land... when too many babies, and not enough food + polygamy mix, some wins, some lose, but at the end all die...

I am curious if you can get this way of thinking, or it's too beyond...

syria population explosion + corruption (less bad than in the west, I don't think that the syrian baathist elite had child raping resorts like the anglos) ultimately lead to social unrest....

why do you think PLA/MSS /CCP are in a war against corruption? answer : feudalism sucks.

I have just the perfect plot land for the moderate head choppers. it's the very home of the founding and sponsorship of their theology. It's called Saudi Arabia ain't it ?

that's a strong point you make ! the problem is that the head choppers are against the concept of "monarchy", they have the ummah, and the ummah select the leader of the ummah... then there is the shia / sunni divide, who can be kalif...

but that would be ideal to pacification, but they would have to renounce worlwide expansion, to live in piece in their "reserve" in their ways...

however I still think are way too much implicated and involved in the world wide jihad to impose sharia to the whole universe !

the good thing is that theologically, by paying only 10% you can pretty much do what ever you want in your home, at least theoretically :D, because in practice it ends up with pakis raping and enlsaving in mass british girls with the full support of the british crown (as long as they get a precentage of first rape rights)...

disgusting filths.

my self I am hyper imperialists... in the sense, like in China, you join the Hans, you are one among us, and we will all fucking fall on your enemies.

to provide security, what ever. for me the empire isn't about one leader, it's about many tribes, and always drafting the best to fill the ranks of the outerfacing layers, that what all tribes would do...

or resaid, smart collective defense, at large scale. and so one enemy tribe facing the empire becomes nothing.

the true legions.